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词汇 go out
释义 go out 主要翻译 go out vi phrasal (exit, go outdoors)出去Don't go out without a coat on; it's cold out there.不要出门不穿外套,外面很冷。usage: ‘go out’When you leave a building or room, you usually say that you go out of it or go outHe threw down his napkin and went out of the room.I went out into the garden. go out vi phrasal (do [sth] fun outside the home)外出娱乐;出去玩Let's go out tonight! We could see a movie.今晚我们出去玩吧!我们可以去看场电影。 go out vi phrasal informal (date one another)约会Are Lola and Archie just friends, or are they going out?洛拉和阿奇只是朋友吗,还是说他们出去约会? go out with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (date)与...约会,与...谈恋爱She is going out with my cousin.她正在与我的表弟约会。 go out vi phrasal (light, fire: be extinguished)熄灭Could you put another log on the fire, please, before it goes out.在火熄灭前,能在火上再加一根木材吗? 动词短语 go out together vi phrasal + adv (date each other)约会Alan and Julie are going out together. go out together vi phrasal + adv (go somewhere together)一起出去;一起外出We all went out together for a meal at a local restaurant. 复合形式: go all out v expr informal (make a full effort)竭尽全力地;豁出去地If you want to win the contest, you'll have to go all out. go all out to do [sth] v expr informal (make a full effort)竭尽全力,全力以赴;绞尽脑汁,殚精竭虑George went all out to impress his girlfriend. go in one ear and out the other v expr figurative, informal (instructions, advice: be ignored)一个耳朵进,另一个耳朵出;当耳旁风 go out for lunch v expr (eat lunch at a restaurant)出去吃午饭To celebrate your birthday let's all go out for lunch. go out in a blaze of glory v expr figurative (come to a heroic end)轰轰烈烈地走到尽头 go out of business v expr (company: fail) (企业)倒闭,停业,歇业The company went out of business during the recession. go out of fashion v expr (be dated) (事物)不再时髦,不再流行; (人)落伍,过时Three-piece suits had gone out of fashion by the early 1990s. go out of style v expr (be dated) (衣物,款式等)过时Hawaiian shirts went out of style after the '60s. go out of your mind v expr figurative, informal (become insane)发疯I will go out of my mind if that loud music continues! go out of your mind with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (become extremely anxious, worried) (指过度焦虑等)因...而发疯;因...而发狂When Becky didn't come home that night, her mother went out of her mind with worry. go out of your way v expr figurative (make effort)作出额外努力;特地Don't go out of your way to bring me the book: I don't need it today.She went out of her way to help me. go out of your way v expr (take detour)绕路It is the best bakery in town, and it is worth going out of your way to get your bread there. go out on a limb v expr figurative (say [sth] daring) (习语)(观点、做法等)孤立无缘,无人支持He went out on a limb when he asked his boss for a raise. go out the window (US), go out of the window (UK) v expr figurative (be discarded or wasted)被抛弃Our vacation plans went out the window when Dad lost his job.




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