

词汇 good intentions
释义 good intentions
good intentions发音




good questions───好问题;不易回答的问题

sole intention───唯一意图

solid injections───无气喷射



good digestion───消化良好

good nutrition───营养良好

good question───好问题;不易回答的问题

goods stations───货站


Her good intentions were thwarted almost immediately.───她的好意几乎立即被拒绝。

Her good intentions were thwarted almost immediately.───她的好心几乎马上被人拒绝了。

He did it with good intentions.───他做这件事的动机是好的。

Good acts are better than good intentions.───好的行动胜于好的意图.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.───徒有良好的愿望而不去努力实现,后悔莫及.

As an earnest of my good intentions I will work overtime this week.───我愿本周加班工作以示诚意.

Even then they still believed in his good intentions.───就在这时候他们仍然相信他的动机是好的.

His good intentions were repaid by good results.───他的善意得到了善报.

He was misunderstood notwithstanding his good intentions.───虽然他的意图是好的,但是仍然被误解了.

Her good intentions were repaid by evil results.───她的好心却受到了恶报.

Now I begin to see light on their good intentions.───现在我对他们的良好动机开始有所领会了.

Sometimes we may proceed from good intentions but reach incorrect decisions.───有时我们是一番好意,就是做出的决定不正确.

He is motivated by good intentions.───他的动机是善良的.

We persuaded his of our good intentions.───我们使他相信我们的好意.

I was full of good intentions, but they weren't appreciated.───我倒是好心好意, 可是人家不领情.

His good intentions were repaid by evil results.───他的好心却得到了恶报.

She's full of good intentions but they rarely work out.───她虽然处处出于善意,却往往事与愿违。


The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Hell is paved with good intentions

He is motivated by good intentions.

As an earnest of my good intentions I will reconsider your request.

He's full of good intentions, but he never does anything about them!

He's late again. So much for good intentions.

Unfortunately, his good intentions never seemed to last long.

He was misunderstood notwithstanding his good intentions.

Her good intentions were thwarted almost immediately.

  • good you know
  • good wheat
  • good prices
  • good exercise
  • good end
  • good thanks
  • good honey
  • good goods
  • good foot
  • goods and services
  • good living
  • good example of sharing
  • good looking cars
  • good guess
  • good side
  • good question
  • good moon
  • goodbye li ping
  • good lord
  • good ningt
  • good humor




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