n.真诚,善意; 信义; 精诚; 诚意
good faiths───诚实;善意;真挚
in good faith───真诚地;善意地;诚心诚意地
good health───身体健康
bad faith───不守信用;不诚实;蒙骗
food fish───食用鱼
good hair───好头发
good hairs───好头发
on faith───不加怀疑地;单凭信仰
good quality───良好品质,高品质;好质量
The acquisition in good faith of lien has its composing element.───留置权的善意取得有其独立的构成要件.
Vfcol standard of conduct: Innovation good faith responsibility!───帆路行为准则: 创新诚信责任!
Credibility is the root of life, with people of good faith in order to have everything!───诚信是做人之根本, 拥有诚信的人才能拥有一切!
They handed over the weapons as a gesture of good faith.───他们交出武器以示诚意。
Don't blindly trust in the good faith of any government official.───不要盲目信任任何政府官员的诚意。
The Division operating in good faith, for the purpose of customer first.───本司以诚信经营, 客户至上为宗旨.
He acted in good faith.───他很真诚.
a gesture of good faith───善意的表示
Each was supposed to represent a solemn agreement between two rational parties acting in good faith.───每一个都要在合理的有信仰的两方呈现出一种正确的法律协议.
Shelf company in good faith the principle that you create brilliant.───公司本着诚信保质的原则,希望与您共创辉煌.
We printed the report in good faith but have now learnt that it was incorrect.───我们好意印发了这份报告,但现在才知道它并不正确。
This report was published in good faith but we regret any confusion which may have been caused.───我们发表这篇报道的初衷是好的,但对可能已造成的混乱深感歉意。
Is willing to LCD, semiconductors, microelectronics, optics, precision electronics industries provide services in good faith.───愿为液晶显示 、 半导体 、 微电子 、 光学 、 精密电子等行业客户提供真诚服务.
He acted in good faith.───他这样做是出于真心诚意的。
Good faith and aspire after benefit are our style.───致信致诚、求益求效是我们的作风.
Good faith is one of the basic principles of Civil Law.───诚实信用原则是我国民法的一项基本原则.
He felt that his previous life justified this implicit reliance on his good faith.───他感觉他过去的行为完全有理由受到别人这种无条件的信任.
Disclosure and notice are duties imposed on applicant and insured to the utmost good faith principle.───告知义务和通知义务是根据最大诚信原则对投保人和被保险人课以的义务.
Now the social good faith question as if has become a very popular topic.───当今社会诚信问题似乎成为了一个很流行的话题.
We in good faith, rapid and high quality service exchange for your trust and cooperation again!───我们以真诚, 快速,优质的服务换取你的信任和再次合作!
The banks entered into these transactions in good faith.───银行根据诚实信用原则订立了这些交易.
Wuzhou electrical business philosophy is: " to the quality win market, the benefits in good faith. "───五洲电器的经营理念是: “ 以质量赢得市场, 以诚信取得效益 ”.
To research the abstract nature and the system of acquisition in good faith.───第二,探讨物权行为无因性与善意取得制度.
I lent him $ 300 in good faith.───我出于好意地借给他了300美元.
Operating purposes: To the quality of survival, To technology development, In good faith development.───经营宗旨: 以质量求生存 、 以科技求发展 、 以诚信求发展.
I don't doubt your good faith.───你是好意,我并不怀疑.
I bought this goddam place in good faith.───当初我真心实意地买下这个倒霉的地方.
I doubt whether he is in good faith.───我怀疑他是否有诚意.
We are in good faith first, quality first principle of service, warmly welcome your presence!───我们本着诚信第一 、 质量第一的服务宗旨, 热忱欢迎您的光临!
The tribunal should act in good faith.───法庭必须公正执法.
" Verily, and in good faith, " answered Roger Chillingworth, " I knew nothing of the matter.───“ 说真的, 我讲的是实话, ” 罗杰-齐灵渥斯回答, “ 我对此一无所知. ’
- good you know
- good wheat
- good prices
- good exercise
- good end
- good thanks
- good honey
- good goods
- good foot
- goods and services
- good living
- good example of sharing
- good looking cars
- good guess
- good side
- good question
- good moon
- goodbye li ping
- good lord
- good ningt
- good humor