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词汇 g
释义 gUK:*'G', 'g': /ˈdʒiː/US:'G', 'g': /dʒi/ ,'G', 'g': (jē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 g, G n (7th letter of alphabet)小写字母gThe charm on the necklace was shaped like a capital G.项链坠子是一个大写字母G的形状。 g n written, invariable, abbreviation (unit of weight: gram, grams) (gram的缩写形式,计量单位)克Add 100g of flour to the mixture.向混合物加入100克面粉。 G n (musical note: so, sol) (音乐)F调,F音At this part, you're supposed to play a G.你应该用G调来演奏这部分。 复合形式:g | G e.g. adv Latin, abbreviation (for example)举例来说;例如;譬如Eat more fruits that are high in fibre, e.g., prunes and figs.多吃富含纤维的水果,譬如梅子和无花果。 g'day, gidday interj Aus/NZ, informal (greeting: good day)你好;大家好,你们好




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