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词汇 fun
释义 funUK:*/ˈfʌn/US:/fʌn/ ,(fun)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 fun n (enjoyment)欢乐;开心;乐趣Simon is very studious and doesn't see the fun in going to nightclubs.西蒙非常勤奋刻苦,并没有觉得去夜店很开心。 fun n (source of amusement)乐事,趣事,有趣之物;有趣的人Some people take fun in watching horror films.一些人从看恐怖片中获得乐趣。 fun adj (enjoyable)有趣的;愉快的;令人愉快的We played a fun game.我们玩了一个很有趣的游戏。usage: ‘fun’If something is fun, it is pleasant, enjoyable, and not serious.It's fun working for him.If you have fun, you enjoy yourself. We had great fun at the party.She wanted a bit more fun out of life.Be carefulFun is an uncountable noun. Don't say that someone ‘has funs’ or ‘has a great fun’.If you want to say that something is very enjoyable, you can say that it is great fun or a lot of fun.The game was great fun. In conversation and informal writing, you can use fun as an adjective. Don't use fun in this way in formal writing. It was a fun evening. She's a really fun person to be around. 其他翻译 fun adj (person) (人)有趣的,有意思的John is a fun person to be with.和约翰在一起很有意思。 fun n (playfulness)玩乐;好玩He came to school in a dress, just for fun.为了好玩,他穿着裙子去上学。 fun n (amusement)乐趣;娱乐As the proverb says, first do your work, then enjoy your fun.俗话说得好,工作在前,娱乐在后。 fun vi US, regional, informal (joke, fool around)开玩笑;戏弄Don't get uptight; I'm just funning.不要紧张,我只是开个玩笑。 复合形式: a lot of fun n informal ([sth] very entertaining)很开心Thank you for inviting me to your party. I had a lot of fun. figure of fun, object of fun, object of ridicule n (source of mockery)可笑的人;滑稽的人 for fun adv (purely for enjoyment)为了好玩;开玩笑地Let's take this road just for fun and see where it leads us. for the fun of it expr (purely for enjoyment)为了取乐;为了开心;好玩They love taking a drive in the country just for the fun of it. fun and games (frivolous activity) (比喻不严肃的活动)过家家 fun fact n often pl (amusing piece of trivia)趣事;趣闻 fun house n (amusement park attraction)游乐园;游乐场 fun lover n informal ([sb] who likes to party)派对狂人 fun run n (foot race, often for charity)募捐长跑 fun to be with adj informal (enjoyable company)有趣的He's fun to be with and a really good friend, but I don't want to marry him. fun-filled adj (enjoyable, full of merriment)欢乐的, 充满乐趣的 fun-loving adj (enjoying amusement)喜欢玩乐的;喜好玩乐的Elena's fun-loving younger sister can be quite a handful sometimes. funfair, fun fair n UK (fairground, amusement park)游乐园;游乐场At the funfair, the children bought fairy floss and rode the Ferris wheel. good fun n ([sth] enjoyable)有趣的事;好玩的事;有趣的玩笑It was always good fun going sailing with my cousin's family. great fun adj informal (enjoyable)极为有趣的;极大的乐趣Our day out at the theme park was great fun. have fun vi (enjoy oneself)玩得高兴;玩得开心;过得愉快Let's go out and have fun this Saturday.这周六让我们一起出门开心地玩吧。 have fun at the expense of [sb], have fun at [sb]'s expense v expr (joke about [sb])拿某人开玩笑;笑话某人The media is currently having a lot of fun at the disgraced politician's expense. in fun adv (as a joke)开玩笑地 look fun vi + adj informal (appear enjoyable)看起来很有趣;看起来很有意思That looks fun. May I join in? make fun v expr informal (mock, ridicule)讥笑,取笑;嘲弄,嘲讽Don't laugh at Millie's haircut; it's cruel to make fun. make fun of [sb/sth] v expr informal (mock, ridicule)取笑;开…的玩笑The comedian tried to make fun of the man wearing glasses. poke fun v expr informal (mock)嘲笑,戏弄 poke fun at [sb] v expr informal (mock [sb])拿…打趣,嘲笑,戏弄 Sounds like fun interj informal (accepting a suggestion or invitation)听起来很有趣




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