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词汇 flattering
释义 flatteringUK:*/ˈflætərɪŋ/US:UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: flatter主要翻译 flattering adj (remark) (话语)谄媚的,奉承的;称赞的,夸赞的;好的Kate made some flattering comments about her guest's hair and clothes.凯特称赞了她客人的头发和衣着。 其他翻译 flattering adj (given to insincere praise) (人)谄媚的,爱说奉承话的The salesman's flattering tongue helped him make more sales than his colleagues. flattering adj (becoming, attractive)突出优点的;使显得比(本人)更美的Erin wore a flattering dress to the party. 复合形式: attic flat n (apartment in a loft)阁楼公寓The trouble with living in an attic flat is that it's cold in winter and boiling hot in the summer. basement flat n (apartment below ground level)地下室公寓 fall flat v expr figurative (fail)失败 feel flat vi + adj (be unenthused)缺乏热情 flat as a pancake adj informal (without any curves or bumps)扁平的;平坦入镜的 flat back n (book spine) (书籍装帧)平脊 flat back n (book with flat spine)平脊书 flat back n (harp: part of frame) (竖琴)平板琴身 flat battery n (power cell that has run down)缺电蓄电池I couldn't call you last night because my mobile phone had a flat battery and I didn't have my charger on me. flat broke adj informal (having no money) (俚语)一文不名的,破产的,身无分文的After fixing the house up to our taste we were flat broke. flat cap, flatcap n (man's cloth cap)平顶鸭舌帽The old man was wearing a flat cap. flat character (easily recognized character)扁平人物;平面角色 flat fee n (set cost)固定费用;统一收费She paid a flat fee of $50 a month for her phone bill. flat file n (computing: type of database) (计算机)平面文件 flat fish n (plaice, flounder, turbot, etc.) (鲽鱼、偏口鱼、大菱鲆等)比目鱼Flat fish like the flounder have both eyes on the same side of their head. flat on your back expr (lying supine)躺下;躺着After that 10 mile hike, he was so tired he was flat on his back for an hour. flat on your back expr figurative (helpless, defeated) (比喻无助或不再挣扎)躺平;失败 flat out adv informal (intensively)尽最大的努力, 竭尽全力, 全力以赴备注: A hyphen is used when the adverb precedes the noun or verbWe're working flat out to secure the best possible results.我们竭尽全力保证最好的结果。 flat out adv informal (at top speed)全速,以最快速度The steering feels light, even when travelling flat out.转向很轻盈,即使是在全速行驶的情况下。 flat out adv informal (outright)完全;彻底;绝对She flat out refused to speak to me.她完全拒绝和我对话。 flat out adv informal (downright)直率的;直截了当的;断然的Stealing the old lady's handbag was flat out wrong.偷那位老太太的手提包绝对是错误的。 flat rack n (open transportation container)框架柜;框架集装箱 flat rate n (single, fixed fee)统一费用;单一收费率 flat roof n (top of building: flat, horizontal)平顶 flat screen n (LCD or plasma monitor)平面屏幕(液晶或等离子显示器)My new flat screen allows me more room for my keyboard.I've recently bought a new flat screen for the living room. flat sheet n (bed linen)床单It takes a little longer to make a bed with a flat sheet rather than a fitted sheet. flat tax n (set rate of tax)单一税;扁平税 flat tire (US), flat tyre (UK) n (deflated wheel cover on a vehicle) (美式拼法)没气的轮胎,瘪了的轮胎If you drive just a short way with a flat tire, you may have to replace the metal wheel as well. flat weave, flat-weave adj (fabric: woven on a loom) (地毯)平织的,没有结的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective comes before the noun it modifies. flat-bottomed adj (boat: having a flat base) (小船)平底的Some flat-bottomed boats have glass in the bottom so you can view the sea life. flat-chested adj (woman: having small breasts) (妇女)胸部平坦的, 平胸的She's so flat-chested that she's often mistaken for a boy. flat-earther n (person who believes Earth is flat)地平说者;地平论支持者 flat-pack n UK (piece of self-assembly furniture)扁平包装的家具,平装家具,没有组装的家具That store only sells flat-packs, so you have to put everything together yourself. flat-pack n as adj UK (needing to be assembled)扁平包装的, 平装的, 尚未组装的I bought a flat-pack entertainment centre; do you want to come over and help me assemble it?我买了一套平装的娱乐中心,你要过来帮我组装吗? flat-screen TV n informal, abbreviation (flat-screen television)平板电视You can hang a flat-screen TV on the wall like a picture. flat-share n UK (shared apartment)合租公寓;分租公寓A flat-share is the cheapest option for students looking to rent privately. flat-topped adj (flat upper part)平顶的 flatcar, flat car (US), flat wagon (UK) n (railway: car with no sides)(铁路上运货用的)平板车 flatfoot, flat foot n (foot condition: low arches)扁平足 flatfoot, flat foot n (foot with low arches)扁平足 flatfoot, flat foot n dated, slang (sailor)水手 flatfooted, flat-footed adj (having a low foot arch)扁平足的Being flat-footed can keep you out of the army because you can't march long distances. flatfooted, flat-footed adj figurative, informal (unprepared)无准备的,措手不及的I was caught flat-footed when they asked me to make an impromptu speech. flatfooted, flat-footed adj figurative, informal (clumsy)笨拙的He is flat-footed at parties, but in private conversation his wit shows through. flatfooted, flat-footed adj figurative, informal (unimaginative)单调乏味的;缺乏想象力的Their flat-footed strategy cost them the game. flatfooted, flat-footed adj US, figurative, informal (blunt, direct)直截了当的He's a flat-footed, plain speaking guy. flatiron, flat iron n historical (pressing iron heated on the stove) (历史用语)熨斗 flatiron, flat-iron n as adj (building: triangular)熨斗状建筑物 flatwork, flat wash n (ironing: sheets, tablecloths, etc.) (床单、桌布)烫平;烫平整 fold flat vi + adj (be collapsible)可折叠的;可对折的My ironing board folds flat for easy storage. fold [sth] flat vtr + adj (collapse [sth] into compact form)对折;折叠 go flat vi + adj (tyre) (轮胎)变瘪,瘪了The front tyre on my bicycle has gone flat. go flat vi + adj (fizzy drink) (可乐等饮料)不再起泡,泡沫逐渐平息This fizzy lemonade has gone flat. granny flat n UK, informal (annexe for an elderly relative)祖母房;姻亲房 have [sth] down flat vtr US, Informal ([sth]: know or understand completely) (非正式用语)完全了解, 彻底明白After weeks of practice, she had the lyrics to the three most common songs down flat. lay [sth] flat vtr + adj (spread [sth] across an even surface) (某物)把…放平,把…平摊You must lay the book out flat in order to photocopy it well. lay [sb] flat vtr + adj (place [sb] in lying position) (某人)把…放平The doctor told me to lay him flat on the ground so he could check his pulse. lay [sb] flat vtr + adj figurative, informal (knock [sb] over)把…击倒在地After the punch laid the boxer flat, the referee declared his opponent the winner. mudflat, mud flat n often plural (muddy wetland)泥滩;泥地 salt flat n (area of salty wetland)盐滩 small flat n UK (little apartment)小型单位;小公寓We would've liked a house but we could only afford a small flat. studio apartment, also UK: studio flat n (one-room dwelling)单室公寓;工作室型公寓She could only afford to rent a small studio apartment.




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