

词汇 glows in the dark
释义 glows in the dark
glows in the dark发音



leap in the dark───冒昧行事;轻举妄动

shot in the dark───瞎猜;乱碰

a leap in the dark───冒险的行动

go in the tank───去坦克里

a shot in the dark───瞎猜

a stab in the dark───暗箭伤人

blow in the wind───在风中吹


The strap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark.───皮带面上有一层荧光在黑暗中微微发光。

The ring is also made of gold, and a wide smile of Cheshire cat treated with a special mix and, as in the film, glows in the dark.───这枚戒指依然是金质的。柴郡猫的大大坏笑是由混钻镶嵌的特殊结构,可以像在电影里面那样熠熠发光。

I got a new necklace. Glows in the dark.───我有个新的项链,在黑的地方闪闪发亮。

The sheath takes its place alongside the company's other offerings, including a textured condom and one that glows in the dark. .───该避孕套与该公司的其它产品(包括包括带纹理的避孕套、在黑暗中发光的避孕套)一样拥有市场。

A purple hammer which glows in the dark is still useless if it can't effectively put nails into wood.───一个在黑暗中可以闪闪发光的紫色锤子,如果不能够有效的把钉子钉进木头的话,它仍然是毫无用处的。

No problem, sir, this golf ball glows in the dark! I'm telling you, you can never lose this golf ball!───球会在黑暗中发光啊!一句话,你永远不会找不到这个球。

Hey, Skeever, what glows in the dark till you squish 'em?───嘿,小骗子什么东西在你挤压的时候会在黑暗中发光?

True joy glows in the dark.───真正的喜乐在黑暗中发出光辉。


The strap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark.

This substance is so radioactive that it glows in the dark.

  • glows in the dark




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