great idea───高见,好主意,妙策
big idea───好主意
get ideas───获取想法
gift aid───礼品援助
gift aids───礼品辅助工具
good idea───好主意,好想法;妙计
nice idea───好主意
bright idea───好点子,聪明的主意
You see mothers day or any other day can be made more personal when you put some careful thought into your gift idea.───当你绞尽脑汁在礼物上时,其实你看母亲节或其他的日子是可以变得更私人点的。
Interesting gift idea!───有趣的礼物选择!
If this describes your man, a grilling basket is a great gift idea.───如果你形容这名男子,是一个伟大的礼物篮刻苦想法。
She tells the story of a business group from the U. S. state of Georgia that could not come up with a new gift idea.───她讲述了来自美国乔治亚州的一个企业集团的经历,他们无法想出一个新的礼物点子。
Looking exactly like the soft melting pocket watch from well-known surrealist painting it will be an excellent gift idea!───它看上去就像是超现实主义画作中那块融化的怀表,作为礼物肯定新颖别致!
If you want to give a truly personal gift, you cannot go wrong with a birthstone-- a gift idea that dates back to Biblical times.───如果你想让生日礼物充满个性,就不能选错诞生石--一个圣经时代就有的生日礼物。
This would make a great gift idea as well.───这可能成为一个好礼物的想法。
send ane-gift card via email for a great last minute gift idea.───发送电子礼品卡通过电子邮件的最后一分钟的一个伟大的礼物的想法。
Great little item from Mud Pie Baby - Great gift idea!
As there was a tendency for it to rain outside this gift idea was doubly welcome!
A super gift idea is a sports movie video.
Time to Learn Here is another gift idea with the children in mind.
This gorgeous toucan represents the latest innovations of colors and effects. A great gift idea for any occasion.
If you want to give a truly personal gift, you cannot go wrong with a birthstone-- a gift idea that dates back to Biblical times.
- gifts for teens
- gifted education
- gifts for women
- gift bag
- gifted synonym
- gifted movie