

词汇 giant panda
释义 giant panda
giant panda发音




giant pandas───大熊猫;大猫熊

giant planet───[天]巨行星

giant eland───大羚羊

giant planets───[天]巨行星

giant powder───巨大的粉末

giant ape───巨猿

giant toad───巨蟾蜍

giant toads───巨蟾蜍

giant granadilla───大果西番莲


The place is the haBitat for giant panda.───这个地区是大熊猫的生活基地.

We made a present of a giant panda to Japan.───我们把一只大熊猫送给日本作为礼物.

The little panda is not like the giant panda at all.───小熊猫跟大熊猫长得一点都不像.

Q 29 : How many pairs of chromosomes a giant panda have?───问题 29: 大熊猫有多少对染色体?

Tourists come in droves to see the giant panda.───成群结队的游客前来观赏大熊猫.

The giant panda is one kind of unique black white coat of lively animals.───大熊猫是一种有着独特黑白相间毛色的活泼动物.

Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves.───鼓励农民离开大熊猫保护区.

The local conservation group has done a lot to protect giant panda.───当地的自然保护组织在保护大熊猫时作了很多工作.

The giant panda is loved by people throughout the world.───大熊猫受到全世界人民的喜爱。

Time permitting, we will travel to the giant panda Panda base and intimate contact.───时间允许的情况下, 我们将前往熊猫基地与大熊猫亲密接触.

The giant panda is native to China.───大熊猫是中国特有的动物.

Dominated by a giant panda called Zuma game.───一款由大熊猫为主角的祖玛游戏.

The government set up nature reserves to protect the giant panda.───政府建立了自然保护区来保护大熊猫.

The Wanglang Preserve in western Sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda.───川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方.

method of systematic sampling has been adopted for Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Foping Nature Reserve.───已对佛坪自然保护区的大熊猫采用系统采样的方法。

A giant panda can weigh as much as 150 kg, when fully grown.───一只大熊猫长大了,重量可以达到150公斤.

The giant panda is one of the surviving ancient animals.───大熊猫是一种残存的古动物。

Q 52 : When was the giant panda biggest in size?───问题 52: 什么时期的大熊猫体型最大?

The giant panda is one of the world's rarest animals.───大熊猫是世界上最珍稀动物的一种.

I highly recommend the Giant Panda Breeding Base in the north of the city.───我极力推荐您参观位于北郊的大熊猫繁殖基地.

As usual, the Giant Panda House was bursting with children.───和平常一样, 熊猫馆里挤满了孩子.

Afterwards, people found the giant panda hurt by the left lead leg.───后来, 大家才发现大熊猫左前腿受了伤.

In the local dialect, giant panda is pronounced as " big hug ".───在当地方言中, 熊猫的发音接近“熊抱”,谐音 “ 拥抱 ”.

The giant panda is well named.───大熊猫的命名蛮贴切的.

It's a giant panda.───这是一只大熊猫。

Dominated by a giant panda called Zuma game. Add a rebound game board game mode.───一款由大熊猫为主角的祖玛游戏. 游戏中添加了反弹板等游戏模式.

Waterfall Gully Shihmen farms in the vicinity of the giant panda after Shihmen Village.───石门沟瀑布在大熊猫饲养场附近的石门沟村后.

The giant panda is an endangered species , ie is in danger of becoming extinct.───大熊猫是面临绝种危险的动物.

Giant Panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is an endangered species that is endemic to China.───大熊猫 ( Ailuropodamelanoleuca ) 是我国特有的国家级珍稀濒危保护动物.

A giant panda cub put on quite a show for her media debut.───一只熊猫宝宝在媒体镜头前展现了她的处女秀.


There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.

  • giant squid
  • giant star
  • giant toad
  • giant planet
  • giant tail
  • giant feet
  • giant teeth




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