

词汇 getting away
释义 getting away
getting away发音



eating away───腐蚀,损坏

melting away───v.消失;融掉

putting away───放好;抛弃;储存

rotting away───烂掉;腐烂

getting ahead───获得成功;取得进步;走在前面

shutting away───隔绝;把…藏起来;关起来

sweating away───通过出汗而减轻

carting away───推车离开

casting away───丢掉,浪费;使失事


It was like a mixture of getting away.───这就像逃跑的混合物。

There is no getting away from the fact that he is on the left of the party.───无法否认他是该党左派的事实。

He's getting away.───他正在离开。

There was more distraction in the thought of getting away out into this vast world of which he knew nothing yet.───离开家到这个他还一无所知的广大世界上去看看,想到这里心情倒为之一宽。

For some of us, our greatest ability seems to be the ability for getting away from the Shepherd.───看起来,对我们中的某些人而言,我们拥有的最大能力就是亟欲离开大牧者的能力。

The cabin has no electricity and is quite rustic. We were truly getting away from it all.───这个小屋没有电,是那样的原始,感觉我们离这一切真的很远。

Some people get a thrill from lying to others and getting away with it - a phenomenon called 'Duping Delight. '───一些人从撒谎中得到刺激感而且侥幸没有被识破——这是一种叫做“快感指数”的现象。

Dad! ' explored Maud indignantly. 'That's not what we're here for. You're supposed to be getting away from it all for a week.───“爸爸!”莫德有些不高兴的插进来。“这不是我们到这里来的目的。你被要求一个星期内要远离那些的。”

You think we might be getting away from the point?───你认为我们怎样走的更远?


Let him think that he's getting away with it.

And there's no getting away from it, he's a real looker.

There is no getting away from the fact that he is on the left of the party.

There is no getting away from the euro.

There's no getting away from the fact that the country's economy is suffering.

Getting away from Julius was the top priority.

There is no getting away from this fact .

Getting away at weekends is the only way I can retain my sanity.

I think we're getting away from the main issue.

  • getting involved in
  • getting the scoop
  • getting over
  • getting to
  • getting weaker
  • getting even
  • getting onto
  • getting fat
  • getting about
  • getting ready
  • getting sick
  • getting him
  • getting away with telling
  • getting in on the act
  • getting involved
  • getting all wet
  • getting back
  • getting ill
  • getting right
  • getting boring
  • getting together




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