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词汇 duty
释义 dutyUK:*/ˈdjuːti/US:/ˈduti, ˈdju-/ ,(do̅o̅′tē, dyo̅o̅′-)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 duty n (moral obligation) (道德上或者法律上)责任,义务It is your duty to vote.投票是你的义务。usage: ‘duties’Your duties are the things that you do as part of your job.She has been given a reasonable time to learn her duties.They also have to carry out many administrative duties.Be carefulDon't refer to the things that you do as part of your job as ‘obligations’. duty n often plural (job, function)职责One of my duties as manager is to lead team meetings.作为经理,举办团队会议是我的职责之一。 duty n (tax)税;关税The country had an import duty on all electronics.该国对所有电子产品征进口税。 其他翻译 duty n (military: assignment) (军队)勤务,任务Report to duty at 0600 hours.早上六点报道。 复合形式: above and beyond the call of duty, beyond the call of duty expr (more than required)超出职责范围;超越工作要求He was honored for performing above and beyond the call of duty. active duty (military)现役;战时服役 call of duty n (responsibilities)使命所在;职责所在Sirens wailed as the firefighters responded to the call of duty. customs duty n (law: tax on imports)进口关税There is a standard 15% customs duty on every imported item except medicines. death duty, estate duty n historical (former UK tax)遗产税 devotion to duty n (professional dedication)忠于职守;尽职尽责The police chief praised the lieutenant for his devotion to duty. do duty as [sth] v expr (substitute for [sth])代班 do your duty v expr (fulfil responsibilities)履行你的责任;尽责You should do your duty as a responsible citizen of this country. duty cycle n (electrical power output) (电子)工作周期 duty free, duty-free adj (law: exempt from customs tax)免税的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.Airports are a great place to do some duty-free shopping. duty-bound adj (obliged)义不容辞的 duty-cycle adj (electrical power: intermittent)占空比,频宽比 duty-free goods npl (merchandise free of customs tax)免税商品;免税货物Duty-free goods can be purchased only by those who are over 18 years of age. duty-free shop n UK (airport: untaxed goods store)免税商店You must show your boarding pass at the checkout counter of the duty-free shop. heavy-duty adj (strong)重型的, 载重的;功能强大的These heavy-duty plastic bags cannot be ripped or torn easily.Morphine is a heavy-duty pain reliever. heavy-duty adj (intensive)紧张的;密集的 heavy-duty adj (prominent)重要的;重大的 in the line of duty expr (while doing a job)在执行公务时,在执勤时The fireman was injured in the line of duty. jury service, jury duty n (service on a court jury)充当陪审团的义务Jury duty might seem like a break from work, but really it's very boring. off-duty adj (not working)下班的;不在职的Fortunately, an off-duty policeman was there and detained the thief. off duty adv (outside work hours)下班时;不在工作时Most police in the U.S. carry weapons when off duty.I take dance lessons during my time off duty. on active duty expr (working as a soldier)现役Max won't be called to serve because he is no longer on active duty. on-duty adj (working)值日的;值班的,执勤的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.The on-duty staff had to call for backup to help deal with the crisis.值班人员不得不进行备份,以便应对危机。 on duty adv (working)值班;当班John never takes personal calls when on duty.约翰上班时从不接私人电话。 be on duty v expr (be working)工作;值班I can't go to the party since I am on duty all weekend.我不能去参加派对,因为整个周末我都要值班。 report for duty v expr (be present at military post) (军队)前来报到The soldiers were ordered to report for duty at six in the morning. segregation of duty n (separation of responsibilities)职责划分,职责分工,职责分离 sense of duty n (feeling of responsibility)责任感The volunteer continued her work only out of a sense of duty. stamp duty n UK (land tax) 没有提供翻译 stamp duty n (tax on legal documents)印花税 tour of duty n (military: period of service in one place) (军事)执勤,值班On his last tour of duty the soldier was wounded in combat.




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