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词汇 dry up
释义 dry up 主要翻译 dry up vi phrasal (liquid: dry completely) (液体)干涸, 干透During a drought, streams may dry up completely.在干旱期,溪水可能会完全干涸。 dry up vi phrasal figurative, informal (disappear) (比喻)枯竭, 耗尽At one point in the banking crisis, the supply of funds to industry almost dried up completely.在银行业遭遇危机的某个时刻,对工业的资金供应几乎完全枯竭了。 dry up vi phrasal figurative, slang (forget speech) (比喻)忘记要说什么;忘记台词When the moment came for him to speak his lines, the actor dried up completely.轮到他说台词的时候,这个演员完全说不出话来了。 dry up vi phrasal figurative, slang (stop talking)住口;住嘴He's ranting again. I wish he'd just dry up!他又在咆哮了。我真希望他闭嘴! Dry up! interj figurative, slang (stop talking!) (俚语)住嘴Oh, dry up! I'm tired of your constant complaining.哦,不要说了!我厌倦了你没完没了的抱怨。




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