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词汇 drift
释义 driftUK:*/ˈdrɪft/US:/drɪft/ ,(drift)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 drift vi (float on water)漂流;漂移There was a boat drifting in the middle of the lake.湖中心漂着一艘船。 drift vi (float on air)飘荡,飘扬The leaves drifted on the wind.落叶随风飘舞。 drift vi figurative (wander aimlessly) (比喻)缓缓移动,缓慢行走The tourists drifted from one famous monument to the next.游客们从一处名胜古迹缓缓移向下一处。 drift vi figurative (progress aimlessly)游手好闲;游荡流浪Philip dropped out of college and since then he's just been drifting.自从菲利普从大学辍学后,他就一直游手好闲。 drift n (heap of snow, sand)吹聚物;沙堆;雪堆The snow had accumulated in drifts in the fields.雪在田野里积成了雪堆。 其他翻译 drift n (movement)移动;偏移Instead of following a straight course, the navigator realized there had been a steady drift to starboard. drift n figurative (change in course)改变路线;偏离路线Over recent years, we have seen a drift towards the political right.近年来,我们看到政治路线逐渐右倾。 drift n (motor racing: controlled skid)漂移;飘移 drift vi figurative (move: towards an idea, etc.)渐渐趋向;自然地转向Many left-wing political parties seem to have drifted further right in recent years.近年来,很多左翼政党似乎逐渐向右转变。 drift vi figurative (deviate: from [sth] intended)缓慢变动;缓慢偏离The talk was supposed to be about the publishing industry, but at some point it drifted and ended up covering a wide range of topics. drift vi (heap together)被吹得堆在一起;被吹得积在一起The snow had drifted during the night.晚上雪被吹得堆积了起来。 drift [sth] vtr (carry)使漂流;使漂移The current drifted the boat out to sea.水流推动着小船漂流入海。 drift [sth] vtr (heap together)把...吹得堆在一起;把...吹得积在一起The wind drifted the snow into mounds.大风吹雪成堆。 动词短语 drift apart vi phrasal figurative (friends, couple: lose closeness)渐行渐远;逐渐疏远Sometimes friends will drift apart over time.有时候,朋友会随着时间推移渐渐疏远。 drift away vi phrasal (be carried away, float off)漂流,漂走He fell asleep on the lilo and slowly drifted away from the beach.他在气垫船上睡着了,渐渐地漂离了海岸。 drift away vi phrasal figurative (lose contact, become estranged) (比喻)渐行渐远;逐渐疏远Sometimes husbands and wives just drift away from each other and end up getting divorced.有时,丈夫和妻子会逐渐与彼此疏远,最后走向离婚。 drift from [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (digress or be distracted from)偏离He seemed to be unsure of the point of his speech and drifted from the topic regularly. drift into [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (gradually become involved in)不知不觉地卷入;渐渐被牵扯到I drifted into teaching after I failed my exams to become a doctor. drift off vi phrasal informal, figurative (fall asleep) (非正式用语)慢慢睡着The calm music and low lights caused me to drift off during the movie.平缓的音乐和着昏暗的灯光使我在观影途中慢慢睡着。 复合形式: catch [sb]'s drift, get [sb]'s drift v expr informal, figurative (understand what [sb] means)懂某人的意思 continental drift n (movement of continents)大陆漂移Continental drift happens over millions and millions of years. drift along vi + adv (be carried)漂流;飘荡The tumbleweed drifted along, pushed by a soft prairie breeze.风滚草被原野之风吹拂,四处飘荡。 drift along vi + adv figurative (live without purpose)混日子Gary drifts along without any purpose; he'll never amount to anything.加里没有什么目标,只是混日子,永远一事无成。 drift apart vi + adv (separate gradually)逐渐分离;逐渐分开Asia and North America were once joined, but over the millennia, they drifted apart. driftnet, drift net n (large net for catching fish)(捕鱼用)漂网;流网 longshore drift, also US: beach drift, littoral drift n (sediment movement along coast)沿岸漂移;沿岸泥沙流 snow drift n (mass of windblown snow)风吹雪,风雪流




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