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词汇 arms race
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arms races───军备竞赛

arms cache───武器储藏室

arms caches───武器储藏室

arch brace───拱支撑

army base───[军]陆军基地

drag race───汽车加速赛;加速竞走(等于drag)

hard race───艰苦的比赛

harness race───轻驾车赛

rat race───n.激烈竞争(商业上);无意义的竞争;环形导波管


There is a constant arms race going on between predator and prey, parasite and host.───在自然界,捕食者和猎物之间, 寄生虫与宿主之间的竞赛从未间断.

The arms race was a " rogue elephant " against which we all must act.───军备竞赛是一只 “ 离群的大象 ” 我们大家都必须对它采取行动.

The arms race between the two great powers can lead to Armageddon.───两个超级大国的军备竞赛可能导致一场大战.

The naval arms race between Germany and Britain that followed was both catastrophic and avoidable.───后来德国与英国之间悲惨的海上军备竞赛,原本是有可能避免的.

All those who love peace are strongly against arms race.───所有爱好和平的人都强烈反对军备竞赛.

Kevin Rudd , Australia's Prime Minister, warned recently that Asia was in the an arms race.───澳大利亚总理陆克文近日指出, 目前亚洲各国已经进入了军备竞赛.

A serious impediment to the attainment of both objectives is the present arms race.───实现这两个目标的一个严重障碍就是目前的军备竞赛.

China would never seek hegemony or expansionism, nor an arms race.───中国决不称霸或扩张, 也不搞军备竞赛.

The arms race among the superpowers is being stepped up without cease.───超级大国之间正在加紧军备竞争.

Nuclear buildup was unlike any other arms race in history.───核力量的增长不象历史上任何军备竞赛.

The arms race off a feasible way is the fact!───而军备竞赛一途事实上是断不可行的!

This would potentially set off a new global arms race, some experts have warned.───有专家警告说这将有可能引发新一轮全球军备竞赛.

At worst China's test could accelerate an arms race.───最坏的估计是,中国此次进行的试验有可能加速军备竞赛.

This was fuelling an arms race and driving some countries to acquire weapons of mass destruction.───这种态度和行为正在导致新的军备竞赛出现以及使某些国家设法得到大规模杀伤性武器.

It's an arms race.───这是一场军备竞赛。

China has never participated in any nuclear arms race and never deployed nuclear weapons abroad.───中国从不参加核军备竞赛,也从不在国外部署核武器.

There is constant arms race going on between predator and prey, parasite and host.───在捕食者和猎物, 寄生虫和寄主之间,恒久不变的军备竞赛一直进行着.

It would legitimatize renewal by the Soviet Union and therefore accelerate the nuclear arms race.───它将使苏联的重新试验合法化,从而加速核军备竞赛.

Is the arms race the greatest peril now?───军备竞赛是当今的最大危险 吗 ?

Every effort should be made to halt the arms race.───应当竭尽一切努力制止军备竞赛.

The missile-reduction treaty makes sweeping cuts, but the arms race isn't over by a long shot.───削减导弹条约引起大范围的裁减,但是军备竞赛根本没有结束。

But he said there should be no nuclear arms race in the Middle East.───但他说在中东地区不应当开展核武器竞赛.

The nuclear arms race should be prevented by the international community.───国际社会应该制止核军备竞赛.

One thing that seemed to worry Theresa Hitchens is that the new weapon could increase the danger of a space arms race.───希钦斯似乎担心的一件事是,这种新武器可能会增加太空军备竞赛的危险。

Men of good will had preached the perils of the arms race for many years.───多年来,具有善良愿望的人们一直在宣传军备竞赛的危害性.

China will never seek hegemony, engage in expansion, not the arms race.───中国永远不称霸, 不搞扩张, 不搞军备竞赛.

The two sides express their categorical opposition to the weaponisation and arms race in outer space.───双方明确反对外空武器化和外空军备竞赛.

We're not entering the arms race.───我们不准备进入军备竞赛.

It is too early to say whether such arms race would take place.───这样的军备竞赛是否会发生现在下结论还为时尚早.

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