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词汇 arms dealer
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arms dealers───n.军火商

art dealer───艺术商

art dealers───艺术商

car dealer───汽车商

drug dealer───贩毒者;毒品走私犯

drug dealers───贩毒者;毒品走私犯

scrap dealer───废品经销商

stamp dealer───邮票交易商



Bout, an infamous arms dealer, was convicted by a court in New York of selling weapons to FARC rebels in Colombia so that they could attack American support operations.───臭名昭著的军火商维克多·布特日前在纽约一家法院定罪,他被控向哥伦比亚革命武装力量FARC售卖武器,以使对方对抗美国官方的军事行动。

Unlike France's Nicolas Sarkozy, Mrs Merkel does not see herself as an arms dealer.───与法国的尼古拉斯·萨科齐不同,默克尔并没有把自己看作是一个军火商。

VIKTOR BOUT, a notorious arms dealer who was extradited from Thailand recently, appears in court in New York.───从泰国引渡的臭名昭著的军火商威克特·布特(Viktor Bout,世界头号贩卖军火通缉犯、俄罗斯籍)将在纽约出庭。

The biggest arms dealer in the world is the President of the United States, who ships more merchandise in a day than I do in a year.───(世界上最大的军火贩子是美国总统,他一天卖的比我一年卖的还多。)此言不虚,任谁倒腾军火也干不过美国总统。

The arms dealer and Bush partner in crime Adnan Kashoggi also tried to get this writer into a honey trap.───武器经销商及布什的合作伙伴阿德南(也试图以美人计诱捕作者。

Ambassador John acknowledged at the time that the alleged arms dealer's case "is at heart a U. S. -Russian matter. "───驻联合国大使约翰承认当时所声称的军火商案“的核心是在美国与俄罗斯的问题。”

He was an inspiration for an arms dealer character played by Nicolas Cage in the 2005 film Lord of War.───他是一个灵感军火商战争尼古拉斯凯奇扮演的角色在电影主2005年。

Others say Harmoush was nabbed in Syrian territory, ensnared by a regime agent posing as an arms dealer in a sting.───也有人说Harmoushnabbed在叙利亚领土,一个政权假扮成军火商在蜇剂诱捕。

Saudi businessman Adnan made his money as an international arms dealer for the Saudi royal family.───沙特军火商阿德南专为沙特皇家提供军火。


It has been alleged that the minister received a secret payoff from an arms dealer.

As he carefully attaches a home-made folding stock onto a dilapidated AK-47 assault rifle, the barrel-chested arms dealer quotes prices to a group of young men looking to buy guns and ammunition.

About the battle between the Special Forces named "G.I. Joe" in Brussels and the evil organization called Cobra that set up by Scottish arms dealer.

The arms dealer and Bush partner in crime Adnan Kashoggi also tried to get this writer into a honey trap.

A court in New York has found the Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout guilty of conspiracy to sell weapons to what he believed were Colombian rebels prepared to kill Americans. Laura Trevelyan reports.

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