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词汇 draw
释义 drawUK:*/ˈdrɔː/US:/drɔ/ ,(drô)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 draw vi (sketch, do drawings)画;绘画The artist picked up a sketch pad and began to draw.画家拿起一个速写本,开始画画。 draw [sth] vtr (sketch a picture)画;绘画I like to draw trees on my school books.我喜欢在教科书上面画树。 draw [sth] vtr (take out a weapon) (武器)拔出, 抽出The cowboy drew his gun to show that he was serious.牛仔把枪拔了出来,表明他并不是在开玩笑。 draw [sth/sb] vtr (attract)吸引;引起…的注意Fights usually draw large crowds.打架斗殴常会引来大批群众围观。 draw [sth] vtr figurative (elicit, arouse)引出;引起Racial remarks will usually draw anger from others.带有种族歧视性的言论一般会引起大家的愤怒。 draw vi (tie a game)打成平手;打成平局Neither team won the game; they drew.两个队都没有赢。他们打成平局。 draw n (attraction)吸引人的事情,吸引观众等的人;吸引力The governor's speech was a big draw, so there were many people in attendance.州长的演讲很吸引人,所以有许多人去听。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 篮球运动对男孩子有很强的吸引力。 draw n (tied game)平局;平分The football match was a draw.那场足球比赛以平局收场。 其他翻译 draw vi (select [sth] by lots)抽签选择;抓阄选择We will draw from a hat to see who goes on which team.我们会从帽子里抓阄来看谁去哪个队。 draw [sth] vtr (select [sth])抽(签等)Let's draw sticks to see who has to go. Longer stick wins.我们抽签来决定谁得离开。长签赢。 draw n (drawing of lots)抽签;抓阄A draw was used to create four teams.She won the draw for the blueberry pie.四支队伍进行了抽签。 // 她抽中了签,赢得了蓝莓派。 draw n (power to attract)吸引力The man had some sort of draw on women that we couldn't understand.那名男子对女人有某种我们不能理解的吸引力。 draw n (smoking: inhalation)吸入;抽入(一口烟)A draw of cigarette smoke is often followed by a cough.吸入香烟后往往会咳嗽。 draw n (removal of a gun)拔枪The cowboy had a quick draw and shot the other cowboys first.牛仔快速拔枪,先向其他牛仔射击。 draw n (pull)抽出;拉出His draw of a four from the hat put him on team four.他从帽子里抽出一个四,所以进了四队。 draw n US (gully)山洼;洼地The horsemen are waiting in the draw behind that hill.骑手在那座小山后的山洼里等着。 draw n (American football) (橄榄球)后撤传球The quarterback called for a draw, and ran to his left.四分卫要后撤传球,于是跑到左侧。 draw vi (sketch)绘画;勾画She likes to spend her time drawing.她喜欢把时间用在画画上。 draw vi (approach)靠拢;靠近As he drew close to home, he heard the sound of the fire.快到家时,他听到了大火燃烧的声音。 draw vi (take out a weapon)拔枪;拔剑;拔武器The cowboy drew quickly.牛仔快速拔出了枪。 draw vi (tea: brew) (茶艺术语)(充分)泡开Leave the tea alone! Just let it draw.别动那个茶!让它慢慢泡开。 draw [sth] vtr (pull [sth] behind)拖;拉The truck is strong enough to draw a one-ton trailer. draw [sth] vtr (extract [sth])汲(水);汲取Before people had running water in their homes, they would have to go to a well to draw water. draw [sth] vtr (curtain, drapes: pull shut) (指窗帘等)拉上,闭上Each night they draw the curtains. draw [sth] vtr (withdraw money)取(款)He draws fifty dollars from my account every Friday. draw [sth] vtr (earn [sth])获得;挣得He draws a large salary. draw [sth] vtr (formulate [sth])推断出;得出You can draw whatever conclusion you want, but I believe that he did it. draw [sth] vtr (cards: take out)抽(牌);摸(牌)She drew a card from the top of the deck.她从那副牌的上面摸了一张牌。 draw [sth] vtr (contract, wrinkle [sth])皱起;皱缩She drew her brow in deep thought. draw [sth] vtr (bow: bend to shoot arrow)拉(弓)The archer draws his bow, and then releases the arrow.弓箭手拉弓放箭。 draw [sth] vtr (tea: brew) (茶艺术语)泡(茶)She never draws the tea properly - it's always too weak.她一直泡不好茶,总是太淡。 draw [sth] vtr (bow: pull across strings) (弓)拉,拉开Lisa drew her bow gently across the strings of her violin. draw [sth] from [sth] vtr + prep (take, obtain [sth])从...取得;从...获得He draws inspiration from his past. draw [sth] from [sth] vtr + prep (extract from)从…中抽取;从…中提取Martha drew water from the well.玛莎从井里打水。 draw from [sth] vtr phrasal insep (takes, gets ideas from) (灵感等)从…中获取, 从…中借鉴;从...中汲取This biography draws from a wealth of historical texts. 动词短语 draw ahead vi phrasal (gradually pass [sb/sth])领先;赶到前面 draw ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (gradually pass [sb/sth])领先 draw ahead vi phrasal (naval: of the wind)变成逆风 draw away vi phrasal (retreat, move back)撤退 draw back vi phrasal (flinch)退缩备注: The single-word form is used when the term is a nounShe drew back sharply when the dog barked at her.狗向她吠叫时,她突然向后退去。 draw [sth] down, draw down [sth] vtr phrasal sep mainly US (military: reduce number of troops)撤军The army will gradually draw down the troops in the war-torn region this year. draw [sth] down, draw down [sth] vtr phrasal sep mainly US (deplete: supplies) (物资)耗尽 draw in vi phrasal UK (night: get darker earlier) (天色)渐晚,逐渐黑下来Now that the nights are drawing in, there's no better place to be than in an armchair by the fire.现在天色渐晚,没有比坐在壁炉边的摇椅里更舒服的了。 draw on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (resources: use) (事物)利用,使用Henrietta drew on her experience as a hockey captain when asked to lead the project.亨丽埃塔应要求担任了这个项目的领导角色,在工作中,她利用了之前当冰球队长时获得的经验。 draw on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (use [sb]'s contribution)利用,使用;依靠Ruby lives alone, so she draws on her neighbours for help.因为鲁比一个人住,所以她只能向邻居寻求帮助。 draw [sth] out, draw out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (prolong)拖延;拖长I signed up for a Masters course because I wanted to draw out being a student for as long as possible.我报了一个硕士课程,因为我想尽可能延长我的学生生涯。 draw [sth] out, draw out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (elicit)套出某事;引人开口讲述The psychiatrist drew out her long-buried secrets.精神病医生让她说出了埋藏已久的秘密。 draw [sb] out, draw out [sb] vtr phrasal sep (incite to talk)引得...开口讲述;让...倾诉The interviewer attempted to draw the MP out on the subject of the transport strike.采访人员试图诱导议员就运输罢工问题发表看法。 draw [sb/sth] out, draw out [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (lure, esp. out of hiding) (尤其是从藏身之处)引…出来The pest control technician used smoke to draw out the wasps.害虫防治技术员使用烟雾来引出黄蜂。 draw [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (draft, plan out)草拟;拟订It is desirable that any important legal documents be drawn up by a qualified solicitor.我们希望由合格律师起草任何重要法律文件。 draw [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (pull forward)把…拉近;拉Draw up a chair and I'll show you my holiday pictures.拉把椅子过来,我给你看我的度假照片。 draw [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (pull upwards)把…向上抬;把…向上拉She drew her knees up to her chest and lay there in a foetal position.她将膝盖贴在胸前,似胎儿一样躺在那里。 draw up vi phrasal (car: arrive, stop) (汽车)开到...来;停在Two cars drew up outside the house.两辆汽车开到了房子外面。 draw up vi phrasal (arrive: by car)抵达They drew up at the premiere in a stretch limousine.他们乘坐加长豪华轿车到达首映现场。 draw upon [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (use as source or resource)利用To pass the final exam, the students must draw upon everything they have learned in the course.要想通过最终测验,学生们必须利用课堂所学的全部内容。 复合形式: beat [sb] to the draw v expr figurative (be faster than [sb])比...更快;抢在...前面 draw a blank v expr figurative (be unable to recall [sth])脑中一片空白;无法记起 draw a blank v expr figurative (fail to elicit [sth])一无所获Jenna's search for information about her birth parents drew a blank. draw a check (US), draw a cheque (UK) v expr (write a bank order)开支票Your invoice was approved so I'll draw a check for you by the end of the day.你的发票获得了批准,今天下班前我就给你开支票。 draw a conclusion v expr (deduce, conclude [sth])下结论;得出结论The sample was too small for the researchers to draw a conclusion with any certainty. draw a crowd v expr (attract people's attention)招来人群(围观;注意)That band always draws a crowd. draw a diagram v expr (represent [sth] schematically)画图表He drew a diagram of how he wanted his new kitchen to be laid out.他画了一份图表,说明想要的新厨房布局。 draw a gun on [sb] v expr (aim a firearm at)拔枪相向;举枪相对To stop the robber, the policewoman drew a gun on him and ordered him to lie on the ground. draw a line in the sand v expr figurative (set an acceptable limit, boundary)划定界限;划清界限 draw a parallel between [sth] and [sth] v expr (identify as being similar)在...和...之间找到相似之处We can draw a parallel between restrictions on law making powers of the earliest British Parliaments, and that of the modern European Parliament. draw a pay check v expr US (be employed)领工资;领薪水I've lived here ever since I first drew a pay check.自从我领到第一笔工资以来就一直住在这里。 draw a pay check from [sb] v expr US (work for [sb])从…处领薪水;从…处领工资 draw a picture v expr (represent [sth] visually)画图I couldn't describe the crash in words so I drew a picture of it for the police.我用语言无法描述车祸的情况,所以给警方画了一张示意图。 draw a picture v expr figurative (describe in detail) (比喻)详细说明The novel draws a picture of life in Depression-era America. draw [sth] apart, draw apart [sth] vtr + adv (separate)把…拉开;把...分开You have to draw apart the halves of the avocado before you can scoop out the pulp. draw apart vi + adv (move in opposite directions)背道而驰 draw [sb] aside vtr + adv (speak privately to)把某人拉到一边单独谈话After the meeting, the chairman drew me aside to ask if I would be interested in joining the committee. draw attention vtr + n (be very noticeable)吸引注意力Garish clothing draws attention.华美的衣物能吸引人的注意力。 draw attention to [sth] v expr (make [sth] noticeable)将注意力吸引到…身上Bold text is used to draw attention to certain words.粗体是用来让人们注意某些单词的。 draw [sb]'s attention, draw the attention of [sb] v expr (attract, interest)吸引…的注意The street entertainer drew the attention of a large crowd.那位街头艺人引来了一大群人的注意。 draw away from [sth/sb] v expr (retreat from [sth], [sb])远离,离开;躲开,退避 draw [sb] away from [sth] v expr (cause to leave)将...从...拉走;将...从...拉开What drew you away from your hometown?是什么让你离开了故乡? draw back from [sth/sb] v expr (retreat)从…撤退;从…后退He ordered his troops to draw back from the border.他命令他的部队从边境撤退。 draw [sth] back vtr + prep (pull away, apart)扯开;拉开When I drew back the curtains, sunlight flooded in.我拉开窗帘,阳光洒了进来。 draw blood vtr + n (make blood flow)抽血;采血The swordsman's thrust drew blood. draw criticism vtr + n (attract disapproval)招致批评The politician drew criticism for his controversial speech.那位政客的言论很具争议性,招致了人们的批评。 draw curtain (theater)拉幕 draw first blood v expr (injure opponent first)拿下一血备注: 先杀死对方玩家的角色Charles drew first blood in the swordfight. draw first blood v expr figurative (win first attack)出师告捷;拿下首胜Julia drew first blood in the debate with the government minister. draw [sth] forth, draw forth [sth] vtr + adv (bring out, elicit)引出;招致 draw heavily on [sth] v expr (make great use of)大加利用;好好利用The apprentice draws heavily on the works of the grand masters for inspiration. draw [sb] in, draw in [sb] vtr + adv (interest, captivate)吸引人卷入;诱使人加入;招揽We need a beautiful sign for our shop to draw customers in.我们需要一块美观的标牌来招揽客人入店。 draw [sth] in, draw in [sth] vtr + adv (inhale: smoke, breath)吸;吸进;吸入He would often cough after drawing in a breath of smoke.在吸进一口烟后,他经常咳嗽。 draw in vi + adv (move closer) (车辆等)到站,慢慢进站;靠近As he drew in closer, John could see more and more detail.当他靠近时,约翰能看清更多细节。 draw in your horns, pull in your horns v expr figurative (become less belligerent)打退堂鼓 draw [sb] into [sth] vtr + prep (involve [sb] in [sth])把…拉进;把…吸引进Don't draw me into your problems! draw lots vtr + npl (decide by lottery)抽签决定They drew lots to see who would go first. draw near vi + adv figurative (be imminent)即将来临;逼近New Year's Day is drawing near. draw near vi + adv (approach)靠近;临近As we drew near, the air became thick with smoke. draw near [sth] vi + prep (approach)临近;靠近;接近As we drew near the gates, they opened automatically. draw off [sth], draw [sth] off vtr + adv (liquid: remove by draining) (液体)排出;抽出The doctor had to use a large needle to draw off the liquid in my swollen knee. draw [sb] off vtr + adv ([sb]: induce to leave) (指人)拉走;让...离开 draw [sth] off vtr + adv ([sth]: remove by pulling) (指物)拖走 draw on [sth], draw [sth] on vtr + adv (clothing: put on)穿上;戴上He quickly drew on his trousers and ran out the door.他快速穿上裤子,夺门而出。 draw [sb] over vtr + adv (beckon) (用手势等)示意某人过去 draw poker n (card game: five-card poker)一种扑克牌玩法 draw the curtain on [sth], draw the curtain over [sth] v expr figurative (bring to an end)让...落下帷幕;结束;给...画上句号 draw the line v expr figurative, informal (set a limit or restriction)设定底线If we allow some people to do this, then where do we draw the line? draw the line at [sth], draw the line at doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (set a limit or restriction)划界限;拒绝做I went out for a few beers, but I drew the line at doing shots. draw the short straw v expr (stuck with an unwanted task, fate)不得不做最苦的差事;不得不做最困难的事 draw to a close, draw to an end v expr (finish)结束;落下帷幕;接近尾声As the evening drew to a close, the orchestra played a final waltz. draw [sth] to a close v expr (bring to an end)使...结束After an hour on the phone, she drew the conversation to a close. draw together vi + adv (form a huddle or group)使聚成一团Penguins sometimes draw together to share body warmth. draw together vtr + adv (unite)团结起来 draw up a formal document v expr (write official paper)起草正式文件The lawyers are drawing up a formal document detailing my divorce settlement.律师正在起草正式文件,详述我的离婚协议。 draw up a plan vi (devise a way to proceed)草拟计划 draw your gun v expr (pull out a firearm)拔出枪;拔枪The insistent sound of the snake's rattle caused him to draw his gun as a precaution. draw your pay v expr (receive wage)领薪水;领工资The workers drew their pay at the end of each week. draw your sword v expr (pull out blade)拔剑When the soldier heard the insult, he drew his sword. the luck of the draw n (chance)运气;时运There's no way of guaranteeing you'll win the lottery - it's just the luck of the draw.你是没有办法保证赢得彩票的,只是全凭运气罢了。 prize draw n UK (raffle in which [sth] is won)抽奖 quick on the draw adj (quick to draw firearm)拔枪很快的Cowboys had to be quick on the draw when they were fighting duels.牛仔们决斗时,拔枪的速度必须要快。 quick on the draw, quick on the trigger, quick off the mark adj figurative, informal (quick to act or react)抢先行动;占取先机




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