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词汇 doing
释义 doingUK:*/ˈduːɪŋ/US:/ˈduɪŋ/ ,(do̅o̅′ing)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: do主要翻译 doing n (action)行动, 作为Doing is more important than planning to do.行动比计划更重要。 the doing n (act)做,行动;所作的事,所作所为The doing of the deed requires more effort than just talking about it.这件事做起来比说起来要费力。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 你应该反省一下自己最近的所作所为。 doing n informal (effort)努力;精力This project is going to take some doing.这个项目需要花一些精力。 doings npl informal (activities)活动;行动He's always talking about the doings of his neighbours.他总是在谈论自己邻居的活动。 动词短语doing | do back out of doing [sth] vi phrasal + prep (withdraw from)退出;停止Sue backed out of helping us paint the house.苏不再帮助我们粉刷房子。 bargain on [sth], bargain on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (expect)指望;预期I hadn't bargained on retiring at 59, but here I am, retired! chivvy [sb] into [sth], chivvy [sb] into doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK (hurry or harass [sb] into action)催促...做某事;不断唠叨某人做某事 credit [sb] with doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep (acknowledge: [sb])认为…做…He credits his parents with awakening his love of music. dress [sb] down for doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, informal (scold)因...而斥责;因...而训斥My boss dressed me down for being rude to the client.gain by [sth], gain by doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (take advantage or profit by)通过…获得;赢得What have you got to gain by lying about it?get around to doing [sth], also UK: get round to doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (find time)抽出时间做某事One of these days, I will get around to making the trip to Paris.give [sth] up, give up doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep (stop trying)放弃;舍弃;不再努力I gave up trying to get them to believe me.我不再尝试让他们来相信我。give [sth] up, give up doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK (habit, addiction: quit)放弃;舍弃It'll be hard, but I'm going to try giving up chocolate for Lent.这很难,但我还是尝试为了大斋节戒掉巧克力。;hold off doing [sth], hold off from doing [sth], hold off on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (postpone, delay)拖延;克制,节制,忍住Please hold off playing the drums until after I've gone!请克制一下,等我离开后再打鼓吧!keep on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (persist: in doing [sth])继续做…Why do you keep on talking after I've asked you to be quiet?我都已经告诉你保持安静了,为什么你还要继续说话。pay [sb] back for doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (take revenge for [sth])因为…报复…I still haven't paid you back for humiliating me in front of all my friends.我还没有跟你算在我朋友面前羞辱我的账。plan on [sth], plan on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (intend to)打算I don't plan on being home before midnight.plan on [sth], plan on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (count on, expect)预料;预计I planned on going with my sister, but she is sick so I'll have to go on my own.profit by doing [sth], profit by [sth] vtr phrasal insep (gain advantage from)从…中获益We can all profit by being patient.profit by doing [sth], profit by [sth] vtr phrasal insep (make money from)从…中获得利润Naylor profited by selling the securities at higher prices than he paid for them.round [sth] off, round [sth] off with [sth], round [sth] off by doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep (end, conclude)使圆满结束He rounded off his speech with a joke, leaving the audience in a good mood.他以一个笑话结束了他的演讲,为听众带来了愉悦的心情。scare [sb/sth] away from [sth], scare [sb/sth] away from doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (deter [sb], [sth])使…望而却步I don't mean to scare you away from taking this class, but it'll be a lot of work.set about doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (start: doing)开始做Julius set about arranging his collection of butterflies.朱利叶斯开始整理自己的蝴蝶收藏。set to doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (start: doing)开始做某事;开始干某事备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounLena did not have a dress for the prom, so she took out her sewing machine and set to making one.莉娜没有参加舞会的礼服,所以她拿出了缝纫机,准备做一件。shy away from doing [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (avoid doing [sth])躲避做;逃避做Kiera is insecure; she tends to shy away from meeting new people.基拉缺乏安全感,她不愿结交新朋友。take to doing vtr phrasal insep (start doing habitually)开始养成…的习惯Police have taken to stopping motorcyclists at random.警察开始习惯于随便拦下骑摩托车的人。;prepare to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (get ready to)准备;为…做准备Prepare to die, scum!resolve to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be determined to)下决心They are resolved to vote him out of office.For this New Year, I resolve to lose ten pounds.set out to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (intend)想要做;打算要做I didn't set out to hurt you; I'm sorry if what I said was upsetting.我不想伤害你。如果我说的让你难过,我对此表示歉意。;set out to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (undertake)着手做;动手做He set out to mend the fences, but ran out of wire before he was halfway done.stoop to, stoop to (do) [sth] vtr phrasal insep (debase yourself, condescend)自贬身份;屈尊降贵I wouldn't stoop to respond to a question from them.want to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (have a desire to)想要做某事If you want to come, get in the car!如果你想来,就上车! 复合形式:doing | do a great one for doing [sth] n informal (person: does [sth] frequently)擅长做某事者He's a great one for telling stories. abandon hope of doing [sth] v expr (give up all hope of doing)对...不抱希望, 不再奢望...Jim abandoned hope of seeing Sarah again. absorbed in doing [sth] adj + prep figurative (person: engrossed in) (人)全神贯注于,全神贯注地做某事Fiona was absorbed in painting a portrait. accuse [sb] of doing [sth] v expr (blame for doing)指责;责备They accused me of not setting aside enough time.他们因我没有抽出足够时间而指责我。 accuse [sb] of doing [sth] v expr (law: charge with a crime) (司法)控告He's accused of embezzling thousands of pounds.他因挪用数千英镑而受到控告。 adapt yourself to doing [sth] v expr (get used to doing [sth])使自己适应...;使自己习惯... adapt yourself to doing [sth] v expr (change to accommodate)改变以适应...You need to adapt yourself to living with other people. adept at doing [sth] adj (skilled)内行的;专业的;专业的She's very adept at helping people develop their strengths. admonish [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (reprimand for doing)责备The teacher admonished the student for being late to class yet again. advise against doing [sth] v expr (warn not to do [sth])告诫不要做...I'd advise against travelling alone in the desert. advise [sb] against doing [sth] v expr (warn [sb] not to do [sth])告诫;警告I'd advise you against sailing today; the weather is turning nasty. afraid of doing [sth] adj (scared to do [sth])害怕做某事的Joanne is afraid of trying new things in case she fails.乔安妮因为担心失败而不敢尝试新事物。 afraid of doing [sth] adj (worried about [sth] happening)担心做某事的;害怕做某事的Sam was afraid of losing his job.山姆担心丢了自己的饭碗。 be after doing [sth] v expr Ire (be about to do)刚要;打算做 be after doing [sth] v expr Ire (have just done)刚做;正好做 agonize over doing [sth], also UK: agonise over doing [sth] v expr (struggle with decision)为…而挣扎;为…而困扰The tickets were expensive, so I agonized over going on the trip for months. aid [sb] in doing [sth] v expr (help)帮助某人做某事Rosa aided her brother in starting his business. Her parents' financial contribution aided Joy in buying the house.罗莎帮她弟弟创业。她父母的经济资助帮助乔伊买下那栋房子。 akin to doing [sth] adj (comparable to doing [sth])与做...相似;就像…一样Wearing these new shoes is akin to walking on a cloud.穿这些新鞋就像在云上行走一样。 amenability (to (doing) [sth]) n (willingness)服从 amenable to doing [sth] expr (willing to do)乐意做某事的;愿意做某事的Ben is amenable to changing the date of the party.本很乐意改变聚会的日期。 angry with [sb] for doing [sth], angry at [sb] for doing [sth] expr (cross with [sb])为某事生某人气I am angry with my sister for taking my book.妹妹拿了我的书,我很生气。 anticipate doing [sth] v expr (expect to do)期望做某事,盼望做某事;预料做某事,预期做某事I never anticipated retiring at age 59.我从未盼望59岁退休。 apologise to [sb] for doing [sth], also UK: apologise to [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (say sorry to [sb] for doing [sth])因为做…向…道歉Jane apologized to me for calling me a liar.简因为叫我谎话精而向我道歉。 appear to be doing [sth] v expr ([sth]: seem)看起来正在The rain appears to be easing off.雨看起来要停了。 assist in doing [sth] v expr (participate, help with)帮助做...,协助做...A passerby assisted in giving the woman medical attention.一名路人协助为这位女士提供医疗看护。 assist [sb] in doing [sth] v expr (help to do)帮助某人做某事,协助某人做某事Naomi's cousins assisted her in making preparations for the wedding.直美的堂兄妹们帮她置办婚礼。 avoid doing [sth] vtr (not do [sth])逃避;避开;躲避Ruth has avoided speaking to Chris since yesterday morning.从昨天早上起,露丝就避免与克里斯说话。 avoid doing [sth] like the plague v expr informal (not do)无论怎样都要避免;想尽一切办法避免Many teenagers avoid cleaning their room like the plague. badger [sb] into doing [sth], badger [sb] to do [sth] v expr (pester to do [sth])缠着...做...;纠缠...做...My children badgered me into taking them to the playground.孩子们缠着要我带他们去游乐场。 balk at doing [sth], also UK: baulk at doing [sth] v expr (refuse to go on or do)拒绝做...The passenger balked at having to change seats because of the train company's error with her booking. ban [sb] from doing [sth] v expr often passive (prohibit)禁止某人做某事Students are banned from chewing gum in class at this school.这所学校禁止学生上课嚼口香糖。 bar [sb] from doing [sth] vtr + prep often passive (exclude, ban from doing [sth])禁止某人做某事The judge barred Lewis from driving for a year.法官禁止路易斯开车一年。 be accustomed to doing [sth] v expr (be used to doing [sth])习惯于;对...习以为常 be used to doing [sth] v expr (accustomed to doing)习惯于做某事I'm used to skipping lunch because I'm always so busy.因为我总是很忙,所以我习惯不吃午饭。 beat doing [sth] vtr slang (be preferable)比…好,比…强;胜过Playing in a band as a professional musician beats doing a boring office job. Sitting here in the coffee shop with you sure beats working!跟你一起坐在这家咖啡馆里当然比工作好啦!作为一名专业的音乐人在乐队里演奏,胜过一份枯燥的办公室工作。 become accustomed to doing [sth] v expr (become used to doing [sth])习惯于做某事;适应做某事 begin doing [sth] vtr (start: doing)开始做某事In any discussion, Wendy is always first to begin disagreeing.不管讨论什么,温迪总是第一个开始提反对意见的。 begin by doing [sth] vi + prep (do first)从做…开始When learning a new recipe, it is best to begin by reading all the way through. beguile [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (deceive)欺骗;哄骗;蒙骗In Greek mythology, the gods beguiled Heracles into killing his own family.在希腊神话中,众神欺骗赫拉克勒斯杀死他自己的家人。 believe in doing [sth] v expr (advocate doing)相信做某事的好处,相信做某事的效用;支持做…I believe in giving to charities that keep their administrative costs to a minimum.我支持捐款给那些保持最低管理费用的慈善机构。 bent on doing [sth] adj (be determined to do [sth])一心要做…的;决意要做…的That cousin of yours is bent on doing as much damage as he can. be big on [sth], be big on doing [sth] v expr informal (be keen on, consider important)非常热衷;非常重视My maths teacher is big on learning by rote, so his lessons are pretty dull. blackjack [sb] into doing [sth] vtr US, informal, figurative (coerce)胁迫...做... blag [sb] into doing [sth] v expr UK, slang (persuade [sb] to do)哄骗...做... bluff [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (deceive, fool)骗某人做某事;虚张声势糊弄某人做某事Steve bluffed Joe into doing the laundry all week.史蒂夫骗乔洗了整整一个星期的衣服。 boast of doing [sth] v expr (speak proudly)炫耀;夸耀She always boasts of having the largest house in the street.她总是夸耀自己的房子是整条街最大的。 boast about doing [sth] v expr (speak proudly about achieving [sth])炫耀做过(某事);夸耀取得过(某种成就)Marcus often boasts about running the Boston Marathon last year.马库斯去年参加了波士顿马拉松赛,时常炫耀。 boast of doing [sth] v expr (claim to have done [sth])自称做过某事;自夸做过某事;吹嘘某事He boasted of once catching the biggest trout ever recorded.他自称曾经抓到过破纪录的大鳟鱼。 boast of doing [sth] vi + prep (claim)吹嘘做某事 boast of doing [sth] vi + prep (speak proudly)炫耀做某事 the bother of doing [sth] expr (effort of)麻烦;不方便Why go to the bother of cooking a meal when we could just order a takeaway? brainwash [sb] into doing [sth] vtr + prep (indoctrinate into doing)给…洗脑The cult brainwashed Brian into leaving his family. browbeat [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (coerce into doing)恐吓某人做某事 bully [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (force using threats)威胁某人做某事;威逼某人做某事A group of older girls bullied Lea into handing over her lunch money.一群年长些的女孩威胁莱亚交出她买午餐的钱。 busy doing [sth] expr (occupied doing [sth])忙于;忙碌于Simon was busy cleaning the house when the doorbell rang.西蒙正忙着做家务的时候,门铃响了。 buttonhole [sb] into doing [sth] v expr US, figurative, informal (accost, force to do)强迫…做The interviewer buttonholed me into making comments I later regretted. by doing adv informal (by practising, on the job) (非正式用语)通过做某事,通过某种方式I've never been great at tests and exams: learn best by doing. cajole [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (coax, persuade)说服Ron cajoled his parents into allowing him to borrow their car. can stand doing [sth], also US: can stand to do [sth] v expr (be able to tolerate)能忍耐;能忍受备注: Often used in negative sentences.If you can stand to wait another 10 minutes, I'll walk you home.I can't stand seeing you so unhappy.如果你能再忍上十分钟,我就走路送你回家。// 看到你如此难过,我无法忍受。 can't help [sth], can't help doing [sth], cannot help v expr (feel compelled to do [sth])不禁…;禁不住…I can't help wondering if she really knows what she's doing. capable of doing [sth] expr (able to do [sth])有能力做;能够做到My little boy isn't capable of tying his own shoelaces yet.我儿子还不会系鞋带。usage: ‘capable’If someone is capable of doing something, they have the knowledge and skill to do it. The workers are perfectly capable of running the organization themselves.You can say that someone is capable of a particular feeling or action. He's capable of loyalty.I don't believe he's capable of murder.You can also use capable of when you are talking about what something such as a car or machine can do. The car was capable of 110 miles per hour. careful to do [sth], careful about doing [sth] adj (making sure to do [sth])小心做…的;对…很谨慎He is careful about locking the doors before he goes out.出门前,他小心地锁好了门。 carry on doing [sth] v expr (continue doing)继续做;继续进行The teacher ignored Jake's question and carried on talking.老师不理睬杰克的问题,继续讲课。 catch [sb] doing [sth] vtr (discover unexpectedly)意外发现某人做某事Alice caught her boyfriend eating cookies in the middle of the night.爱丽丝逮到男朋友半夜偷吃饼干。 caution against [sth], caution against doing [sth] vi + prep (warn against [sth])告诫某人不要做某事;警告某人不要做某事The doctor cautioned against eating too many sweets.The lifeguard cautioned against the use of floats when swimming in the sea. chance doing [sth], chance [sth] vtr (risk)冒险做某事I need to leave early. I can't chance missing the plane. be charged with [sth], be charged with doing [sth] v expr (with crime)被指控犯有…的Tom is charged with robbery.汤姆被指控犯有抢劫罪。 chary of doing [sth] expr (wary of doing)当心;小心;在做某事时谨慎The young lady was chary of discussing her business too openly with the stranger. chastise [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (reprimand [sb] for doing [sth])责备The boss chastised me for speaking out. chicken out of doing [sth] v expr slang (not be brave enough to do)临阵退缩Lee chickened out of going on the roller coaster at the last minute.李在最后一刻放弃了坐过山车。 coax [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (persuade, entice into doing)劝说某人做某事;哄某人做某事Jessica tried to coax her daughter into eating the oatmeal.杰西卡想哄女儿吃燕麦片。 coerce [sb] into doing [sth] vtr (force, compel)迫使The government was coerced into accepting the treaty. come near to doing [sth], come close to doing [sth] v expr figurative (nearly do [sth])差一点就...After I lost my job and my son died, I came near to having a breakdown. come within an inch of doing [sth], be within an inch of doing [sth] v expr figurative (almost do)差一点就去做某事;几乎要去做某事 commence doing [sth] v expr formal (begin an activity, action)开始做;着手做As soon as the music started, the crowd commenced dancing.音乐一开始,人们就跳起舞来。 commit to doing [sth] v expr (fully engage in doing)致力于;潜心于I committed to working on the project for the next six months.接下来六个月中,我会全身心投入这个项目。 commit yourself to doing [sth] v expr (fully engage in doing)全身心投入;将所有精力集中在You need to schedule times when you will commit yourself to studying.你需要安排好全神贯注学习的时间。 committed to doing [sth] adj (person: dedicated to doing)致力于;献身于;奉献给Rachel is committed to bettering the lives of animals.蕾切尔致力于改善动物的生存环境。 compensate for doing [sth] vi + prep (make amends)为…而补偿;为…进行弥补He booked a table at her favourite restaurant to compensate for forgetting their wedding anniversary.他忘记了结婚纪念日,作为补偿,他预定了她最喜欢的餐厅。 con [sb] into doing [sth] v expr informal (trick [sb] into doing [sth])骗某人做某事My friends conned me into going to see a musical.朋友骗我去看了一出音乐剧。 confess to doing [sth] v expr (admit doing [sth])承认做了某事;供认做了某事Jim confessed to making a mess in the office kitchen.吉姆承认自己弄乱了办公室厨房。 Congratulations on doing [sth] interj (expressing joy for [sb]'s success)祝贺Congratulations on winning the marathon! be conscious of doing [sth] v expr (aware of your actions)意识到…的;感觉到…的;知道...的We make judgements about people all the time without being conscious of doing so.我们甚至都意识不到自己总是在对他人评头论足、指指点点。 be conscious of doing [sth] v expr (mindful of your actions)谨慎;小心Be conscious of how you step, because the rocks are slippery.由于岩石很滑,所以请谨慎迈步。 consider doing [sth] v expr (think about doing [sth])考虑做某事Henry is considering taking up a sport.亨利正在考虑参加一项体育运动。 consist in doing [sth] v expr dated (have as main feature)主要在于;主要是;主要特点是Religion consists in believing in a deity. constrain [sb] from doing [sth] v expr (hold [sb] back legally)限制 (某人)做(某人);约束(某人不准其)做(某事)The contract constrained the author from hiring a new agent.作者受到合同约束,不能雇佣新经纪人。 contemplate doing [sth] vtr (consider a course of action)考虑;仔细琢磨Brenda contemplated getting a guard dog.布兰达考虑养一只护卫犬。 content to do [sth], content with doing [sth] adj (satisfied)满足于…的,对做…感到心满意足的She was content to hear about his promotion.听说他升了职,她很满足。 content yourself with doing [sth] v expr (be satisfied with doing [sth])满足于Jane had to content herself with redecorating her kitchen as she couldn't afford to have a new one fitted.简只能选择重新布置厨房,因为她无法负担新装厨房的费用。 continue to do [sth], continue doing [sth] v expr (carry on)继续做After retirement, Jane continued to work as a supply teacher.退休后,简继续在做代课老师。 counterweight [sth] by doing [sth] vtr figurative (provide a balance with)通过做某事平衡We counterweighted the negative aspects of the deal by offering plenty of freebies. be cut out for doing [sth] v expr informal, figurative (person: able, suited) (非正式用语)是...的料,有...的天赋;天生适合...Some people aren't cut out for dealing with the public. dead set on doing [sth] adj informal (resolute, determined)坚决的;坚定的;下定决心的Mark was dead set on becoming a naval pilot.马克下决心要成为海军飞行员。 deceive [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (fool into doing)误导;蒙蔽The positive feedback I was getting from my boss deceived me into thinking I would get the promotion.我被老板的正面反馈所蒙蔽,认为自己会升职。 decide on (doing) [sth] vi + prep (opt for)决定;选定They decided on a cruise for their holiday.他们决定假期乘船出游。 decide against doing [sth] v expr (choose not to)决定不做;选择不做I decided against going on holiday this year, since I had just lost my job.由于我才丢了工作,所以我决定今年不去度假了。decoy [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (trick into doing)诱骗某人做某事The enemy decoyed the fighter pilots into shooting at unarmed missiles.dedicate [sth] to doing [sth] vtr + prep (devote)把...用于做某事;把...奉献给某事I'm going to dedicate my weekend to finishing a speech I'm writing.我要把周末的时间用于撰写发言。dedicated to doing [sth] expr (devoted to one task)被用于做(一件事);专注于...;专门用来...My evenings are dedicated to practising the piano.我的傍晚时间专门用来练钢琴。dedicated to doing [sth] expr (person: committed to a task)致力于;一心一意地做Harry is a conscientious employee, dedicated to doing his best.哈利是一位一丝不苟的雇员,一心一意要做到最好。delight in doing [sth] v expr (enjoy doing)喜爱做...;喜欢做...;享受做...The children delight in tormenting their babysitter.孩子们喜欢“折磨”他们的保姆。delude [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (mislead into doing [sth])骗...做Don't let the politicians delude you into thinking that the proposal is in the best interest of the country.delude yourself into doing [sth] v expr (think, believe, etc. mistakenly)自欺欺人地去做...,自己欺骗自己去做...Don't delude yourself into thinking that your life would be better in another city.depend on doing [sth], depend upon doing [sth] v expr (necessitate doing)取决于Getting a driving licence depends upon passing the written and practical examinations.取得驾照的前提是通过笔试和实际驾驶考试。desist from doing [sth] v expr (stop doing)打消念头…The court ordered the company to desist from trading completely.despair of doing [sth] v expr (lose hope of doing [sth])对...不抱希望;对...感到绝望I despair of ever making Julie see my point of view.我对让朱莉理解我的看法不抱希望。detect [sb] doing [sth] v expr (catch [sb] in the act of)当场发现;当场抓住I couldn't understand why I kept losing, then I detected my partner cheating.deter [sb] from doing [sth] v expr (discourage from doing)吓得...不敢做...;使...不敢做...The large dog deterred trespassers from entering the property.那条大狗吓得侵犯者不敢进这处房地。devote yourself to doing [sth] v expr (put all your energy into)献身于;全心致力于After his wife's death from cancer, he devoted himself to fundraising for cancer charities.妻子死于癌症之后,他全心致力于为癌症慈善机构筹集善款。discourage [sb] from doing [sth] v expr (dissuade)劝阻...不要做...;阻止...做..Jane did her best to discourage her friend from drinking too much.珍尽全力劝阻自己的朋友,不要喝太多酒。dissuade [sb] from doing [sth] vtr (persuade [sb] against doing [sth])劝诫Please dissuade him from taking that rash course of me the favor of doing [sth] (US), do me the favour of doing [sth] (UK) interj (please would you)请帮我做…;请帮我一个…的忙do [sb] the honor of doing [sth] (US), do [sb] the honour of doing [sth] (UK) v expr (do [sth] out of kindness, respect)愿意为某人做某事;有幸为某人做某事be doing well v expr (thrive)情况不错;状态良好Sarah and Jim are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Grace. Both mother and baby are doing well.萨拉和吉姆很高兴能宣布他们的女儿格蕾丝出生了。母亲和宝宝都状态良好。be doing well v expr (recover)康复得不错A month after her car accident, Mary is doing well.车祸一个月后,玛丽康复得不错。be done with doing [sth] v expr informal (have finished [sth] undesirable)受够了;干够了I'm a college graduate now; I'm done with waiting on tables!我现在是一名大学毕业生了,我已经干够了服务员的工作了!be done doing [sth] v expr informal (have finished doing [sth])完成了;做完了I'm done stacking the shelves; what should I do next?我已经弄完架子了,接下来我应该做什么?be done with doing [sth] v expr slang (had enough, stop)受够了…I'm done with trying to explain it to you - do what you like, I don't care!down with [sth], down with doing [sth], down to do [sth], down for [sth], down for doing [sth] expr slang (keen to do [sth])支持Sure, I'm down for going hiking this weekend.当然,我支持这个周末去远足。dragoon [sb] into doing [sth] vtr figurative (force, pressurize)迫使...做...draw the line at [sth], draw the line at doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (set a limit or restriction)划界限;拒绝做I went out for a few beers, but I drew the line at doing shots.dread doing [sth] v expr (feel daunted by doing)惧怕做某事;害怕做某事I always dread giving speeches.我总是很害怕做演讲。dream of doing [sth] vi + prep figurative (aspire) (比喻)梦想做某事Many teenagers dream of becoming pop stars, but few have the talent to make it happen.许多青少年都梦想成为明星,不过没有几个人具备实现它的才能。dream of doing [sth] v expr figurative (conceive)设想;想象备注: used especially where there is a doubt or a negativeThey wouldn't dream of going to Paris without seeing Michel!他们完全没有设想到去了巴黎却没见成米歇尔!duck out of doing [sth] v expr informal, figurative (avoid obligation)避开;躲避;逃避He always tries to duck out of talking to my parents.dupe [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (deceive, trick [sb] into doing [sth])欺骗They duped me into thinking I would get the cheque today.end up doing [sth] v expr (eventually have to do)最终;到头来Julia turned Larry down, so he ended up going to the prom by himself.茱莉亚拒绝了拉里,最后他只能自己一个人去参加了舞会。enjoy doing [sth] v expr (take pleasure in doing)享受做;喜欢做I enjoy watching rugby, but I have never played it myself.我很喜欢看橄榄球比赛,不过自己从来没有玩过。entertain the idea of doing [sth] v expr often negative (consider)考虑做...enthusiastic about doing [sth] expr (excited to do [sth])热切于...的;对...感到激动的Tony's very enthusiastic about starting college.托尼对即将开始的大学生活感到激动。entice [sb] to do [sth], entice [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (persuade to do)劝服某人做某事;说服某人做某事Ann tried to entice her boss to close the office early on Fridays.安试图说服自己的老板周五早一点关张。envisage doing [sth] v expr (consider, intend)设想;构想Karen envisages retiring at the age of sixty.卡伦设想会在六十岁时退休。be excited about doing [sth] v expr (be keen to do [sth])热衷于;钟爱Jenna is excited about starting her new job on Monday.珍娜星期一就要开始新工作了,她非常兴奋。exempt from doing [sth] adj + prep (excused from doing)被允许不做…;获准不必...This employee is exempt from working weekends because of his family circumstances.因为家庭情况,这位员工获准不必周末上班。exempt [sb] from [sth], exempt [sb] from doing [sth] vtr + prep (excuse, exclude from)免除某人做某事的必要;准许某人不做某事The school exempted the student from playing sports, because of his poor health.考虑到那位学生的健康状况,学校准许他不参加体育活动。experienced in doing [sth] adj (knowledgeable, practised)在做...上有经验的;在做...方面老练的Harry is the director of a large department, so he's experienced in managing staff.哈利是一个大部门的主管,所以员工管理上很有经验。faced with [sth], faced with doing [sth] adj + prep (having to confront)面对;直面I don't want to be faced with that problem.fall to doing [sth] v expr (dive into an activity)开始做…fancy doing [sth] vtr UK, informal (like, want)想要I fancy going out for a meal this evening.我今天晚上想要出去吃饭。fearful of doing [sth] expr (afraid to do [sth])害怕做Many people are fearful of going to the dentist.许多人害怕去看牙医。be fed up to the back teeth of doing [sth], be sick to the back teeth of doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated by [sth] repeated)烦透了;失望透顶备注: also "with doing sth"She said angrily that she was fed up to the back teeth of hearing us bicker.feel guilty for doing [sth], feel guilty about doing [sth] v expr (feel responsible, regretful)对…感到后悔;觉得愧疚I felt guilty for cheating on the test.我对考试作弊感到愧疚。feel like [sth], feel like doing [sth] v expr (want to do)想要做某事I feel like going out for dinner tonight.今晚,我想要外出就餐。feel up to [sth], feel up to doing [sth] v expr (have health, energy for [sth])感觉有精力…;感觉有力气…I'm so tired that I don't even feel up to going to the party.find yourself doing [sth] v expr (be, realise you are: doing [sth])忽然意识到自己在做She finds herself constantly thinking about the boy from her English class.finish doing [sth] v expr (task: complete)完成;做完Tania finished cooking dinner and served it up.塔尼亚做完晚餐,将其端上桌。focus on doing [sth] v expr figurative (concentrate)集中精力于…上It's time you focused on studying for your exams.是时候为了你的考试集中精力于学业了。focus on [sth], focus on doing [sth] vi + prep figurative (be about)以…为重点;集中于The report focused on what needed to be done to make the company profitable again.报告的重点是需要采取什么措施来让公司重新盈利。follow [sth] up by doing [sth], follow up [sth] by doing [sth] v expr (make further communication)对…采取后续行动;进一步沟通John followed up his interview by sending a thank-you note.约翰通过发送一封感谢信来作为对他面试采取的后续行动。fond of doing [sth] adj (activity: enjoy)喜欢做...的;热爱做...的Simon's kids are fond of visiting the zoo.西蒙的孩子很喜欢去动物园。forbear to do [sth], forbear from doing [sth] v expr formal (abstain from [sth])克制不做…Please forbear from touching anything.forbid [sb] from doing [sth], forbid [sb] to do [sth] v expr (command against)禁止...做...;不准...做...John's parents forbade him to spend any more time with his troublesome friends.约翰的父母禁止他再跟他那些爱惹麻烦的朋友们厮混。forbidden from doing [sth] expr (person: prohibited)被禁止做James was forbidden from going out with his friends until his exams were over.在考试结束前,詹姆斯被禁止和朋友出去。forgo doing [sth], forego doing [sth] v expr (not do)放弃做某事We decided to forgo going to the party because of the bad weather.由于糟糕的天气,我们决定放弃出席聚会。frighten [sb] into doing [sth] vtr (intimidate [sb])威胁某人做某事;恐吓某人做某事They were trying to frighten the witness into keeping silent.他们企图威胁那个证人保持沉默。get doing vi informal (start)开始Let's get painting, before it's too dark for us to see what we're doing.趁天还没黑,我们也能看清楚,不如我们去刷漆吧。get around doing [sth], also UK: get round doing [sth] v expr (avoid doing)规避;逃避;避开The politician got around answering the question by changing the subject.The businessman got around paying his taxes by using a loophole in the law.那个政客换了话题来回避回答这个问题。//这个商人钻法律的空子以规避税务。get carried away doing [sth], be carried away v expr figurative (forget other tasks)专心于...而忘记;专注于...而忘却Sorry I'm late - I got carried away watching the football.get off on [sth], get off on doing [sth] v expr slang (enjoy, be excited by)享受…;因为…而兴奋get off on [sth], get off on doing [sth] v expr slang (be sexually excited by)因为…而亢奋;因为…而激起性欲get round to doing [sth], get around to doing [sth] v expr (find time to do)抽时间做;抽空做This wall is so grubby; I must get round to repainting it.这面墙真脏。我必须抽时间将它重新粉刷一下。get the hang of [sth], get the hang of doing [sth] v expr informal (learn to do)学会…;掌握…的窍门I took her ice-skating for the first time, and she got the hang of it right away.get to doing [sth] vi + prep slang (start: doing)开始When he failed to call me yet again, I got to wondering if he was having an affair.他又没给我打电话,我开始怀疑他是否有外遇。get used to doing [sth] v expr (develop habit)适应;习惯You will soon get used to working the night shift.你很快就会习惯上夜班的。give [sb] credit for [sth], give [sb] credit for doing [sth] v expr (acknowledge)为…而称赞某人Teresa gave Simon credit for admitting responsibility for the mistake.give credit to [sb] for [sth], give credit to [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (acknowledge)为…而称赞某人Many commentators have given credit to Karzai for leading the country to recovery.give over doing [sth] v expr UK, slang (stop doing [sth])停止做某事;不要再Give over arguing! You're giving me a headache!别吵了!你让我头疼!give up hope of doing [sth] v expr (be resigned)放弃做…的希望The couple had given up hope of having a child.give up on doing [sth] v expr (abandon: an effort)放弃I gave up on trying to find a good example.我放弃寻找一个好的例证。given to doing [sth] adj (tending to do)愿意做某事的;想要做某事的She is much given to staying out late.她很想要在外面玩到很晚。go back to doing [sth] v expr (revert to doing [sth]) (恶习等)再度,重新开始,故态复萌Sheila went back to using drugs.席拉重新开始吸毒。go on doing [sth] v expr (continue doing [sth])继续;接着做Few professional footballers go on playing into their forties.职业足球运动员很少能踢到四十岁。go straight on doing [sth] v expr informal (continue to do [sth])继续做Jill decided to go straight on doing what she loved to do.吉尔决定继续做她喜欢做的事。goad [sb] into [sth], goad [sb] into doing [sth] vtr (prompt into action)促使Richard's pleas eventually goaded Maddy into buying the house.goad [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (prompt, spur into doing)唆使Fiona goaded Ellen into going to the party.good for [sth], good for doing [sth] adj + prep (useful)对…好用;适合用来Shoe boxes are good for storing old postcards and letters.鞋盒适合用来装过去的明信片和信件。great at (doing) [sth] adj informal (expert)精通的;擅长的;精于…的She's great at crosswords.她擅于玩纵横字迷。guilty of doing [sth] expr (culpable)因…该受责备,犯了…的错误He was guilty of misleading his co-workers about his intentions.他因为在自己的意图上误导了同事而应该受责备。gull [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (fool [sb] into doing)欺骗;欺诈Mandy's coworker gulled her into doing the whole task by herself.handle [sth], handle doing [sth] vtr (cope with)应付;处理He couldn't handle the emotional effect of his father's death.他在感情上应付不了自己父亲的死。handy at doing [sth] prep informal (skilled)擅长做...的He is handy at fixing broken electric motors.hang on [sth/sb] doing [sth] v expr (depend)取决于The player's hopes of taking the Wimbledon title hang on him winning this final set.这位选手能否赢得温布尔登赛冠军取决于他能否拿下最后一盘比赛。have a chance of [sth], have a chance of doing [sth] v expr (be able to succeed at [sth])有成功的机会We have a chance of winning if we can carry on at this rate.have a chance at doing [sth] v expr (have opportunity to do)有机会Audrey has a chance at getting into Harvard.have a go at [sth], have a go at doing [sth] v expr informal (try)跃跃欲试Harry was having a go at solving the crossword puzzle.哈利正在尝试解开纵横字谜。have a good shot at [sth], have a good shot at doing [sth] v expr (likely chance) (如达到目标等)很有可能I have a good shot at winning the scholarship this year.have a hand in doing [sth] v expr informal (be involved)参与...Gwyneth had a hand in persuading Celia to change her mind.have a hard time doing [sth] v expr informal (find difficult)做...很难We're having a hard time picking a suitable slogan for our marketing campaign.have a history of [sth], have a history of doing [sth] v expr (be known to have done [sth])有…的历史,有…的经历;做过have a job doing [sth] v expr slang (experience difficulty: doing [sth]) (俚语)做某事很困难,很吃力You'll have a job convincing him to give you a raise.content to do [sth], content with doing [sth] adj (satisfied)满足于…的,对做…感到心满意足的She was content to hear about his promotion.听说他升了职,她很满足。continue to do [sth], continue doing [sth] v expr (carry on)继续做After retirement, Jane continued to work as a supply teacher.退休后,简继续在做代课老师。;have a knack for doing [sth], have the knack for doing [sth], have a knack of doing [sth] v expr (have a talent, skill for [sth])在…方面有技巧;在…方面有天赋Carly has a knack for solving impossible problems.have a knack of doing [sth] v expr ironic (have a tendency to do [sth]) (讽刺)有…的本事My brother has a knack of annoying people.have a shot at doing [sth] v expr informal (have chance)有机会You have a shot at winning the lottery.have a talent for [sth], have a talent for doing [sth] v expr (be naturally good at)有做…的天分或才华Steve has a talent for drawing; his portraits are particularly good.have a talent for [sth], have a talent for doing [sth] v expr (be prone to)易于..., 很容易...Ellen has a real talent for getting into trouble.have difficulty doing [sth] v expr (find it hard to do [sth])觉得做(某事)有困难;难以I have difficulty understanding algebra.have every intention of doing [sth] v expr (fully intend to do [sth])下定决心要做…I have every intention of keeping my promise.I had every intention of finishing the essay, but I just couldn't do it.have had enough of doing [sth] v expr informal (be fed up)再也忍受不了...Miriam had had enough of cleaning up after her thoughtless flatmates.have no business doing [sth] v expr informal (not have the right)与…无关;毫无干系You have no business spreading gossip about me!have no chance of doing [sth] v expr (be unable)根本没有机会;根本无法;根本不能The patient has no chance of surviving without the treatment.have no qualms about doing [sth], have no qualms in doing [sth] v expr (not suffer a guilty conscience)毫无顾忌;毫不内疚I had no qualms about reporting him to the police - he was a violent criminal, without a shred of compassion for his victims.have trouble, have trouble doing [sth] vtr + n (experience difficulty: doing [sth])有困难;有麻烦;遇到麻烦I have trouble remembering passwords.have your eye on doing [sth] v expr (aim, intend)有意做;打算做I keep working this job, but I have my eye on going back to college.have your fill of doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (tire of doing [sth])对做(某事)感到厌倦Elaine has had her fill of tidying up after her flatmates.hellbent on doing [sth], hell-bent adj informal (determined)决意的, 不顾一切的She's hell-bent on coming tonight, in spite of this awful [sth], help doing [sth] vtr informal (avoid, prevent)避免;防止I can't help thinking she was right all along.hesitant about doing [sth] expr (person: reluctant) (人)不情愿的,勉强的;迟疑的,犹疑的Sarah is hesitant about going on the trip.hold out hope (of (doing) [sth] v expr (stay optimistic)抱希望;心存希望Police do not hold out much hope of catching the culprits.hold with (doing) [sth] vi + prep (agree)同意;赞同备注: used in negatives and where there is doubtI'm sorry, but I just don't hold with that attitude.honor [sb] by doing [sth] (US), honour [sb] by doing [sth] (UK) v expr (treat with honour)用…来纪念…The army honoured the officer by giving him a special medal for bravery.军队为纪念这名军官,授予他一枚特殊的勇敢奖章。hook [sb] into doing [sth] vtr + prep US, figurative, informal (persuade to do)使计让...做...;设法让...做...Max hooked his friend into driving him to the airport.马克思设法让他的朋友开车送他去机场。hopeful of doing [sth] adj + prep (optimistic of doing [sth])有望,大有希望Smith, the current champion, is hopeful of winning today's race.现任冠军史密斯大有希望赢得今天的比赛。How are you doing? expr informal (greeting) (招呼语)最近怎么样?; (招呼语)在忙什么呢"How are you doing?" "Not too bad, how about you?"hustle [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (coerce, urge [sb] to do)哄骗...做某事The strange man on the corner was trying to hustle passers-by into buying cocaine.拐角处的陌生男子正试图哄骗路人购买可卡因。immune to doing [sth] expr (not sensitive: to [sth])不敏感He was born with a rare condition which made him immune to feeling pain.impede [sb] from doing [sth] vtr + prep (hinder: [sb])阻碍某人做某事The basketball player impeded his opponent from scoring.篮球运动员阻止自己的对手得分。in charge of doing [sth] expr (responsible for a task)负责As secretary, Jess is in charge of taking down the minutes of the meeting.作为秘书,杰西负责记下会议纪要。in danger of doing [sth] expr (at risk of)处于…危险之中;有…的危险If you walk in the middle of the road you're in danger of being hit by a car.如果你在路中间行走,就会有被车撞的危险。be in debt to [sb] for doing [sth] v expr figurative (morally obligated)因做某事而欠某人的I will be forever in debt to you for saving my doing so, in so doing adv (by these actions)这么做造成…;通过这么做in favor of doing [sth] (US), in favour of doing [sth] (UK) expr (approving of [sth])赞成做某事;赞同做某事in return for doing [sth] prep (in exchange, as payment)作为对…的回报I cooked her a meal in return for looking after the kids while I was shopping.我给她做了一顿饭,作为她在我外出购物时帮我照看孩子的回报。in reward for doing [sth] expr (as recompense)作为对…的报偿或报答, 作为对…的报酬或答谢My parents bought me a new laptop in reward for passing my so doing, in doing so adv (by these actions)这么做造成…;通过这么做Don't wander on the property without them knowing; in doing so, you'll be the habit of doing [sth] prep (doing regularly)习惯于做某事;有做某事的习惯She was so in the habit of walking home after school that she forgot she needed to visit the store the middle of doing [sth] prep (still doing)正在做I can't talk to you now. I'm in the middle of fixing in the process of doing [sth] v expr (be doing)正在…I am in the process of applying for a visa to travel to the USA.incapable of [sth], incapable of doing [sth] adj + prep (unable to do)不会;不能Sorry – I'm incapable of looking at you in that hat without laughing.insist on doing [sth], insist upon doing [sth] v expr (be determined)坚决要做...;下定决心要做...Despite my complaints, he insisted on doing things his way.虽然我再三抱怨,他还是坚持要按自己的方法行事。insist on doing [sth] v expr (persist in [sth] annoying)坚持做...;一定要做...My daughter insists on playing her music loudly late at night.我女儿晚上坚持大声功放音乐。instead of doing [sth] expr (rather than do [sth] else)而非做某事;没有做某事,而是I watched TV instead of doing my homework.我没做作业,而是看电视了。instrumental in doing [sth] expr (helpful in achieving [sth])有帮助的My aunt was instrumental in my getting the appointment.intent on doing [sth] adj (determined)坚决要做;下决心要做Peter was intent on going to work even though he was sick.即便生病,彼得也坚决要上班。interested in doing [sth] adj + prep (wanting to do)对做…感兴趣,想要做I'm interested in starting my own business.我想要自己创业。intimidate [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (coerce, frighten [sb] into action)恐吓使屈服;威逼Intimidating a voter into staying away from the polls is inexcusable.我们不能宽恕恐吓选民不参加投票的行为。inveigle [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (persuade by deceit)哄骗...做My brother managed to inveigle me into lending him money.involve doing [sth] v expr (entail, mean)需要;包含;含有Buying a car usually involves getting a loan from a bank.买车往往需要从银行贷款。involve [sb] in doing [sth] v expr (include in doing)让某人参与做某事We like to involve the children in deciding where to go for the summer holidays.我们希望让孩子们参与决定夏日假期去哪里。jawbone [sb] into doing [sth] v expr US, informal (pressure through persuasion)磨破嘴皮硬是说服某人做某事The salesman jawboned the couple into signing the contract.justify doing [sth] v expr (be a good reason, excuse)证明正当Nothing justifies hitting a child.keen on doing [sth] adj esp UK (enthusiastic, eager)对…渴望;热衷于I'm keen on going to a rock festival sometime during the summer.我很想在夏天的某个时候去参加一场摇滚音乐节。keep doing [sth] v expr (continue to do [sth])一直做某事;持续(某一行为);继续做某事He kept working until six o'clock.他一直工作到六点钟。keep doing [sth] v expr (do [sth] repeatedly)继续做某事;重复做某事The kitten kept playing with the fringe of the carpet.小猫不停地玩地毯的毛边。keep doing [sth] vtr (continue on)继续做某事Keep going straight and you will find the store.keep from doing [sth] vi + prep (refrain)忍住;克制住I can't keep from eating ice cream.我无法忍住不吃冰淇淋。keep [sb/sth] from doing [sth] vtr + prep (prevent)阻止;克制,压抑;克制;压抑The constant interruptions were keeping Alvin from doing his work.在持续的干扰下,阿尔文无法继续他的工作。kill time doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (occupy yourself with [sth])消磨时间I killed time drinking coffee while I waited for Meg to arrive.lament doing [sth] v expr (regret doing)后悔做某事The criminal lamented getting involved in the murder.lay claim to doing [sth] v expr (assert [sth] about yourself)自称;自以为Prudence laid claim to being the best singer in her family.普鲁登斯自认为是她家中最好的歌手。lay off doing [sth] v expr slang (stop doing)停止I wish my friends would lay off teasing me about my friendship with James.我希望朋友们不要再拿我和詹姆斯的友谊开玩笑了。learn by doing v expr (train while working)从实践中学习Employees learn by doing to prepare them for possible situations at work.leave off doing [sth] v expr informal (stop doing [sth]) (非正式用语)使停止The mother told her son to leave off ripping the pages out of the book.母亲让儿子别再撕书了。lecture [sb] about doing [sth] v expr figurative (reprimand, moralize)因为…批评;因为…斥责Deanna lectured her son about staying out late.狄安娜因为儿子晚归而批评他。like doing [sth], like to do [sth] v expr (activity: enjoy)喜欢做某事;喜爱做某事Liz likes cooking Thai food.莉兹喜欢做泰国菜。lose the opportunity, lose the opportunity to do [sth], lose the opportunity of doing [sth] v expr (miss the chance: to do [sth])失去...的机会If you ever have the chance to visit Buckingham Palace, you should not lose the opportunity of doing so. Join the queue or you will lose the opportunity to get her doing [sth], love to do [sth] v expr (activity: enjoy)喜爱做某事;爱做某事I love jogging in the park when the weather is warm.天气暖和的时候,我喜欢在公园里慢跑。lower yourself by doing [sth] vtr + refl (do [sth] undignified)屈尊降贵;自降身份Don't lower yourself by responding to his insults.lower yourself by doing [sth] vtr + refl (humble yourself)做某事是自贬身份The Duchess lowered herself by marrying a commoner.lure [sb/sth] into doing [sth] v expr (entice into doing)引诱某人做某事;诱惑某人做某事The interviewer tried to lure the politician into admitting that he had made a mistake.采访者想套那位政客的话,让他承认自己犯了错。make a point of doing [sth] v expr (insist on doing)坚持做;总是做I make a point of donating to a charity every Christmas.每年圣诞节我都会向慈善机构捐款。make a practice of doing [sth] v expr (be in the habit of)常常Most doctors do not make a practice of calling on patients in their homes.make no bones about doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be forthright, direct in doing)毫不掩饰,直截了当Veronica made no bones about telling her boss exactly what she thought of him.manipulate [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (persuade to do)摆布某人做某事;操纵某人做某事The con man manipulated his victim into signing her house over to him.mean doing [sth] vtr (with gerund: involve) (做某事)意味着No, I can't take you to your sister's house now, as that would mean driving across town and back in the rush hour.mind doing [sth] vtr (object to)介意做;反对做Do you mind having to babysit for your brothers so often?你经常得照顾自己兄弟得小孩,会介意吗?move toward doing [sth], move towards v expr figurative (tend towards)朝…发展,转而做More companies are moving towards allowing their employees to work from home on certain days.necessitate doing [sth] v expr (make necessary)使...成为必需;使...成为必要The extra guests necessitated our taking two cars.来了额外的客人,所以我们得叫两辆车。need doing v expr informal (require)需要These pillowcases need washing.这些枕套需要洗洗了。it's no use doing [sth], there's no use doing [sth] expr (it is pointless)没有帮助的;没有用的It's no use calling out his name, he can't hear you any more.there's no use in doing [sth], there's no point doing [sth], there's no point in doing [sth] expr (it is pointless)没有用的;无济于事的;于事无补的There's no point in asking Jake if you can borrow his car; he'll say no.There's no use in telling me now that I shouldn't put that vase there; you should have mentioned it before I knocked it over and broke it.not be good for doing [sth] v expr (not be useful in)对…没用;不能用于A bicycle pump is not good for inflating a car tire.not feel like [sth], not feel like doing [sth] v expr (not want to do)不想做I don't feel like going out tonight.Nothing doing! interj informal (refusal: certainly not)不行;绝不be nothing doing expr informal (no activity)无事可做Pete went to the bar, but there was nothing doing there, so he headed home.nurse a hope of doing [sth] v expr (dream of doing [sth])梦想做某事object to doing [sth] v expr (be opposed to, disagree with [sth])反对做…;不同意做…The worker objected to having to work late since he wouldn't get paid for the extra hours.工人没有加班工资,所以不同意加班加点工作。obstruct [sb] from doing [sth] v expr figurative (hinder, prevent)阻挡;阻碍Fear should not obstruct an officer from doing his duty.on the brink of doing [sth] prep (about to do [sth])濒临;即将做某事的She was on the brink of committing suicide when she called the crisis hotline.on the point of doing [sth] expr (about to do [sth])正在…的时候;即将;濒临She was on the point of leaving when he finally arrived.on the threshold of doing [sth] expr figurative (about to do [sth])将要做某事He was on the threshold of making his big decision.on the verge of doing [sth] expr (about to do)即将,将要;濒临,在...的边缘Imogen was on the verge of going out, when the phone rang.on the way to doing [sth] prep figurative (progressing)正在,正逐渐; (比喻说法)在...的路上Roger is on the way to becoming a successful on your way to doing [sth] v expr (make progress towards [sth])在…的过程中The research team is on its way to completing the first stage of the to [sth], open to doing [sth] adj + prep (accepting)愿意接受新观念的;开明的,开放的Martin is open to those of all political persuasions.I'm open to having a discussion about this issue.马丁对于所有政治派别都持开放的态度。// 我愿意就这个问题进行讨论。opt against doing [sth] v expr (decide not to do)选择不做opt out of doing [sth] v expr (exclude yourself from doing)选择不;决定不Tick this box to opt out of receiving our newsletter.勾选这个方格,选择不再接收我们的简报。pardon [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (forgive for sin, crime)宽恕(某人某事);饶恕(某人某事)Robert pardoned his son for behaving badly.Pardon me for doing [sth] expr (Excuse me for doing [sth])希望不介意我做某事Pardon me for saying so, but do you think that's a good idea?do [sb] the honor of doing [sth] (US), do [sb] the honour of doing [sth] (UK) v expr (do [sth] out of kindness, respect)愿意为某人做某事;有幸为某人做某事be doing well v expr (thrive)情况不错;状态良好Sarah and Jim are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Grace. Both mother and baby are doing well.萨拉和吉姆很高兴能宣布他们的女儿格蕾丝出生了。母亲和宝宝都状态良好。be doing well v expr (recover)康复得不错A month after her car accident, Mary is doing well.车祸一个月后,玛丽康复得不错。down with [sth], down with doing [sth], down to do [sth], down for [sth], down for doing [sth] expr slang (keen to do [sth])支持Sure, I'm down for going hiking this weekend.当然,我支持这个周末去远足。entice [sb] to do [sth], entice [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (persuade to do)劝服某人做某事;说服某人做某事Ann tried to entice her boss to close the office early on Fridays.安试图说服自己的老板周五早一点关张。;penalize [sb] for doing [sth], also UK: penalise [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (punish [sb] for doing [sth])为做了某事而处罚某人The store penalizes people for shoplifting by calling the police.persist in doing [sth] v expr (continue to do)持续做某事;不断做某事He persists in scratching the scab so the wound hasn't healed.plead guilty, plead guilty to [sth], plead guilty to doing [sth] v expr (defendant: declare guilt)认罪He told his lawyer he was going to plead guilty to all the charges against him.他告诉律师,自己打算对所有的指控认罪。plead not guilty, plead not guilty to [sth], plead not guilty to doing [sth] v expr (defendant: declare innocence)辩称无罪postpone doing [sth] vtr (delay doing)延期做某事;延后Colin and Laura have decided to postpone getting married until they can afford to honeymoon in Paris.科林和劳拉决定推迟婚礼,先为巴黎蜜月攒钱。preclude [sb] from doing [sth] v expr (exclude from doing)阻止某人做某事;妨碍某人做某事Susan's condition precludes her from taking strenuous exercise.苏珊的身体情况不允许她进行激烈的体育运动。predispose [sb] to do [sth], predispose [sb] towards doing [sth] v expr (make likely to do)使...倾向于做...preparatory to [sth], preparatory to doing [sth] expr (prior to, before)在…前的;预备的Preparatory to his visit to the dentist's, Peter brushed his teeth very [sb] into doing [sth] vtr figurative (forcefully persuade [sb] to do [sth])迫使某人做某事Louis was press-ganged into organizing the children's party.pressure [sb] into doing [sth] v expr figurative (coerce)迫使某人做某事The older kids pressured Ben into stealing some candy.那些大孩子迫使本去偷糖果。pressurize [sb] into doing [sth], also UK: pressurise [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (coerce [sb] into doing [sth])迫使某人做某事The schoolboys pressurized Danny into playing a prank on their teacher.prevent [sb] doing [sth], prevent [sb] from doing [sth] v expr (stop: [sb] doing [sth])阻止某人做某事;使某人不能做某事The police officer prevented her from entering the building.那名警察阻止她进入大楼。pride yourself on doing [sth] v expr (be conscientious)以做…自豪;以做…为傲I pride myself on staying fit and slim.prior to doing [sth] expr (before doing [sth])在...之前We went to the farmers' market prior to going to the pharmacy.在去药房之前,我们去了一趟农场集市。proceed in doing [sth] v expr (continue, insist on: doing [sth])继续;坚持If you proceed in behaving like this, you will end up in trouble.如果你坚持这样做,会陷入麻烦的。prod [sb] to do [sth], prod [sb] into doing [sth] v expr figurative (prompt to do [sth])督促某人做某事Mary resents having to prod her son to finish his homework.profit from doing [sth], profit by doing [sth] v expr (make money from)从…中获利;从…中牟利The company profited from selling licenses of its operating system to makers of mobile devices.该公司向移动设备生产商销售自己的操作系统许可,借此获利。profit from doing [sth] v expr (exploit)从…获益;利用...牟利Unscrupulous funeral directors may profit from the bereaved by offering only the most expensive options.有的丧葬承办人寡廉鲜耻,为不幸丧失亲人的人只提供最昂贵的服务,借此牟取利益。prohibit [sb] from doing [sth] v expr (forbid)阻止;禁止The police prohibited me from entering the building.prone to doing [sth] expr (tending to do)倾向做某事的;有意于做某事的;喜欢做某事的Alan is prone to taking days off without bothering to give an explanation.艾伦总是喜欢请假,甚至连借口都懒得找。propose doing [sth] v expr (suggest doing)建议(做某事);提议(做某事)After the meal, Jeremy proposed going on to a nightclub.吃完饭,杰里米建议去夜店玩。provoke, provoke [sb] into (doing) [sth], provoke [sb] to (do) [sth] vtr (incite [sb] to do [sth])激起某人做某事;煽动某人做某事His article provoked me into writing a letter to The Times.我在他的文章的煽动下,写了一封信给《泰晤士报》。psych [sb] into doing [sth] v expr informal, abbreviation (persuade by psychological means) (使用心理方法)说服某人做某事psych [sb] out of doing [sth] v expr informal, abbreviation (dissuade by psychological means)诱使某人停止做某事;说服某人停止做某事push [sb] to do [sth], push [sb] into [sth], push [sb] into doing [sth] vtr (urge, coerce)促使某人做某事He pushed her to go to the store with him.put [sb/sth] at risk of [sth], put [sb/sth] at risk of doing [sth] v expr (expose to)使陷入…的风险We were put at risk of severe sunburn, working outdoors at midday.quit doing [sth] v expr informal (stop doing)停止做某事;不要做某事Will you quit interrupting me when I'm trying to study?你能不能不要在我学习的时候打搅我?quit doing [sth] vtr informal (habit: give up) (习惯)戒掉,戒除James is trying to quit biting his nails.詹姆士试图戒掉啃指甲的习惯。razz [sb] about doing [sth], razz [sb] for doing [sth] v expr US, slang (tease for doing [sth])因...做了...而调侃rebuke [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (criticize, scold for)指责某人做某事;训斥某人做某事The old lady rebuked the young man for pushing into the queue.老妇人指责那个年轻人插队。recommence doing [sth] v expr formal (start doing again)重新开始做(某事)recommend doing [sth] v expr (suggest, advise)推荐;建议I recommend calling a plumber rather than trying to fix it yourself.我建议你还是不要自己修了,打电话叫修理工吧。reduce [sb] to doing [sth] v expr often passive (worsen status of)使沦落A once-wealthy woman, she has been reduced to begging in the street.reduce [sb] to doing [sth] v expr usually passive (make resort to)使…不得不;使…被迫做We were so poor back then that we were reduced to living on peanut butter and crackers.refrain from doing [sth] v expr (avoid doing)不要;忍住不做Please refrain from talking in the library.请不要在图书馆里说话。regret doing [sth] vtr (wish you had not done)后悔做过;遗憾做过Cathy regretted hurting her friend's feelings.凯茜后悔伤害了她朋友的感情。usage: sadness and disappointmentRegret and be sorry are both used to say that someone feels sadness or disappointment about something that has happened, or about something they have done. Regret is more formal than be sorry.You can say that you regret something or are sorry about it.I immediately regretted my decision.Astrid was sorry about leaving abruptly.You can also say that you regret or are sorry that something has happened.Pisarev regretted that no real changes had occurred.He was sorry he had agreed to stay.You can also say that you regret doing something. None of the women I spoke to regretted making this change.Be carefulDon't say that you ‘are sorry doing’ something.rejoice in doing [sth] v expr (take pleasure)以做某事为乐The girls rejoice in teasing their brother.rejoice in doing [sth] v expr formal (express joy)欢庆We rejoice in wishing you a happy anniversary.reliant on [sth/sb] doing [sth] expr (situation: depending) (局势)依靠, 有赖于Our success is reliant on everyone doing their job.reproach [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (resent for doing [sth])责备某人做某事She reproached me for not calling often enough.resent [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (feel aggrieved at [sb])怨恨某人做某事;因为…对某人不满They resented us having better seats than they had.他们因为我们的座位更好而对我们不满。resent doing [sth] v expr (feel aggrieved about [sth])对…愤愤不平,对…愤懑不已;厌烦;怨恨She resented having to spend so much time alone.她对不得不独自呆那么久而愤懑不已。resist doing [sth] vtr figurative (abstain from doing [sth])忍住;抵挡…的诱惑She couldn't resist making a joke about his ill-fitting trousers.她忍不住开了个玩笑,笑他不合身的裤子。resort to doing [sth] v expr (do as final option)最终采取;最终依靠于Bill resorted to eating tuna after he ran out of other food.其他食品耗尽之后,比尔最终依赖于吞拿鱼才活了下来。respect [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (person: admire)由于某事尊敬某人;由于某事敬佩某人I really respect Phoebe for volunteering at the hospital.菲比在医院做义工,我真的很敬佩她。responsible for doing [sth] expr (in charge of doing)负责做某事He was responsible for handing out the invitations.他负责发出邀请。responsible for doing [sth] expr (guilty of doing)为…负责I am responsible for having broken the vase.打碎花瓶的人是我。reward for doing [sth] n (prize for doing [sth])奖品;奖励;奖金I sat down with a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit as a reward for doing all the housework.我坐下来,喝了一杯茶,吃了一块巧克力饼干,作为完成所有家务的奖励。reward [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (give a gift for [sth] done)为做…给…酬谢The man rewarded Richard for returning his dog.理查德归还了那位男子的狗,获得了他的酬谢。rope [sb] into doing [sth] v expr figurative (involve [sb] in doing)拉某人做某事Gareth roped Mike into going rock climbing with him.I've been roped into helping out at the school the risk of doing [sth], run a risk of doing [sth] v expr (expose yourself to the danger of)冒...的风险;承担...的风险You run the risk of becoming dehydrated if you don't drink enough liquids.screw [sb] into doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (coerce)胁迫;威胁They screwed the hostage into giving them the names they wanted.set on doing [sth] adj + prep (determined to do)坚定;坚决Marcus is set on getting into Oxford.马库斯坚决要去牛津念书。shake [sb] into (doing) [sth] vtr figurative (prompt [sb])使动摇, 使改变主意This news will shake people into action.shame [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (motivate with shame)使蒙羞;使感到羞愧A barrage of criticism on social media shamed the actress into apologising for her comments.社交媒体上的批评铺天盖地,让这位女演员愧不可当,出面为自己的言论道歉。shanghai [sb] into doing [sth] v expr slang, figurative (force to do [sth])强迫...做short of doing [sth] prep (except)除了I don't know what to do, short of leaving.short of doing [sth] expr (other than do [sth])除做…外Short of replacing the whole engine, there is nothing you can do to solve the problem.要想解决这个问题,除了换掉整个引擎外别无他法。shrink away from doing [sth] v expr figurative (be reluctant to face doing)逃避做某事Amanda shrank away from giving Oliver the bad sick of doing [sth] v expr informal (be weary of doing [sth])厌烦做某事的;厌倦做某事的I'm sick of looking for shoes for you; please pick something out.我厌倦了陪你试鞋子,请赶紧挑一双吧。simulate doing [sth] v expr (enact, act out)模拟The university's flight simulator realistically simulated flying a plane.skilled in [sth], skilled at [sth], skilled at doing [sth] adj + prep (dexterous, practised)在…方面技术熟练的;对…很在行的My mother is skilled in the crafts of sewing and baking.我母亲对缝纫和烘焙很在行。slam [sb/sth] for doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (criticize)因某人做了某事而对其大肆抨击The boss slammed Norma for getting the order wrong.老板因诺尔玛弄错了订单而对她大肆抨击。slick at doing [sth] expr figurative (person: practiced)做…熟练Patricia is slick at making sales.帕特丽夏做销售工作很熟练。snare [sb] into doing [sth] vtr (manipulate into doing [sth])诱惑;诱入…圈套Pippa is trying to snare Ben into going to the party.snooker [sb] into doing [sth] v expr US, figurative, slang (deceive into doing)骗某人做某事Jeffrey snookered his younger brother into giving him his lunch money.specialize in doing [sth], also UK: specialise in doing [sth] v expr (be an expert in doing [sth])专门研究;专门从事Pediatricians are doctors who specialize in treating children.spend time doing [sth] v expr (devote time to doing)花时间做Parents are encouraged to spend time reading to their children.我们鼓励父母应花时间读书给孩子听。stand a chance of doing [sth] v expr informal (have a possibility)有可能;有机会The team realistically never stood a chance of beating Real Madrid.start doing [sth] v expr (begin doing)开始做某事When she stroked the cat, she started sneezing.当她摸那只猫的时候,她就开始打喷嚏。start [sb] doing [sth] vtr (cause to do [sth])使某人开始做某事Your words started me thinking.start off by doing [sth] v expr (do first)首先;第一步stimulate [sb] to do [sth], stimulate [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (encourage)激励某人做某事The film stimulated the students into asking questions.stop doing [sth] v expr (cease doing)停止做,别再做Please stop calling me.请别再给我打电话了。usage: ‘stop doing’If you stop doing something at a particular time, you no longer do it after that time.We all stopped talking.He couldn't stop crying.stop [sb] doing [sth], stop [sb] from doing [sth] v expr (prevent, hinder)妨碍某人做某事;阻碍某人做某事The doorman stopped us from entering.门卫阻碍我们进入。stop [sb] doing [sth] v expr (prevent, forbid)禁止某人做某事;阻止某人做某事The teenager's parents stopped her going out to the pub.那个年轻人的父母禁止她去酒吧。stop [sth] doing [sth], stop [sth] from doing [sth] v expr (prevent)防止某事(进一步发展等)Fortunately she stopped the situation from getting any worse.所幸的是,她防止了事态的进一步恶化。stop short of doing [sth] v expr informal (not do)不做某事I was furious with her, but I stopped short of saying something I'd regret.stretch to doing [sth] v expr informal, figurative (extend to [sth]) (比喻)延伸到,延展到I'm afraid my conversational skills in Italian don't stretch to negotiating house prices.恐怕我意大利语的会话技巧还不足以谈房价。succeed in doing [sth] v expr (manage to do)成功地做某事Alan succeeded in mending the chair.艾伦成功地修好了椅子。sucker [sb] into doing [sth] v expr slang, figurative (fool)欺骗某人做某事The boss suckered Jim into working overtime again.老板又骗得吉姆加班加点。suitable for doing [sth] expr (appropriate for an activity)适合;适宜Tonight, be sure to wear shoes suitable for going out dancing.今天晚上,请保证穿适合的鞋子去跳舞。support doing [sth] v expr (be in favor of doing [sth])支持;拥护;赞成He supported raising taxes.他支持提高税赋。surprise [sb] by doing [sth] v expr (do [sth] unexpected)因做某事而让某人感到惊讶Ken surprised his wife by making her pancakes for breakfast.肯因为给老婆做了蛋烘糕作早餐而使她感到惊讶。surprise [sb] by doing [sth] v expr (do [sth] nice for [sb])通过做某事给某人惊喜The students surprised their teacher by throwing her a party.为了给老师一个惊喜,学生们为她举办了一场派对。susceptible to doing [sth] adj + prep (liable to do)有可能;有…的倾向Be careful! That dog is susceptible to biting people when he gets excited.当心!那条狗激动的时候有可能咬人。suspect [sb] of [sth], suspect [sb] of doing [sth] vtr + prep (believe guilty of)怀疑某人犯有…(罪)I suspect Tom of stealing those stationery supplies.我怀疑是汤姆偷走了那些文具用品。be suspected of doing [sth] v expr (thought guilty of doing [sth])涉嫌,有做某事的嫌疑sweet-talk [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (persuade to do by flattery)用花言巧语哄...做...She was unable to sweet-talk her teacher into giving her a better grade.She batted her eyes at me and then sweet-talked me into buying her a new pair of shoes.sweeten [sth] by doing [sth] v expr figurative (make more enticing)使...更诱人The company sweetened the job offer by promising five weeks of paid vacation.forbear to do [sth], forbear from doing [sth] v expr formal (abstain from [sth])克制不做…Please forbear from touching anything.forbid [sb] from doing [sth], forbid [sb] to do [sth] v expr (command against)禁止...做...;不准...做...John's parents forbade him to spend any more time with his troublesome friends.约翰的父母禁止他再跟他那些爱惹麻烦的朋友们厮混。switch to doing [sth] v expr (change to doing [sth])转变去做...Going to the coffee house every morning was becoming expensive, so I switched to brewing my own.take a stab at doing [sth], have a stab at doing [sth] v expr informal, figurative (attempt [sth])尝试做...take delight in doing [sth] v expr (enjoy doing [sth])乐于take the liberty of doing [sth] v expr (do [sth] without permission)冒昧;擅自May I take the liberty of calling you Marta? You weren't here when the waiter came so I took the liberty of ordering for you.take the risk of doing [sth] v expr (do [sth] despite danger)冒险去...;冒险做...Do you think it's wise to take the risk of starting a business in the current economic climate?take [sb] to task for doing [sth], bring [sb] to task for doing [sth] v expr (reprimand [sb] for doing [sth])因...做了...而训斥talk [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (persuade to do [sth])说服某人做某事;劝服某人做某事She talked him into going to the cinema that night.她说服他那天晚上去电影院看电影。talk [sb] out of doing [sth] v expr (dissuade from doing [sth])劝服某人不做某事I'm trying to talk her out of leaving school at 16.task [sb] with doing [sth] v expr (assign a task to)派任务给He was tasked with loading the data onto the computer system.他被派给了将数据载入计算机系统的任务。Thank you for doing [sth] interj (gratitude for [sth] done) (感叹词)因为做…谢谢你Thank you for helping me with my homework.谢谢你帮助我完成作业。there is no point in doing [sth] expr (it wouldn't be worthwhile to)毫无意义;没有任何意义think of doing [sth] v expr (consider: doing [sth])考虑做We're thinking of going to that new Italian restaurant tonight.我们正在考虑今晚去吃吃看那家新开的意大利餐厅。think about doing [sth], think of v expr (consider possibility)想着;考虑;打算Don't even think about asking me to do you any more favours!想都别想让我再帮你任何忙!think better of doing [sth] v expr (reconsider doing [sth])重新考虑I thought better of sending my boss an angry email when I remember how much I needed my salary.think little of doing [sth] v expr (disregard)轻视;忽视He is a rich man and thinks little of spending a million on a new car.think twice about doing [sth], think twice before doing [sth], think twice before you do [sth] v expr (reconsider prior to doing [sth])三思而后行You should think twice about giving up a steady job to start a PhD.I'd advise you to think twice before you accept this man's proposal; you've only just met him!be through with doing [sth] v expr informal (had enough of doing [sth])受够了做I'm through with washing windows. I need a more exciting job!totally committed (to (doing) [sth]) adj (fully engaged)全情投入的;完全投入的People here are totally committed to helping each other learn another language.trick [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (deceive into doing)骗某人做某事The scammer tricked Brian into handing over £400.诈骗者从布莱恩手中骗走了400英镑。try doing [sth] v expr (test an effect)试试做某事;试着做某事Try playing the music softly, and you may hear the violins in the background.试着把音乐的音量开低一点,你或许可以听到背景中的小提琴声。try doing [sth], try to do [sth] v expr (endeavor to)争取;努力做Try to do all of your schoolwork tonight.争取今晚把你所有的作业都做完。try your hand at doing [sth] v expr (attempt [sth] new)尝试;试一试I've decided to try my hand at writing children's books.turn away from doing [sth] v expr figurative (avoid involvement)避免卷入;躲开He turns away from dealing with beggars.他避开与乞丐打交道。unite in doing [sth] v expr (join together in doing)联合起来Countries from around the world united in celebrating the New Year.up for doing [sth] expr informal (keen, willing to do)乐意做某事;有兴趣做某事I asked Tracey if she was up for coming with me on the up to doing [sth] v expr informal (be capable of doing)能够;有能力Alice should apply for the manager's job; I think she is up to running the department.爱丽丝应该申请经理的工作,我认为她有能力管理这个部门。be up to doing [sth] v expr (be fit enough to do)能胜任I can run 5K, but I'm not yet up to running a marathon.我可以跑5千米,但还没到能跑马拉松的程度。upbraid [sb] for doing [sth] v expr formal (reprimand for doing)为做了某事训斥某人The teacher upbraided Ginny for failing to learn her times tables.used for doing [sth] expr (utilized for [sth])用于做Pencils are used for writing.铅笔是用于书写的工具。way, way of doing [sth], way to do [sth] n (manner)方式;方法There is more than one way to make a cup of tea.泡茶不止一种方法。weasel out of doing [sth] v expr (get out of doing [sth])放弃做某事;逃避做某事wind up doing [sth] v expr informal (eventually have to do)最终落得;最终沦落到If I don't find a job soon, I may wind up begging on the streets.如果我不尽快找到一份工作,我可能会在街上乞讨。with a view to doing [sth] expr (so as to)考虑到, 鉴于;为了, 指望I worked hard with a view to applying to a good university.worm out of doing [sth] v expr informal, figurative (escape, avoid doing)避免做某事I see Karen's wormed out of doing the dishes worth your while doing [sth], be worth your while to do [sth] expr值得花时间做某事;值得花精力做某事It's worth your while reading the reviews before buying a doing [sth], like to do [sth] v expr (activity: enjoy)喜欢做某事;喜爱做某事Liz likes cooking Thai food.莉兹喜欢做泰国菜。lose the opportunity, lose the opportunity to do [sth], lose the opportunity of doing [sth] v expr (miss the chance: to do [sth])失去...的机会If you ever have the chance to visit Buckingham Palace, you should not lose the opportunity of doing so. Join the queue or you will lose the opportunity to get her doing [sth], love to do [sth] v expr (activity: enjoy)喜爱做某事;爱做某事I love jogging in the park when the weather is warm.天气暖和的时候,我喜欢在公园里慢跑。predispose [sb] to do [sth], predispose [sb] towards doing [sth] v expr (make likely to do)使...倾向于做 [sb] to do [sth], prod [sb] into doing [sth] v expr figurative (prompt to do [sth])督促某人做某事Mary resents having to prod her son to finish his homework.provoke, provoke [sb] into (doing) [sth], provoke [sb] to (do) [sth] vtr (incite [sb] to do [sth])激起某人做某事;煽动某人做某事His article provoked me into writing a letter to The Times.我在他的文章的煽动下,写了一封信给《泰晤士报》。push [sb] to do [sth], push [sb] into [sth], push [sb] into doing [sth] vtr (urge, coerce)促使某人做某事He pushed her to go to the store with him.stimulate [sb] to do [sth], stimulate [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (encourage)激励某人做某事The film stimulated the students into asking questions.think twice about doing [sth], think twice before doing [sth], think twice before you do [sth] v expr (reconsider prior to doing [sth])三思而后行You should think twice about giving up a steady job to start a PhD.I'd advise you to think twice before you accept this man's proposal; you've only just met him!try doing [sth], try to do [sth] v expr (endeavor to)争取;努力做Try to do all of your schoolwork tonight.争取今晚把你所有的作业都做完。way, way of doing [sth], way to do [sth] n (manner)方式;方法There is more than one way to make a cup of tea.泡茶不止一种方法。be worth your while doing [sth], be worth your while to do [sth] expr值得花时间做某事;值得花精力做某事It's worth your while reading the reviews before buying a camera.




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