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词汇 diving
释义 divingUK:*/ˈdaɪvɪŋ/US:UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: dive主要翻译 diving n (sport: jumping into water)跳水;跳水运动The British Olympic team took bronze in diving.在跳水比赛中,英国奥运队取得了铜牌。 diving n (action of jumping into water)跳水Diving is what James likes doing best when he goes to the swimming pool.在游泳池游泳的时候,詹姆斯最喜欢跳水。 diving n (scuba diving: deep-sea swimming) (戴水肺或呼吸设备的)潜水Diving is quite safe if you follow the correct procedures.如果你遵守正确的程序,潜水还是挺安全的。 复合形式:diving | dive deep-sea diving n (scuba diving at great depths)深海潜水Deep-sea diving opens a whole new universe to scientists, engineers and archaeologists. diving bell n (submersible chamber)潜水钟 diving board n (springboard into pool)跳水板She bounced three times on the diving board before entering the water with a splash.她在跳水板上弹跳三次,然后跳入水中,溅起一片水花。 diving gear n (equipment for scuba diving)潜水衣She rented diving gear before going on vacation. diving suit (diving equipment)潜水衣;潜水服 Dumpster diving, dumpster diving n US, ® (picking through refuse bins)捡垃圾备注: Though "Dumpster" is trademarked, it is often used uncapitalized; it may also be used generically to refer to any similar large waste receptacle.For the last few months, he had been squatting in an abandoned house and dumpster diving for his meals. freediving, free diving, free-diving n (sport: skin diving)自由潜水;轻装潜水;闭气潜水The resort offers a number of activities for guests, including scuba diving and freediving. ice diving n (scuba diving under layer of ice)冰潜;冰下潜水 scuba diving n (deep-sea swimming)戴水肺潜水,深海潜水We wanted to do some scuba diving but couldn't afford to hire the equipment.我们想去深海潜水,不过租不起设备。 skin diving n (in water)通气管潜水;潜游 skydiving, sky diving n (jumping from a plane)特技跳伞备注: 人在高空中由飞机跳下,先自由坠落,而后打开降落伞Rachel loves extreme sports such as skydiving.




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