generous benefactor───慷慨的恩人
obvious benefits───明显的好处
pension benefits───养恤金;退休津贴
confer benefits───给予好处
generous donation───慷慨捐赠
generous gift───慷慨的礼物
generous heart───慷慨的心
get benefits───获得好处
With two children at home, Mike said he was reluctant to abandon the generous benefits he gets at the trade group where he currently works.───由于家里有两个孩子,所以Mike不愿意放弃目前工作所获得的慷慨收益。
These folks will happily work overtime in exchange for a good salary, generous benefits and plenty of vacation time.───他们愿意用加班来换取丰厚的薪水、良好的福利和各种休假。
It was also America's largest employer, paying its workers solidly middle-class wages with generous benefits.───它也是美国最大的雇主,向员工支付绝对达到中产阶级水平的薪资,外带慷慨福利。
After all, while reports of Europe's economic demise are greatly exaggerated, reports of its high taxes and generous benefits aren't.───毕竟,有关欧洲经济崩溃的报告严重言过其实,而有关高税收和慷慨福利的报告却并未如此。
Take the funds with the most generous benefits, those covering the fire service and the police.───退休津贴拿得最多的人,包括消防队员和警察。
It's not the norm in my industry to provide generous benefits or very many benefits at all.───我产业的标准绝对不是提供慷慨的福利和足够多的保险金。
Even if they launch a new pension scheme with less generous benefits they face maintaining the solvency of the old fund.
Corporations no longer brag about their generous benefits; instead they take pride in offering stingy benefits and low wages.