

词汇 gearing up
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bearing up───使振作;不气馁;驶向下风

tearing up───撕毁;撕碎;拉掉

clearing up───清乡

beating up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌

easing up───v.缓和;放松;减轻

eating up───吃光;耗尽;击垮

flaring up───突然发怒;突然烧起来


The team is now gearing up for a navigation payload PDR at ITT.───该团队目前正在ITT公司为导航有效载荷的PDR进行改进。

Cycle organizations are gearing up for National Bike Week.───自行车组织正在为全国自行车周活动作准备。

This has left Baku gearing up for the limelight.───这一切让巴库走到了聚光灯下。

But don't expect to hear that view in Washington, with unemployment still high and politicians gearing up for an election year.───但是,在美国失业率仍居高不下、美国领导人又在为明年总统大选而加紧准备的情况下,不要指望在华盛顿听到这种观点。

The nation can rest assured that the oil industry is fully aware of its responsibility and is gearing up to meet the challenge.───只有印度石油工业充分意识到它的责任,同时准备好应对挑战,国家才能放心休息。

Workplaces all over the UK are gearing up for the festive period and all the traditions and customs that come with it.───现在英国所有的工作场所都在忙着为节日和各类习俗张罗。

The company appears to be on track, albeit in repair mode, and gearing up for a kind of drilling homecoming in the Gulf.───虽然仍处于“修复模式”(repairmode),但该公司似乎正在重回正轨,并正加速重返墨西哥湾地区的石油钻探领域。

During this speech Bush said the extra troops are needed to battle Taliban fighters who are gearing up for a new spring offensive.───布什在讲话中称,与准备发动新一轮春季攻势的塔利班士兵作战需要额外增派军队。

As she's speaking, John has wandered off into the studio and is gearing up to start moving.───她说话的同时,约翰漫步进工作室,准备开始跳舞。


Cycle organizations are gearing up for National Bike Week.

The organization is gearing up for a convention in May.

Politicians are already gearing up for the election.

The players are gearing up for the big game.

The company's gearing up for the big export drive.

The National Education Association is gearing up for its four-day convention in Boston.

The Department is gearing up for increased intake of students.

The company will shortly be gearing up for a major expansion.

However, some in-house lawyers are already gearing up.

  • gearing class destroyer
  • gearing up
  • gearing wows




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