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词汇 counter
释义 counterUK:*/ˈkaʊntər/US:/ˈkaʊntɚ/ ,(koun′tər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 counter n (flat, elevated surface)柜台You can fill out the form at the counter over there.你可以在那边的柜台上把表格填好。 counter n (sales window)售票处I bought three tickets at the counter.我在售票处买了三张票。 counter n (kitchen surface)厨房台面He leaned over the kitchen counter to cut the carrots.他倾着身子在厨房台面上切萝卜。 counter n (in shop, etc.: surface)柜台The jeweller displayed the rings on the counter.这名珠宝商在柜台上展示这些戒指。 counter n (game token)筹码;桌游指示器If you throw a five, move your counter forward five spaces.如果你扔了个5,那么就将你的指示器向前移动五格。 counter adj (opposing)相反的;对立的;反击的His counter move resulted in his winning the game.他反击,赢了这场比赛。 其他翻译 counter n (tally counter: device for counting)计数器;计算器The counter tallied the number of pages printed on the press.印制发行的页数计数器都有记录。 counter n (witty reply)反驳;辩驳His counter to the criticism of his politics made everyone laugh.他的政策遭到批评,而他对此进行的反驳让大家都发笑。 counter n (person who counts)数数目的人;点数的人At the entrance to the carnival stood a counter, keeping track of how many people had paid to get in.嘉年华入口处站着一位计数员,记录有多少人花钱买票入场。 counter n (shoes: heel piece)(皮鞋的)后跟;后帮I need to take these shoes to the repair shop for new soles and counters.我得把这些鞋拿到修理铺去换上新的鞋底和后跟。 counter prefix (against) (前缀)反对,相反For example: counterbalance, counteract例如:抗衡力,抵消 counter prefix (corresponding) (前缀)相应,相对应For example: counterpart例如:对应的人或物 counter, counter that, counter with vi (respond to argument)反对;反驳He countered that the plan was impractical.他反驳说这个计划不切实际。 counter [sth] vtr (move in opposition to)对抗;反制The manager found a way of countering the other team's tactics.经理找到了一个方法,反制另一个团队的计谋。 counter [sth] with [sth] vtr (move in opposition to)以…还击He countered his opponent's move with a swift blow.他以一记快击来还击对手的动作。 复合形式: counter offer n (offer made in response to an offer)反提议; (商务)还价,还盘The sellers have accepted our counter offer for the house. counter to [sth] prep (in opposition to)与…相反That idea runs counter to popular wisdom about how to grow tomatoes. counter-measure n (act that opposes another action)应对措施,对策 Counter-Reformation n historical (historic Roman Catholic Church movement)反宗教改革, 天主教改革 counter-reformation n (reformation counteracting a previous one)反改革 counterargument, counter-argument n (rebuttal, refutation)用来驳斥的观点;用来辩驳的观点 counterattack, counter-attack n (military: retaliation)反攻;反击They quickly waged a counter-attack to try to regain the upper hand. counterattack, counter-attack n (verbal response)反击;反攻The journalist published a scathing counterattack. countercheck, counter-check, counter check n (second check)复查 countercheck, counter-check, counter check n (an opposing restraint)抵抗力;对抗 countercheck [sth], counter-check [sth] vtr (restrain or counteract)对抗;抵抗;反制 countercheck [sth], counter-check [sth] vtr (double-check)复查 counterclockwise, counter-clockwise (US), anticlockwise, anti-clockwise (UK) adj (direction: opposite to clock hands)逆时针的;反时针的Turn the handle in a counterclockwise direction to switch off the machine. counterclockwise, counter-clockwise (US), anticlockwise, anti-clockwise (UK) adv (movement: opposite to clock hands)逆时针地To open the jar, you have to turn the lid counter-clockwise. counterculture, counter culture, counter-culture n (nonconformism: social, political)反传统文化;非主流文化It doesn't take long for the counterculture to become the mainstream culture. counterculture, counter-culture n dated (lifestyle: non-conventional) (过时用语)逆主流文化,反传统文化 counterculture, counter culture, counter-culture n as adj (hippie, nonconformist)反传统文化的;非主流文化的Ken Kesey was a major figure in the counterculture movement of the 1960s. countercurrent n (current flowing against another)逆流 countercurrent n figurative (movement against established opinion)对立思潮 counterespionage, also UK: counter-espionage n (counteracting spies)反间谍 counterespionage, also UK: counter-espionage n as adj (counteracting spies)反间谍的 counterexample, counter-example n (rebuttal)反例 counterinsurgency, counter-insurgency n (military: anti-guerrilla activity)镇压叛乱;反暴动;反暴动 counterintelligence, also UK: counter-intelligence n (anti-espionage)反间谍活动;反情报活动The counterintelligence agent was crucial in discovering the network of foreign spies. counterintuitive, also UK: counter-intuitive adj (not logical)有悖常理的,违反直觉的This new operating system seems very counterintuitive and hard to use. countermeasure, also UK: counter-measure n (retaliation: act opposing an action)对策 countermeasure, also UK: counter-measure n (response)对策;对抗措施The government's counter-measures don't seem to be working. counterproductive, counter-productive adj (self-defeating)事与愿违的;适得其反的;与预期相反的Eating a pint of ice cream after you exercise is counterproductive. counterproposal, counter-proposal n (alternative to idea proposed)反提案;对案;反提议It doesn't matter what we offer since they'll inevitably return with a counterproposal. counterrevolution (US), counter-revolution (UK) n (revolt against a revolution)反革命 counterrevolutionary (US), counter-revolutionary (UK) adj (opposed to revolution)反革命的The counterrevolutionary militia arrested fifteen suspects. counterrevolutionary (US), counter-revolutionary (UK) n (opponent of a revolution)反革命分子 counterterrorism, counter-terrorism, antiterrorism n (efforts to prevent terrorism)反恐怖主义 counterterrorism, counter-terrorism, antiterrorism n as adj (aimed at preventing terrorism)反恐的 counterterrorism, counter-terrorism n (retaliatory terrorism)报复性恐怖主义 countertop, counter top n (work surface)工作台,操作台The apartment comes with beautiful granite countertops. countertop, counter top n US (counter: top of serving desk in shop)展示柜的顶层;货架顶A basket of candy sat on the countertop. deli counter n abbreviation (in shop: serves cold meat)冷荤柜台The deli counter was busy so I just bought packaged meat. Geiger counter n (device that measures radioactivity)盖氏计量器The more radiation present, the faster the tick of the Geiger counter. kitchen counter n (work surface used for cooking)厨房台面,厨房操作台After she finished preparing supper, she wiped off the kitchen counter. lunch counter n (inexpensive restaurant)平价餐厅;便餐厅 lunch counter n (counter in store selling snacks)点心柜台;零食柜台 OTC adv initialism (over the counter)场外地This drug cannot be bought OTC. OTC adj initialism (over-the-counter)场外的Rufus went to the pharmacy to get an OTC painkiller. over the counter adv (drugs: without prescription)不用处方地;非处方地Aspirin and Ibuprofen are examples of medicines that can be purchased over the counter. over-the-counter adj (drugs: sold without prescription) (药)非处方的,不用处方的 over-the-counter drug n (medicine: no prescription)非处方药The hypochondriac used a lot of over-the counter drugs. run counter to [sth] v expr (go against [sth])违反;与...背道而驰Cheating on an exam runs counter to what my parents told me was the right thing to do. under-the-counter adj figurative (secret, illegal) (交易等)私下地,偷偷地Alan had done an under-the-counter deal to obtain a supply of contraband cigarettes. under the counter adv figurative (secretly, illegally) (交易等)私下地,偷偷地She was being paid under the counter so she avoided paying taxes.




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