

词汇 accommodation ladder
释义 accommodation ladder
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accommodation ladders───舷梯(指船的)

accommodation paper───[金融]融通票据

accommodation address───临时通信地址

accommodation line───通融受保业务

accommodation lines───通融受保业务

accommodation papers───[金融]融通票据

accommodation platform───住宿平台

accommodation officer───(学校)宿舍管理员

accommodation parties───融通票据关系人;汇票代发人


It also concluded that 41 per cent of young low-to-middle earners live in privately rented accommodation compared with 14 per cent in 1988 - because fewer can get on the property ladder.───该研究团体还推断得出,年轻的中低收入群体中有41%居住在私人出租的宿舍,相比之下,1988年时这一比例为14%——因为现在这一群体中很少有人有能力买上自己的房。

Loading test of accommodation ladder ( pilot ladder ).───舷梯 ( 引水员梯 ) 压重试验.

Prime Minister Helen Clark and other senior officials of New Zealand waited at the accommodation ladder of the plane to greet him.───新西兰总理克拉克携新方高级官员在舷梯旁热情迎候。

test of accommodation ladder (pilot ladder).───舷梯(引水员梯)压重试验。


Two aluminium alloy stanchions for accommodation ladder were lacked, to be provided.

Lowering and hoisting test of accommodation ladder(pilot ladder).

Rig accommodation ladder in combination with pilot ladder.

Prime Minister Helen Clark and other senior officials of New Zealand waited at the accommodation ladder of the plane to greet him.

H. Using smoking signal lashing at the hand rail of each accommodation ladder and connecting the start up ring to the bridge by rope.

Loading test of accommodation ladder ( pilot ladder ).

  • accommodation bill
  • accommodation cork
  • accommodations for pregnancy
  • accommodations movie
  • accommodation spaces




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