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词汇 cat
释义 catUK:*'cat', 'CAT': /ˈkæt/US:/kæt/ ,(kat)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 cat n (feline: domestic) (家畜)猫,猫咪My aunt has a black cat. My cat is getting old; she doesn't go out hunting any more.我阿姨养了一只黑猫。我家的猫逐渐变老,也不能再和我出去打猎了。 cat n (feline: wild, big) (生物学)猫科,猫科动物The leopard is a big cat.美洲豹是大型猫科动物。 其他翻译 cat n dated, slang (guy)家伙That Chas is a cool cat. cat n (whip)九尾鞭;鞭子The prisoner was whipped with a cat.囚犯被人用九尾鞭抽打。 cat n slang (catamaran)双体船,筏My parents went sailing on their cat.我父母乘坐双体船出航。 cat vi UK, slang, dated (vomit)呕吐That cheese makes me want to cat. 动词短语 cat around vi phrasal slang (look for sex)寻欢问柳;拈花惹草Wives don't want their husbands to cat around with other women. 复合形式: alley cat n US (stray cat)流浪猫;野猫 alley cat n dated, figurative, slang (man: womanizer) (俚语)玩弄女性者 big cat n informal (large wild feline)大型猫科动物 calico cat n (cat: with colored markings)花斑猫;杂色猫The majority of calico cats are female. cat and mouse expr figurative (gamelike relationship)欲擒故纵的关系;猫鼠般的关系 cat and mouse n (children's game)猫鼠游戏 cat box, litter box, litter tray n (toilet box for cats)猫砂盒One of my son's chores is to clean out the cat box daily and add fresh litter when needed. cat burglar n (stealthy thief)飞贼;身手敏捷的贼The cat burglar entered the house by climbing up the drain-pipe and through an open window on the second floor.飞贼爬上排水管并通过二楼上一扇打开的窗户进入了住宅。 cat flap n (opening in door for cat)(开在门上供猫进出用的)猫洞;活板门We've just fitted a cat flap into the kitchen door so that our cat Jake can come and go as he pleases. cat food n (food intended for cats)猫粮;猫吃的食物The tinned cat food is more expensive but the cats prefer it.Some cats prefer dry cat food while others prefer wet cat food from a can. Cat got your tongue? expr figurative, informal (Why aren't you talking?)没话说了?,怎么不说话了?What's the matter, has the cat got your tongue? cat lady n informal, pejorative (woman: owns cats) (指和许多猫住在一起的单身老女人)猫女士 cat litter n uncountable (toilet material for cats)猫砂 cat nap n (short daytime sleep)打瞌睡;打盹儿;假寐She doesn't sleep well at night but takes cat naps during the day. cat nip n (herb: stimulant to cats)猫薄荷My cat loves to roll in fresh catnip. CAT scan n (diagnostic imaging technique)CAT扫描The doctor ordered a CAT scan in addition to the lab tests. CAT scanner, CT scanner n (diagnostic imaging device)电脑断层扫描仪;造影扫描仪 cat-o'-nine-tails n (whip with nine cords)九尾鞭Sailors who behaved badly were whipped on the back with a cat-o'-nine-tails as a punishment. cat-sit vi (mind [sb] else's pet cat)代人照看猫 cat's cradle n (children's string game)翻线戏;翻花绳 Cat's Cradle n (novel) (小说)猫的摇篮 cat's cradle n (complexity, intricacy)纷繁复杂的;精心策划的 cat's paw n (foot of a cat)猫爪A cat's paw is soft on the bottom, but has dangerous retractable claws. cat's paw, cat's-paw n figurative (duped person) (比喻)爪牙,傀儡,被人利用的人 cat's-eye, cat's eye n UK, usually plural (reflective road stud) (路面反射装置)反光灯 cat's-eye, cat's eye n (gemstone)猫眼石 cat's-eye, cat's eye, cat's-eye marble n (marble)猫眼大理石 catnip, cat nip, cat mint n (herb which appeals to cats) (一种香草)猫薄荷,樟脑草My cat loves toys that have catnip in them.我家的猫喜欢含猫薄荷的玩具。 Cheshire cat n (fictional character) (虚钩角色)柴郡猫备注: From "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll.备注: 刘易斯·卡罗尔创作的童话《爱丽丝漫游仙境》中的虚构角色 civet cat n (general name for many cat-like animals)麝香猫;环尾猫熊 curiosity killed the cat expr (being curious can be dangerous)好奇害死猫;不要好奇危险的事 dead cat bounce n figurative (stock market: brief recovery) (股市:短暂复苏)死猫反弹 domestic cat n (feline kept as a pet)宠物猫;家养猫The European wild cat is bigger than the average domestic cat. domestic cat n (species of small feline)家猫The domestic cat has been with us for centuries. fat cat n ([sb] wealthy)大款 fat cat n (important, influential person)大亨;大人物 fat cat n (lazy, privileged person)有钱有势的人 fat cat n ([sb] rich by questionable dealings)大款, 阔佬 ginger cat n (feline with orange fur)姜黄色的猫 grin like a Cheshire cat v expr (smile widely, inscrutably)咧着嘴笑;咧开嘴嬉笑 hepcat n dated, slang (jazz musician)爵士乐手,爵士音乐家 hepcat n dated, slang (jazz fan)爵士音乐迷 house cat n (domestic feline, pet cat)家猫A lion is a wild cat, not a house cat. jungle cat n (wildcat)丛林猫;野猫 let the cat out of the bag v expr figurative, informal (reveal the secret) (非正式用语)秘密泄露,真相大白Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag about me being pregnant. litter n uncountable (gravel for pet waste) (指清理动物粪便用的)砂I changed the litter in the cat's tray.我把盆里的猫砂换了。 Persian cat n (long-haired domestic feline)波斯猫A Persian cat needs to be brushed several times a week. pussy, puss, pussycat, pussy cat n informal, UK (cat: affectionate term)猫咪,咪咪Our pussycat's quite old now but we still love her.Here pussy, pussy, pussy; come here!我们的猫咪现在已经很老了,但我们仍然爱她。 // 在这儿,咪咪,咪咪,咪咪,过来! pussycat, pussy cat n informal, figurative (person: not threatening) (温顺讨人喜欢的人,比喻)小白兔,绵羊He looks threatening but he's a pussycat at heart. put the cat out v expr informal (let domestic feline outdoors for the night)晚上将猫放门外Don't forget to put the cat out before going up to bed tonight! quoll, native cat n Aus (catlike marsupial)袋鼬 ringtail, ringtailed cat n (American mammal: Bassariscus astutus)浣熊;圈尾猫 saber-toothed cat (US), sabre-toothed cat (UK) n (prehistoric feline)剑齿虎 savannah, Savannah, Savannah cat n (hybrid cat breed)热带草原猫 scaredy-cat n childish (coward)胆小鬼 Siamese cat n (short-haired cat with pale fur)暹罗猫 tabby n (tabby cat: feline with striped fur)斑猫Jillian adopted a tabby from the animal shelter. tabby cat n (feline with striped fur)虎斑猫My tabby cat caught three mice last week. the cat's meow (US), the cat's whiskers (UK) n figurative, informal (person: important)妄自尊大;自命不凡Look at her, strutting about! She really thinks she's the cat's meow! the cat's whiskers expr informal (person, thing: very good)了不起的人;绝妙的事物




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