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Fraser Island───弗雷泽岛

barrier island───障壁岛;[海洋]堰洲岛

Easter Island───复活节岛(位于太平洋,属于智利)

desert island───n.荒岛

barrier islands───堰洲岛

Wrangel Island───弗兰格尔岛(俄罗斯东北部楚克奇海上岛屿)

desert islands───n.荒岛

traffic island───n.(道路上的)交通岛;安全岛

Staten Island───斯塔顿岛(地名,位于纽约)


of the Day: National Geographic Magazine Features Pioneering plants get a toehold above the tide line on Australia's Fraser Island.───澳大利亚的弗雷泽岛上,开拓性的植物在海岸沙丘的潮水界线以外生根立足。

Clear waters lap the shores of Fraser island-the world's largest sand island-just off the coast of Queensland.───纯净的海水拍打着弗雷泽岛的海岸,弗雷泽岛是世界上最大的沙洲岛,离昆士兰海岸不远。

Little more than 200 years later artists and writers, scientists and statesmen saw such value in Fraser Island that in 1992 it was declared a World Heritage site.───不到200年以后,艺术家、作家、科学家以及政治家却如此看重弗雷泽岛,他们于1992年宣布它为世界自然遗产。

So the artist hopped on a timber barge and went to see Fraser Island for himself.───于是,这位艺术家跳上一艘木材驳船,亲自前往弗雷泽岛考察。

English navigator James Cook, who sailed along this coast in 1770, was the first European known to have sighted Fraser Island.───1770年,英国航海家詹姆斯·库克沿这条海岸航行。他是我们所知道的第一位发现弗雷泽岛的欧洲人。

Painted totems attest to the enduring connection between Fraser Island and its Aboriginal inhabitants, the Butchulla people.───彩绘的图腾证实了弗雷泽岛与它的土著居民之间持久的联系。

Pioneering plants get a toehold above the tide line on Australia's Fraser Island.───澳大利亚的弗雷泽岛上,开拓性的植物在海岸沙丘的潮水界线以外生根立足。

For all the paintings, poetry, and prose Fraser Island has inspired, this is not an easy place to categorize.───灵感来自弗雷泽岛的所有绘画、诗歌和散文都难以描绘这片土地。

Fraser Island is famous for its tangled vine forests, or scrubs.───弗雷泽岛因其纠结的藤树林或矮树而闻名。


One of many primitive plants on Fraser Island, this Banksia was named in honor of British botanist Joseph Banks, who visited Australia's east coast in 1770 on a voyage with Captain James Cook.

The weight was found buried in sediment from Fraser Island, off the coast of Queensland.





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