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词汇 blue
释义 blueUK:*/ˈbluː/US:/blu/ ,(blo̅o̅)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 blue n (primary color) (颜色)蓝色I really love blue, it is such a lovely colour.我很喜欢蓝色,它是如此好看的颜色。 blue adj (blue in color)蓝色的My car isn't red, it's blue.我的车是蓝色的,不是红色的。 blue adj figurative (sad, melancholy)觉得沮丧的;感到郁闷的;情绪不好的Rainy days make me feel blue.雨天让我心情忧郁。 blue adj informal, figurative (movie, joke: pornographic)色情的;黄色的There were blue films at the stag night.那个单身汉之夜放了色情片。 the blues npl (melancholy, sadness)忧郁;难过;伤心She's got the blues since her boyfriend left.自从男友离开后,她就一直郁郁寡欢。 blues, the blues npl (African-American folk music) (音乐)布鲁斯We're going out to a bar to hear some blues this weekend. Many New Orleans musicians play the blues.这周末我们要去酒吧听些布鲁斯音乐。许多新奥尔良音乐家都会演奏布鲁斯音乐。 blues n as adj (of African-American folk music) (音乐)布鲁斯音乐的,蓝调音乐的The band played a classic blues number.乐队演奏了经典的蓝调曲目。 其他翻译 blue adj figurative (mood: depressed) (心情)忧郁的,悲观的The bad news put me in a blue mood. blue adj (cold)(由于冷而)发青的;冻青的I played in the snow and my nose was blue!我在雪地里玩耍,鼻子都冻青了! blue adj UK (conservative)保守的人;保守派Don't ask her for money for the strikers, she's a true blue.别替罢工者向她要钱,她是个彻头彻尾的保守派。 blue adj US (Democrat)民主党的;民主党派的Republicans lost again in the blue states.共和党在民主党派的州中再次失利。 blue adj US, figurative (puritanical)清教徒的;极端拘谨的;禁律严格的Some states still maintain puritanical old blue laws. blue adj (discolored by cold)冻得发青的It was a freezing day and my fingers had started turning blue.天寒地冻,我的手指都开始发青了。 the blue n poetic (sky)蓝天;蔚蓝的晴空The rocket lifted off and raced into the blue. blue n (type of butterfly)蓝色蝴蝶Benny trapped a blue in his net.本尼用捕虫网捉到一只蓝色蝴蝶。 Blue n US (Union soldier) (南北战争时期穿蓝色制服的)北军, 北军士兵In the US Civil War, Union soldiers were called 'Blues" or "Bluebellies" because of the colour of their uniforms. Blue n UK (sports award) (大学高级别体育运动竞赛中授予优胜者的)蓝色荣誉He got a Cambridge Blue for rowing. Blue n UK (sports award recipient)蓝色荣誉获得者He is an Oxford Blue. blue vi (turn blue)变成蓝色The water blued as the food colouring was added.加入食用色素时,水变成蓝色了。 blue [sth] vtr (make blue)使…变成蓝色;把…染成蓝色The indigo dye blued the shirt. blue [sth] vtr (metal: heat to make blue/grey)将...烧成蓝色The gunsmith blued the barrel of the gun.军械工人将枪管烧制成蓝色。 复合形式: baby blue n (pale blue colour)淡蓝色;浅蓝色She painted the nursery a gorgeous baby blue. baby blue, baby-blue adj (pale blue in colour)淡蓝色的;浅蓝色的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. baby blues npl informal, figurative (blue eyes)藍眼睛Sinatra was famous for his baby blues. the baby blues npl informal, UK (postnatal sadness)产后抑郁 between the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place, between Scylla and Charybdis expr figurative (facing a dilemma)处于两难境地;左右为难 bice, bice blue n (mid-blue colour)石青蓝, 灰蓝色 black and blue adj informal, figurative (badly bruised)青一块紫一块的,遍体鳞伤的The bullies beat the unfortunate child until he was black and blue. blue belt n (martial arts rank) (一般为受第三年训练者所佩戴的带子)蓝带 blue belt n (person with this rank) (跆拳道、柔道)达到蓝带段位的人Don't threaten him; he's a blue belt in karate.不要威胁他!他是空手道蓝带。 blue blood n figurative (aristocratic or royal descent)贵族出身,名门望族,贵族血统 blue blood n figurative (aristocratic, royal person)贵族, 皇室Queen Elizabeth II is a blue blood. blue book n figurative (guide, almanac) (比喻)蓝皮书;社会知名人士名录;美国政府官员名录 blue book n US (price list: esp. cars)汽车价目表Never buy a used car until you have checked its blue book value. blue catfish n (river fish common in US)蓝鲶鱼The blue catfish is commonly found in the Mississippi River. blue cheese, also US: bleu cheese n (dairy product: veined)蓝纹奶酪;蓝乳酪Fourme d'Ambert is a blue cheese from the Auvergne region of France. There are many types of blue cheese, Roquefort and Stilton being the most famous. blue chip n (business: reliably profitable stock) (金融)蓝筹股The fund invests in blue chips. blue chip, blue-chip adj figurative (outstanding of its kind)优秀的;出色的;卓越的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounMany experts consider blue-chip companies to be the most stable stocks to invest in. blue crab n (crustacean)青蟹;蓝蟹 blue-eye n (Australian bird)蓝眼地鸠 blue-eye n (Australian fish)蓝眼鳕鱼 blue-eye n (defective eye in a horse)蓝眼病 blue-eye n (crop disease)蓝眼病 blue eyes npl (eyes with blue irises)蓝眼睛Many Scandinavians have blond hair and blue eyes. blue film n (adult film)黄色电影;色情电影 blue in the face adj figurative, informal (exasperated) (比喻)(气得)面色发青的,怒容满面的I've told my daughter to pick up her clothes until I'm blue in the face. blue jay n (North American bird) (产于美国东部的蓝色的鸟类)蓝松鸦The blue jay at my feeder frightens off all the smaller birds, but he's certainly pretty. blue jeans npl (denim trousers)蓝色牛仔裤I don't wear dress clothes any more since I retired; I'm living in blue jeans.自从退休后我不再穿正装了,现在我一直穿蓝色牛仔裤。 blue joke n informal, figurative (obscene joke)黄色笑话,下流笑话 blue laws npl US, figurative (Sunday trading restrictions) (美国历史,禁止周末交易的法律)蓝法Because of the blue laws, the many malls in the town are closed on Sundays. blue lips npl (mouth tinged blue) (症状)嘴唇发紫Blue lips can indicate anemia or cardiovascular problems. blue lips n (flower) (蓝色花)寇林希属草 blue marlin n (fish)蓝枪鱼;蓝色马林鱼 blue moon n figurative (long period)千载难逢Why, it's a blue moon since I saw you last. blue movie, also UK: blue film n figurative, informal (pornographic film)黄色电影;色情电影This TV station shows blue movies late at night.这个电视台昨天深夜播放了色情电影。 blue ribbon n (award: distinction)一等奖 blue-ribbon n as adj (of the highest distinction)最高荣誉的,一流的 blue runner n (fish)青鲹 blue screen, green screen n (visual effects: background)蓝背景;蓝屏 blue screen, green screen n uncountable (visual effects: chroma keying)蓝屏幕技术;蓝屏抠像 blue-sky n as adj figurative (approach: creative)想象中的;设想中的;理论上的 blue-sky thinking n figurative (creative thought)天马星空的想法;创意思路 blue steak n figurative (beef: almost raw)近生牛排 blue streak n figurative (continuous flow of words)连珠炮似的话;喋喋不休的话 blue streak n figurative ([sth] very fast)一闪而过的东西;出现一瞬间的物体 blue tit n (bird)蓝冠山雀A pair of blue tits come to my bird table for food every day. blue water adj (seagoing)航海的;航行的I only sail on inland rivers and lakes, never on blue waters. blue whale n (large sea mammal)蓝鲸 blue-blooded adj figurative (aristocratic, royal)贵族的,名门的,皇家的Prince Charles is certainly blue-blooded.查尔斯王子必定是出生贵族。 blue-collar adj (working class, labouring)蓝领;蓝领工人My dad comes from a blue-collar family. blue-collar worker n (manual laborer)体力劳动者;蓝领工人Western Pennsylvania has many blue-collar workers such as steel workers and coal miners. blue-eyed adj (having blue eyes)长着蓝眼睛的;蓝眼睛的;碧眼的 blue-green n (color: turquoise)蓝绿色The sea around the island is a beautiful blue-green. blue-green adj (turquoise in color)蓝绿色;青绿色备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.It's so relaxing to watch the blue-green sea lapping at the shore.看着蓝绿色的海水拍打海岸让人感觉很惬意。 blue-pencil [sth] vtr figurative (edit, censor)删剪,删改 bluefish n (variety of marine fish)蓝鱼 bluing, laundry blue, washing blue, dolly blue n uncountable (substance: whitens clothes)蓝色漂白剂 bolt from the blue n figurative ([sth] unexpected)晴天霹雳;意外事件The accusation of theft was a bolt from the blue. cobalt blue n (artist's pigment)艳蓝色颜料;瓷蓝色颜料备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun cobalt blue n (bright blue color)艳蓝色;瓷蓝色 cobalt blue, cobalt-blue adj (bright blue)艳蓝色的;瓷蓝色的 coho, coho salmon, cohoe salmon, cohoe, silver salmon, blue jack n (fish: variety of salmon)银大马哈鱼;银鳟 cyanobacteria, blue-green algae npl (photosynthetic bacteria)蓝藻, 蓝藻细菌 dark blue n (navy, deep blue)深蓝色People wearing dark blue are hard to see at night. dark blue, dark-blue adj (navy, deep blue)深蓝色的People wearing dark blue clothing are hard to see at night. feel blue vi + adj informal, figurative (be sad)感到郁闷, 觉得沮丧,闷闷不乐, 无精打采, 垂头丧气He has been feeling blue ever since Mary dumped him.自玛丽甩了他之后,他一直闷闷不乐。 be in a blue funk, be in a funk v expr UK, slang (be afraid)恐惧 great blue heron n (bird: large heron)大蓝鹭 greenish-blue n (color: blue with a tinge of green)蓝绿色 greenish-blue adj (blue tinged with green)蓝绿色的 ice blue n (light blue color)冰蓝色;浅蓝色 ice blue, ice-blue adj (very light blue)淡蓝色的,冰蓝色的备注: A hyphens is used when the adjective precedes the noun. indigo blue n (artist's dark blue pigment)紫蓝色颜料;靛蓝色颜料 indigo blue n (dark-blue colour)紫蓝色;靛蓝色 indigo blue, indigo-blue adj (dark blue in colour)紫蓝色的;靛蓝色的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun. light blue n (pale blue color)浅蓝色;淡蓝色Do you have this shirt in light blue?这件衬衫有浅蓝色的吗? light blue, light-blue adj (pale blue in color)浅蓝色的;淡蓝色的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun.The team's new strip is light blue with a burgundy stripe.这个球队新球服采用浅蓝色和酒红色条纹。 navy blue n (dark-blue colour)海军蓝Navy blue is a darker blue than cobalt blue.My favorite color is navy blue. navy blue, navy-blue adj (dark blue in colour)海军蓝的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun.My school uniform is navy blue. neon blue n (bright electric or fluorescent blue)霓虹蓝;荧光蓝 neon blue, neon-blue adj (bright electric or fluorescent blue in colour)霓虹蓝的;荧光蓝的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun. once in a blue moon adv figurative (very rarely)千载难逢地;极为罕见地He only calls once in a blue moon. out of the blue adv figurative (unexpectedly) (比喻)出乎意料,出其不意My cousins turned up out of the blue on Christmas Day.圣诞节时,我的表兄弟们出乎意料地出现了。 pale blue n (light blue)淡蓝色,浅蓝色备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun pale blue, pale-blue adj (light blue)淡蓝色的,浅蓝色的 pastel blue n (pale blue colour)淡蓝色Do you have this in pastel blue? pastel blue, pastel-blue adj (pale blue in colour)淡蓝色的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun.She had to send her pastel-blue jumper to the dry cleaners when she got ketchup on it. pearl blue n (shimmery blue colour)浅蓝灰色Pearl blue is a popular colour for cars. pearl blue, pearl-blue adj (shimmery blue in colour)珍珠蓝备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun. powder blue n (pale blue colour)浅灰蓝色The sky's such a pretty powder blue on sunny days. powder blue, powder-blue adj (pale blue in colour)浅蓝色的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun. robin's-egg blue n (turquoise colour)淡蓝绿色;知更鸟蛋蓝色备注: Two hyphens are used when the term is an adjective robin's-egg-blue adj (turquoise in colour)淡蓝绿色的;知更鸟蛋蓝色的The mother of the bride usually wears a robin's-egg-blue dress. royal blue n (bright blue colour)宝蓝色Chelsea Football Club play in royal blue. royal blue, royal-blue adj (bright blue in colour)宝蓝色的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun. scream bloody murder, scream blue murder, yell bloody murder, yell blue murder v expr informal (shriek, yell loudly)高声尖叫;尖啸 sky blue n (bright blue colour)天蓝色 sky blue, sky-blue adj (bright blue in colour)天蓝色的, 蔚蓝色的 talk a blue streak v expr figurative, informal (speak rapidly and incessantly)连珠泡似地说话 true blue, true-blue adj figurative (loyal, faithful) (对信仰等)忠诚的,忠实的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounA true-blue fan remains loyal even when his team loses. true blue, true-blue adj UK, figurative, informal (politics: Conservative)正统的, 保守的, 守旧的 turquoise blue n (bluish-green colour)蓝绿色;翠兰色;湖蓝色The ocean was a beautiful turquoise blue in the mornings.turquoise blue, turquoise-blue adj (bluish-green in colour)绿松色的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun.




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