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词汇 bill
释义 billUK:*'bill', 'Bill': /ˈbɪl/US:/bɪl/ ,(bil)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: See also: Bill主要翻译 bill n US (paper money, banknote)纸币;钞票;现钞I have three twenty-dollar bills.我有三张二十美元的钞票。usage: ‘bill’ A piece of American paper money is called a bill, not a ‘note’.He took out a five dollar bill. bill n (invoice)账单;清单;发票I received the electricity bill in the mail yesterday.昨天我收到了邮寄过来的电费账单。 bill n UK (restaurant, hotel: amount owed)(餐厅等的)账单Waiter, could you please bring me the bill?服务员,能请你把账单拿给我吗? bill [sb] vtr (charge)开账单;要求支付They will bill you later.他们稍后会要求你支付。 bill [sb] [sth] vtr (charge)给某人开某物的账单;要求某人为某物付账I can't believe the hospital billed me ten thousand dollars.我不敢相信医院给我开了10000美元的账单。 bill [sb] [sth] for [sth] vtr + prep (charge)要求某人为某事付...(钱);向某人收取...(钱)的...费用The lawyer billed him three hundred dollars for the service.那名律师向他收取300美元的服务费。 其他翻译 bill n (list)清单;目录The bill of charges and expenses itemized all project spending.项目成本均按收费票据和开支逐项列出了。 bill n (poster)广告;海报The circus posted bills announcing its arrival in the town.马戏团在镇上贴满海报,好让居民知道。 bill n (proposed legislation) (法律)议案,法案The Bill was approved by Congress and is going before the President.该议案已得到国会批准,正在呈交总统审批。 bill n mainly US (cinema schedule)(影院的)海报;节目单;上映场次安排表The bill states that there are two showings of the film today.影院的海报上说今天有两场电影。 bill n (beak of a waterbird) (鸭子、鸟等的)喙,嘴The duck caught a fish in its bill.鸭子的嘴里衔了一条鱼。 bill n (medieval weapon) (中世纪武器)钩镰枪Two angry-looking guards holding bills stood next to the gate.两个凶神恶煞的守卫手持钩镰枪站在大门旁。 bill n US (visor of a cap)帽舌Bob wore a baseball cap with a frayed bill.鲍勃头戴一顶帽舌被磨破的棒球帽。 bill [sth] as vtr (advertise)宣传;推广The band was billed as the next Beatles. 复合形式:bill | Bill B/S, b/s n written, initialism (bill of sale)转让或抵押契约,卖契 bank bill n US (paper money)钞票The teller counted out the banknotes and handed them to me. bank bill n UK (finance: promissory note)期票 bill collector n (person: collects debts)收账人;收账者 bill of exchange n (order for payment)汇票The exporter sent a bill of exchange for the value of the goods. bill of fare n (menu)菜单,菜谱The bill of fare at the hotel was pretty poor. bill of fare n figurative (program of events)节目单So, what's the bill of fare at this conference? bill of goods n US (consignment, order, shipment)货品清单,货物清单 bill of goods n US, informal (false claims)虚假陈述,虚假声明 bill of health n (certificate on ship) (船上)健康证明 bill of lading, freight bill n (shipment list)提单The bill of lading listed all the contents of the shipment.这张提单上列出了货物的全部内容。 bill of materials n (manufacturing: list of parts)材料清单 bill of quantity n (building: parts and labor) (建筑业)工程量清单 bill of rights n (list of human rights)人权条例The general idea of the "taxpayers' bill of rights" seems to be that taxes are evil. bill of sale n (receipt)销售凭证;销售单The dealership gave me a bill of sale when I bought a car. clean bill of health n (medicine: [sb] is healthy)健康证明The doctor has given me a clean bill of health. clean bill of health n figurative (confirmation: [sth] is ok)合格证明It's good to see the building project has a clean bill of health. dollar bill n US, Can (1$ banknote)美元钞票;美钞There was a pile of dollar bills on the table. double bill, double feature n (presentation: two films)连场电影;双场电影I can't remember the last time I saw a double bill at a cinema. fit the bill, fill the bill v expr (exactly what's needed)刚好符合要求;正好满足需要 five-dollar bill, five dollar bill n US, Can (banknote: $5)五美金I paid for my lunch with a five-dollar bill. foot the bill vi (pay the costs)付帐;负担费用;买单The Insurance company refused my claim, so I had to foot the bill for repairs myself. household bill n (invoice for home utility services)物业账单;水电暖账单 hundred-dollar bill, hundred dollar bill n US (bank note worth $100)百元钞票;百元大钞Jake had trouble spending his hundred-dollar bill, since none of the cashiers would give him change for it. itemized bill, UK: itemised bill n (invoice giving detailed breakdown of costs)细账;明细账When you check out of a hotel they usually give you an itemised bill. medical bill n (invoice for healthcare received)医疗帐单,医疗费用,医疗费His hospital stay was short, but the medical bill was very long. past-due bill n (notice of late payment)过期票据;过期帐单There was a mountain of past-due bills on the desk. pay the bill v expr (pay costs incurred)付账I asked the waiter if I could pay the bill. telephone bill n (invoice for phone use)电话账单;话费单 ten-dollar bill n US (note worth 10 dollars)十元美钞;十元钞票When I was a child, I always got a brand new ten-dollar bill for my birthday. true bill (law) (法律)查明属实,应予起诉 twenty-dollar bill, twenty dollar bill n US (bank note worth 20 dollars)二十美元的钞票;二十美元的纸币Wow, would you look at that, I just found a twenty-dollar bill on the ground! utility bill n (invoice for water or electricity, etc.)水电费账单,公共事业费账单




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