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词汇 foul mood
释义 foul mood
foul mood发音




soul food───美国南方黑人传统食物;精神食粮

soul foods───美国南方黑人传统食物;精神食粮

foul out───v.因犯规超过限定次数而被罚出场

foul pole───犯规杆

foul shot───罚球;罚球所得的一分

full moon───[天]满月


Collins was in a foul mood even before the interviews began.───柯林斯甚至在面试开始之前就处于暴躁情绪。

Perhaps the interviewer fought with his or her spousethat morning, or perhaps the interviewer is sick. Or perhaps, for no reason, the interviewer is just in a foul mood.───也许面试官今天早晨和另一半吵架了,或者面试官生病了。甚至可能什么原因都没有,面试官今天就是心情不好。

She's in a foul mood.───她的情绪很糟。

But the 3-0 defeat against the Germans was horrible and if I had been on the pitch I would have left in a foul mood.───但0比3负于德国球队的确很糟糕。如果当时我参加了那场比赛的话,我会感到非常沮丧。

No wonder he was in such a foul mood. My mistake.───怪不得他脾气这么坏。我的错。

They are in a foul mood, not least because of a disputed vote recount in Minnesota, where Democrats claimed victory this week.───他们本来就心烦意乱,本周明尼苏达州的争议计票事件中,民主党还自称赢得选举,更让事情雪上加霜。

Or perhaps, for no reason, the interviewer is just in a foul mood.───甚至可能什么原因都没有,面试官今天就是心情不好。

Many feared a case of foul mood when the leaders gathered in Toronto on June 26th-27th.───6月26日-27日,与会领导们聚集在多伦多的时候,尽量收集了许多为此事担心的案例。

A new research has found that not only are women grumpier than men, but also that they remain in a foul mood for longer.───一项最新调查发现,女性早晨起床后脾气要比男性暴躁,而且持续的时间比较长。


When he came back, he was in a foul mood.

The argument with his mother left Putt in a foul mood.

Collins was in a foul mood even before the interviews began.

Leave Marge alone; she's in a foul mood and you're not helping.

She's in a foul mood.

The manager was in a foul mood and was shouting at everyone.

Why are you in such a foul mood this morning?

  • foul mood
  • foulard def
  • foul-mouthed row
  • fouled up
  • fouling gun
  • foulness beneath mulmaster
  • foul-mouthed parrots
  • foulness synonym
  • foulard tie images
  • foule madam
  • fouling def




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