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词汇 beam
释义 beamUK:*/ˈbiːm/US:/bim/ ,(bēm)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 beam, beam of light n (light ray)光束The room was dark except for a thin beam of light shining through a small hole in the roof.屋子漆黑一片,只有一束微光从屋顶小孔里射下来。 beam n (laser light)波束;激光束The colorful beams at the laser light show were mesmerizing.激光秀的炫彩激光束真让人着迷。 beam n (wooden support)横梁Construction of the house has just begun; the workers have just erected the beams.房屋才开始动工,建筑工人们才刚刚架起横梁。 beam, balance beam n (gym apparatus) (体操设备)平衡木I find it amazing that women can do flips and pirouettes on a 4-inch wide beam without falling.女人能在一个4英寸宽的平衡木上翻跟斗、做转体,还不会摔下来,我认为简直不可思议。 the beam, balance beam n (gymnastic discipline: balancing) (体操项目)平衡木The gymnast won gold for her performance on the beam.体操选手因为在平衡木上的出色表现而斩获金牌。 beam vi (light: shine)发光,照亮Neon lights beamed across the sky.霓虹灯照亮天际。 beam vi figurative (smile widely)眉开眼笑,绽开笑颜,开颜The baby beamed at the clown's performance.小丑的表演让小宝宝眉开眼笑。 beam [sth] vtr informal (image: transmit) (图像)传播,传送Traffic came to a stop when an image of a gun was beamed onto an overpass.当一幅枪支的图像被投射到天桥上时,交通就停止了。 其他翻译 beam n (boat: widest part) (船)船幅The sailing ship was smaller than one might imagine, with a beam of only twenty feet.这艘帆船比人们想象中要小,它的船幅只有20英尺。 beam n (boat: support strut) (船)横梁,支柱The alarm signal cause the sailor to wake with a start and hit his head on a support beam.警报信号让水手突然惊醒,头还撞到了横梁。 beam n (ray of light)光线;光束The calico cat slumbered on the stairs in a beam of sunlight.一束阳光照着楼梯上熟睡的花斑猫。 beam n (weaving: loom part)织布机织轴The weaver winds the yarn onto the beams of his loom. beam n (part of deer's antler) (鹿角)主干,主枝The antler that Jimmy found in the woods had many branches growing from the beam.吉姆在森林里发现的那个鹿角的主枝上有很多分枝。 beam n (plow shaft)犁杆;犁柄The fields can't be plowed until we fix the beam.不修好犁杆,我们就没有办法犁地。 beam n (wide smile)灿烂的笑容Roy looked at her with a beam on his face.罗伊带着一脸灿烂的笑容看着她。 beam n (flow of particles) (粒子)流,束Scientists measured the strength of the electron beam.科学家们测量了该电子束的强度。 beam n (width of a ship)船宽A boat with a wide beam has greater stability.船宽大的船更加稳固。 beam n (crossbar of a balance)秤梁The scale in my doctor's office uses a beam to measure weight. beam n (music: line connecting notes) (音乐)符梁;符杠The two quavers are connected by a beam. beam [sth] vtr (transmit signal)发出...的信号;发送...的信号With this device, we can beam our radio show all the way to China.通过这台设备,我们能将我们广播节目的信号一路发送到中国去。 动词短语 beam [sb/sth] up, beam up [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (science fiction: transport) (科幻)传送… 复合形式: full beam n (headlights: brightest setting)最强光,最强亮度The car coming towards us had its headlights on full beam. full beam, full-beam n as adj (headlights: on brightest setting)打着强光的If you use full-beam headlights, you may dazzle other road users. high beam n (headlights: bright setting)远光灯 high beam, high-beam n as adj (headlights: on bright setting)远光灯的 laser beam (physics)激光束;雷射光束 low beam n (headlights: dimmest setting) (车前灯)近光The driver put the headlights on low beam so that he wouldn't dazzle other motorists. low beam, low-beam n as adj (headlights: on dimmest setting) (车前灯)近光的I put the headlights on their low-beam setting.




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