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词汇 be
释义 beUK:* strong: /ˈbiː/, weak: /bi/US:/bi; unstressed bi, bɪ/US:(bē; unstressed bē, bi)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: See also: B.Eng.主要翻译 be vi (nature) (表示自然属性、本质)是My mother is short.我妈妈是个矮个子。 be vi (state)[表示状态, 性质]Barry is ill.Audrey is hungry.Tania is right.巴里病了。奥德丽饿了。塔尼亚是对的。usage: formsBe is the most common verb in English. It is used in many different ways.The present tense forms of be are am, are, and is, and the past tense forms are was and were. Be is both an auxiliary and a main verb....a problem which is getting worse.It was about four o'clock. be vi (exist)存在;有There is a woman of 101 in the house opposite.对面房子里住着一位 101 岁的老太太。 be vi (be located)在The butter is on the table.黄油在桌子上。 be vi (event: occur) (表示时间)是发生在The play is at eight o'clock.舞台剧八点钟开始。 be vi (equates two noun phrases) (表示所属(职业))是She is a police officer.她是警察。 be vi (condition: age) (表示年龄)有Robert is ten years old.罗伯特十岁。 be v aux (with present participle: continuous)[与现在分词连用;构成进行时态]Teresa is eating her dinner at the moment.此刻特雷莎正在吃晚饭。 be v aux (with present participle: future)[与现在分词连用;表示不久的将来]We are playing tennis this weekend.我们这周末要打网球。 be v aux (with past participle: passive)[与过去分词连用;构成被动语态]My wallet was stolen yesterday.我的钱包昨天被偷了。 其他翻译 be vi (cost) (表示花费)值It is seven dollars. That will be ten pounds, please.这个东西7美元。那个值10英镑,谢谢。 be vi (have been: go, gone) (用于完成时)来,去I have been to Rome.我去过罗马。 be vi (imperative)[用于祈使句]Be quiet! Be reasonable!请安静!请理智点! be vi (feel) (人)感觉,感到I'm dizzy after that rollercoaster ride.坐完过山车之后,我感觉头晕。 be vi (time) (时间)是It's half past eight.现在的时间是八点半。 be vi (weather) (天气)是It's cold today; you'll need your hat and gloves.今天天气很冷,你得把帽子和手套戴上。 动词短语be | B.Eng. be about vi phrasal informal (be present, in the vicinity)在这里Not many people are about today.今天在这里的人不多。 be ahead vi phrasal figurative (have an advantage)赚钱Compared to the UK, Sweden is ahead in terms of employment security. be along vi phrasal informal (arrive)到达 be back vi phrasal (have returned)回来;返回I'm back from camp, did you miss me? 复合形式:be | B.Eng. be a far cry from [sth] expr informal (very different from)与…大不相同的;大相径庭的Life in Canada is a far cry from what she's used to in Haiti.在加拿大的生活和她从前在海地的生活大相径庭。 be able to do [sth] v expr (can, have the ability to do)能,能够Claire wasn't able to reach the jar on the top shelf.克莱尔够不到最上层的罐子。 be about [sth/sb] v expr (be on the subject of)关于;有关My presentation is about the effects of alcohol.This book is about a king who loses his crown.我的报告内容是关于酒精影响的。//这本书讲述的是一名国王丢掉皇位的故事。 be about to do [sth] v expr (on the point of doing)正要做…的时候,正准备做…时I was just about to step into the bath when the doorbell rang.我正要进入浴室时,门铃响了。 be above v expr figurative (morally superior to)不至于;不屑于He's above lying about such things.他不屑于就那种事撒谎。 be above v expr figurative (too complex for)超出…的理解范围;对…来说太复杂All this talk of economics is above me.这些经济方面的讨论对我来说太复杂了。 be absorbed into [sth] v expr (be integrated, assimilated)专注于The police lost sight of Tom when he was absorbed into the crowd. be accepted and agreed to v expr (terms: be legally agreed) (条款)认可并接受 be accompanied by [sb/sth] v expr (go in company with)有...陪同的 be accompanied by [sth] v expr (coexist with)一同发生或存在的 be acquainted vi + adj (know each other)了解;熟悉;认识Are you two already acquainted?你们俩已经认识了吗? be acquainted with [sb] v expr (know [sb]) (人)与...熟识;跟...熟悉;认识Harry, I believe you are acquainted with Miss Forbes?哈利,我想你是认识福布斯小姐的,对吧? be acquainted with [sth] v expr formal (be familiar with [sth])知晓;明白;了解;熟知Audiences in Ancient Greece were acquainted with the idea of a hero having a tragic flaw.伟大的英雄会有悲剧性的缺陷——这是古希腊人非常熟知的理念。 be adapted from [sth] v expr (story, movie: be based on [sth]) (故事、电影等)根据…改编而成的The film "Invictus" is adapted from a book by John Carlin.电影《成事在人》是根据约翰·卡尔林所著之书改编而成。 be addressed to [sb] v expr (mail: be intended for [sb])是寄给某人的This letter is addressed to you.这封信是寄给你的。 be after [sth/sb] vi + prep informal (search for [sth], [sb])搜寻,寻找I'm after a new service provider; which one would you recommend?我现在正在寻找一个新的服务商,你推荐哪一家? be after doing [sth] v expr Ire (be about to do)刚要;打算做 be after doing [sth] v expr Ire (have just done)刚做;正好做 be against [sth/sb] vi + prep (oppose)反对;不赞同Many Americans are against the war.许多美国人反对打这场战争。 be all ears v expr figurative, informal (eager to hear about [sth])洗耳恭听Tell me about your wedding plans; I'm all ears.告诉我你的结婚计划,我洗耳恭听。 be all eyes v expr figurative, informal (look intently)全神贯注地看;目不转睛 be all thumbs v expr figurative, informal (be clumsy)笨拙;拙手笨脚 be anathema to [sb] v expr (be considered abhorrent)对…十分讨厌的The newly proposed law is anathema to most small business owners. be anchored in [sth] v expr figurative (have a strong link to)扎根于;立足于 be ancient history v expr figurative, informal (no longer be relevant)无关紧要Don't worry about that! It's ancient history. be annoyed at [sb/sth], be annoyed with [sb/sth] adj + prep (irritated, angry)对...感到恼怒,对...感到气恼I'm annoyed at my brother for leaving the room in such a mess.弟弟把房间搞得一团糟,让我大为光火。 be anxious about [sth] v expr (be nervous about [sth])对…焦虑Claire is anxious about her appointment with the dentist tomorrow.克莱尔对明天跟牙医的预约感到焦虑。 be anxious to do [sth] v expr (be eager)渴望做某事,急迫地想做某事The avid fans were anxious to meet their favorite author.狂热的粉丝们急迫地想见到他们最喜欢的作家。 appear to be [sth] v expr (seem, look)看起来像;似乎;表面上看Ken appears to be very dedicated to his family.肯似乎对家庭很有奉献精神。 appear to be doing [sth] v expr ([sth]: seem)看起来正在The rain appears to be easing off.雨看起来要停了。 be apprehensive about [sth] adj + prep (be nervous about [sth])对…忧虑;对…担心I'm apprehensive about moving to Japan; I have never lived abroad before.我对移居日本感到担心; 我以前从未在国外生活过。 be armed to the teeth v expr figurative (have many weapons)武装到了牙齿;全副武装Switzerland is a neutral nation, but is also armed to the teeth to preserve its neutrality. be armed to the teeth with [sth] v expr figurative (be equipped with [sth])用...全副武装 be arsed vi + adj UK, vulgar, slang (willing to make effort)愿意的;乐意的备注: Used in the negative, in questions, or when there is doubt.I asked him to check it for me but he said he couldn't be arsed. be arsed to do [sth] v expr UK, vulgar, slang (willing to make effort)愿意做…;乐意做…备注: Used in the negative, in questions, or when there is doubt.The story's quite good so far, but I don't think I can be arsed to read the whole thing. as can be, as ... as can be expr (perfectly, extremely)非常;极其My sister's new baby is cute as can be.The children were excited as could be when their dad arrived home with a puppy. as it ought to be adj (correct, proper)像…本来应该的一样She completed her inspection and found that everything was as it ought to be.她完成了检查,发现所有东西都保持原本的模样。 as it ought to be adv (in an ideal state)按照…本来理想的状态;按照…本来应该成为的样子Her speech gave us a vision of the world as it ought to be. as it should be adj (correct, proper state)像…本来应该的一样The bus driver checked that everything was as it should be before switching on the engine.在启动引擎前,公交车司机确认所有都跟本来应该的一样。 as it should be adj (in a desirable state)按照…本来理想的状态;按照…本来应该成为的样子We felt that the hotel was not as good as it should be for the high price. as the case may be adv (whatever the actual situation)看情形而定,视情况而定 be ashamed of yourself, feel ashamed of yourself v expr (feel shame)为自己感到羞耻的;为自己觉得羞愧的You should be ashamed of yourself for failing that test!你那门考试不及格,应该为自己感到羞耻! be assimilated into [sth] adj (be absorbed or integrated into [sth])与…融合;被...同化Foreigners stand out for a while, but then they are assimilated into the host culture. be associated with [sth/sb] v expr (be related to)与...有关;关乎For many people, Christmas is associated with gifts and shopping.对许多人来说,圣诞节关乎礼物和购物。 be astonished at [sth/sb] v expr (be amazed by)因...吃惊;为...感到惊讶Onlookers were astonished at the firefighter's bravery.消防队员的勇敢让旁观者大为惊叹。 be at ease v expr (relaxed)放松的;轻松的I am more at ease when my boss is not in the office.老板不在办公室时,我感到更加放松。 be at ease v expr (not standing at attention) (军队用语)稍息The troops were at ease on the parade ground.军队在阅兵场上呈稍息状。 be at it v expr slang (have sex) (做爱)做个不停,别松懈I couldn't sleep because, they were at it all night! be at it again v expr slang (repeat usual bad behavior)又做同样的错事;又犯老毛病The next-door neighbours are at it again; playing their music so loud that our walls are shaking! be at loose ends (US), be at a loose end (UK) v expr (feel unsettled or restless)焦躁不安 be at the bottom of [sth] v expr figurative (be the cause of [sth])是…的原因;是造成…的原因Childhood experiences are often at the bottom of adult complexes. be at the bottom of [sth] v expr (be at the lowest part of [sth])在…底部The village is at the bottom of the mountain. be at variance with [sb] adj (disagreeing)与…有分歧 be at variance with [sth] adj (not corresponding)与…不一致,与…有出入Your opinion is definitely at variance with the facts. be attracted to [sth] v expr (interested by: an idea, etc.) (想法、观念等)被...吸引;对…非常感兴趣I am attracted to medieval European history; I find it absolutely fascinating.我认为欧洲中世纪史非常引人入胜,让我非常感兴趣。 be attracted to [sb] v expr (sexually drawn to: [sb])对某人有好感; (人)喜欢I'm attracted to him, but he does not even know my name.我喜欢他,但他连我的名字都不清楚。 be attracted to [sth] v expr (physics: drawn to: [sth]) (物理)被吸引的The positive and negative points of magnets are always attracted to each other.磁铁的正负两极总是相互吸引。 be bad at [sth] v expr (unskilled at [sth])不擅长,…做不好Why is Britain so bad at tennis?英国人为什么乒乓球打得这么糟? be in a bad place, be in a dark place v expr figurative, informal (be in a poor state of mind, unhappy)不开心;糟糕的心情 be balding vi (lose your hair)变秃,脱发Homer is balding, but he doesn't seem to mind.霍默正在变秃,不过他似乎并不在乎。 be based in v expr (having work base)以…为工作基地;被派驻在The consultant was based in Miami but worked all over the country.这位顾问被派驻在迈阿密,但要在全国各地到处跑。 be based at v expr (having work base)驻扎在;以…为工作基地Fernando is based at the firm's São Paulo office.费尔南多是以圣保罗的办事处为工作基地。 be based on [sth] v expr (be founded on [sth])建立在…上;以…为基础His political ideas are based on his conservative beliefs.Ideally, your decision should be based upon sound reasoning.他的政治理念是以其保守信念为基础。理想情况是您的决定应以合理推论为基础。 be based in v expr (film: take place) (电影)发生在The movie is based in Seattle, but sometimes episodes take place in Portland.这部电影的故事发生在西雅图,但有些情节发生在波特兰。 be based on [sth], be based upon [sth] v expr (be adapted from [sth])改编自;基于Many movies are based on true stories.The play is based on the novel of the same name.很多电影改编自真实故事。// 这个剧本是改编自同名小说。 be a bargain v expr (represent good value, be cheap)买得便宜;便宜货The gloves are a bargain at just £5 a pair. be a deal v expr (transaction: be agreed)成交That's a deal! be a handful, be a real handful v expr informal, figurative (child: be difficult, badly-behaved)难管教;难对付That boy is a real handful. be a law unto yourself, be a law onto yourself v expr (disregard conventions)我行我素;自行其是 be a man v expr figurative (male: show strength)别害怕;勇敢点You have to be a man about this, and admit that you made a mistake. be a man v expr (male: reach adulthood) (男子)成年,成人,长成男子汉Dan's young son wants to be an astronaut when he is a man. be a part of [sth] v expr (be involved)参与;成为...的一部分Taking part in the protest made John feel that he was a part of something big. be a stumbling block to [sth] v expr figurative (hinder progress)成为绊脚石The issue proved to be a stumbling block during the peace talks. be a success v expr (achieve popularity)获得成功The chocolate cake was a real success with the guests. be a thing v expr informal (be recognized or legitimate)成为潮流;作为一种时尚His band plays something called "sludge metal". I didn't even know that was a thing! be a total blast v expr slang, figurative (be great fun)很有趣I can't wait for this weekend, it will be a total blast! be accustomed to [sth] v expr (be familiar with [sth])习惯于I grew up in India, so I am accustomed to spicy food. be accustomed to doing [sth] v expr (be used to doing [sth])习惯于;对...习以为常 be across [sth] vi + prep UK, AU, informal (be informed about)告知;使...知晓We need to make sure all team members are across these changes. be adhered to vi (not be deviated from)遵守,遵循These rules and regulations must be adhered to at all times, or you will face discharge. be afoul of [sth/sb] v expr (be in conflict with [sth] or [sb])有冲突;相抵触The defendant was well aware that in accepting the bribe, he was afoul of the law.被告很清楚,他接受贿赂的行为是违法的。 be agreed on v expr (be decided)对…取得一致看法It seems we are all agreed on the need for health care reform, but we differ totally on how to implement it. be aimed at [sth/sb] v expr (be intended for)目的在于;被用于This series of videos is aimed at preschool-aged children. be all fingers and thumbs v expr figurative, informal (be clumsy)笨手笨脚;笨拙Victor was all fingers and thumbs because he felt very nervous. be all over v expr informal (be finished, ended)全部结束The battle was all over in less than three hours. be allowed to do [sth] v expr (have permission to)被允许;可以If you do not have your passport, you will not be allowed to enter the country. Once they had finished their exams, the students were allowed to leave.如果你没有带护照,你将无法进入该国。学生完成考试后可离去。 be an instant success, be an overnight success v expr (be immediately popular)一举成功The TV show proved to be an instant success. be AWOL vi + adj (military: be absent without leave) (军队)擅离职守 be AWOL vi + adj figurative, informal (be absent without permission)无故缺席 be barking up the wrong tree v expr figurative, informal (be mistaken)找错对象了;搞错了 be barred vi (be banned from entering)被禁止进入He has been barred from his local pub because he was involved in a fight there a few months ago. be bogged down in/by [sth] v expr figurative (encumbered or oppressed) (比喻)陷入,被陷在The lawyer was bogged down in paper work. be bored out of your mind v expr figurative, informal (be extremely bored)非常厌烦;烦透了 be built like a brick s***house v expr vulgar, slang (person: be big and muscular)体格健壮的;肌肉结实的




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