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词汇 base
释义 baseUK:*/ˈbeɪs/US:/beɪs/ ,(bās)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 base n (bottom support)底座The floor lamp has a large round base.地灯有一个又大又圆的底座。usage: ‘base’The base of something is its lowest edge or part....the switch on the lamp base.I had back pain starting at the base of my spine and shooting up it. base n (building foundation)基;底;基底The base of the house is solid concrete.这栋房子的地基是结实的混凝土。 base n (basis)基础;根基The Bible provides the base for most Christian beliefs.《圣经》构成了多数基督教信仰的基础。 base n (main ingredient) (事物的基本成分,比如汤底)基,底,主要成分The sauce has a tomato base.这种调味酱以西红柿为主要成分。 base n (military: facility) (军队)基地,根据地The United States Navy has a base in San Diego.美国海军在圣地亚哥有个基地。 base n (starting point)出发点;起点;基点We used the tree as the base, and measured everything from there.我们以那棵树作为起点量测了一切。 base n (foot: of mountain or tree) (山)山脚; (树)根部They run a small chalet resort at the base of the mountain.他们在山脚经营一家小小的木屋度假村。 base [sth] on [sth], base [sth] upon [sth] vtr + prep often passive (use as evidence)某事以…为根据;某事以…为依据备注: "Base on" is more common than "base upon." These expressions are often used in the passive voice--e.g., "My opinion is based on facts, not rumor."She based her conclusion on close examination of the evidence.她的结论建立在对证据仔细检验的基础上。 base [sth] on [sth], base [sth] upon [sth] vtr + prep (adapt from)让...以...为根据;让...建立在...的基础上备注: "Base on" is more common than "base upon." These expressions are often used in the passive voice--e.g., "The movie is based on a true story."They will base the film on a short story written by Mark Twain.他们会根据马克·吐温写的一个短篇故事来拍摄这部影片。 其他翻译 base adj (dishonourable, low)卑鄙的;可鄙的;低级的His base comments offended the women.他低级的评论冒犯了那群女士。 base n (baseball: home, first, etc.) (棒球)垒The runner passed second base and headed to third.跑垒者通过了二垒,然后朝三垒进发。 base n (chemical compound) (化学)盐基,碱This liquid is a base, and not acidic.这种液体是碱性的,不是酸性的。 base n as adj (forming the base)做基底的;打底的;形成基底的First you need to put on a base coat of paint. base [sb] vtr usually passive (station)驻地在;被派驻于Tom's company based him in New York, but he travels all over the US.汤姆的公司将他派驻到纽约,但他要去美国各地出差。 动词短语 base jump vi phrasal (extreme sport)低空跳伞;定点跳伞 复合形式: air base, airbase n (military aircraft station)空军基地 at the base of prep (at the bottom of)在…的最底部We'll meet at the base of the volcano and hike up together. base camp n (mountaineers' shelter)基地营My daughter is no mountain climber, but she's trekking as far as the Everest base camp. base fee n UK (law: inherited property) (法律)世袭地产 base hit n (type of baseball hit) (棒球)安全打The batter got a base hit and the runner scored easily. base jump n (sport: jump from fixed structure)低空跳伞;定点跳伞 base level n (river's lowest point)(河流的)基准面 base level n (lowest point)基准水平;最低水平 base load UK (electronics)基本负荷;基本负载 base metal n (non-precious metal)贱金属It was a cheap base metal but the gold plating made it look expensive. base of operations n (military installation)基地;行动基地The Allies moved their base of operations from England to the coast of Normandy. base of operations n (business headquarters)总部The Hong Kong offices currently serve as the company's base of operations for global activities. base on balls n (baseball: walk awarded) (棒球)四坏球后送上垒;四球安全上垒The pitcher gave a base on balls. base pay n (basic salary)基本工资The base pay for this job is low, but as you gain experience your pay will be increased. base plate, baseplate n (metal sheet supporting [sth])底座;基座The base plate is attached to the machine with four screws. base price n (cost before extras)低价;基价The base price is $20,000; if you want a stereo or air conditioning, that will be extra. base rate n (interest rate: to set lending rate)基本利率Banks use the base rate as their starting point when deciding on individual lending rates. base rate, basic rate n (wages)基本工资We're paid £55 a day as a base rate of pay. base rate n UK (interest rate: Bank of England) (英国)基准利率The Bank of England set the base rate at 0.5 per cent. base running, baserunning n (baseball: running around the bases)跑垒 base-running, baserunning n as adj (relating to base running)跑垒的 base salary n (basic pay level)基本工资Inexperienced workers entering this firm are paid the base salary. base wage n (basic pay level)基本工资The base wage for this job is low, but as you gain experience your pay will be increased. baseline, base line n (standard, guideline)基准线These sales figures will be used as the baseline for the company's success in future years.这些销售数据将作为公司未来几年成功的基准。 baseline, base line n (baseball: line between bases) (棒球)垒线 baseline, base line n (tennis court marking) (网球)底线The player serves from just behind the baseline.球员在底线后发球。 baseline, base-line n as adj (standard)基础的;基准的The machine monitors any deviation from the patient's baseline heart rate.仪器会监测病人基准心率外的所有偏差值。 bed base n (support for mattress)床架;床底板 BX n US, initialism (base exchange) (美国军队)基地贩卖部,基地杂货店 customer base n (group of clients or consumers)客户群;客户基础The home improvement store expanded its customer base when it added a new garden center. database, data base n (data bank, collection of data)数据库;资料库Police are compiling a database of crime locations. database, data base n (computing: searchable data) (计算机)数据库,资料库The database contained four records with that name. double, two-base hit n (baseball) (棒球)二垒安打The batter hit a double. first base n (baseball: first station) (棒球)一垒,一垒的位置Baseball is so dull that I fall asleep before anyone gets to first base. first base n slang (kissing on a date) (俚语,指拉手、接吻)(约会的)第一阶段He thought the date was going well, but in the end he didn't even make it to first base. home base, home plate n (baseball: home plate) (棒球)本垒A pitcher must throw the ball over home base for it to be declared a 'strike'. home base n (headquarters, center of action)总部 home base n (games: destination, objective) (游戏)基地In this game, home base is a large yellow square at the center of the board. home plate n (baseball: batter's station) (棒球术语)本垒板A pitcher must throw the ball over home plate for it to be declared a "strike.". military base n (army facility)军事基地My aunt's a civilian worker on a military base. naval base n (military stronghold)海军基地 off base, off-base adj (mistaken)错的 pastry base n (bottom of a pie)馅饼底 plate, home plate, home base n (baseball) (棒球)本垒板The runner slid into the plate to score the winning run. power base (source of authority)政治支持基础;权力基础 second base n (baseball: first corner) (棒球术语)二垒The batter was able to reach second base safely. second base n US, slang, euphemism (fondling [sb]'s breasts) (亲密关系进展)摸到胸部How long did it take for you to reach second base with your girlfriend? tax base n (resources subject to taxation)课税基础Our tax base has dwindled since the hurricane. third base n (baseball: last of three bases that must be touched by runner) (棒球)三垒The player made it to third base. touch base, touch bases vtr + n US, figurative, informal (make contact)联系;联络We'll touch base when you've finished the first task.你完成了第一项任务,我们会联系你。 touch base with [sb], touch bases v expr US, figurative, informal (make contact with [sb])接触, 联系, 联络Touch base with me in a few weeks so I can see how the project's coming along.过几周再联系我,我去看看项目的进展情况。 triple, three-base hit n (baseball)三垒打The crowd cheered when the batter hit a triple.




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