form masters───学级主任
fire master───n.消防队长
fire masters───火之师
form letter───套用信函
old master───n.(早期的)绘画大师;早期绘画大师的作品
to master───对主人
Therefore, school, teacher and form master ( coach ) take incumbent responsibility and obligation of this task.───对此, 学校 、 教师、班主任 ( 辅导员 ) 老师都有义不容辞的责任和义务.
Management is an important skill to the teacher, the form master in particular.───管理技能是教师,尤其是班主任的重要技能之一。
Everybody sees a form master , he, as the form master has been already disappointed.───大家看看班主任, 做为班主任的他都已经失望了.
I recalled form - master of the high - school said that the purpose of teaching is to teach nothing.───就象以前中学班主任说过:教书的最高境界就是不教.
Right each student of our form master is all friendly.───我们的班主任对每个学生都很友好.
The time that arrives at a school, exactly lunch break of time, the teachers all at the right moment in the office rest, so 2 people soon found out gentle form master.───来到学校的时候,正好是午休的时间,老师们正好都在办公室里面休息,所以两人很快就找到了善柔的班主任。
Objective: Raise the art of the form master work.───目的: 提高班主任工作的艺术性.
He had been Form Master of 3A, and they wept at the announcement in Assembly next morning.
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