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词汇 bald
释义 baldUK:*/ˈbɔːld/US:/bɔld/ ,(bôld)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 bald adj (person: no hair on head)秃顶的Since Frank is bald, he puts sunscreen on his head every morning.自从弗兰克秃顶后,每天早上他都往头上抹防晒霜。 bald adj (head: no hair) (头)秃的,没有头发的Jasper, who had thick, dark hair, suddenly felt self-conscious being surrounded by so many bald heads.贾思帕有着一头浓密、乌黑的秀发,被许多光头包围,他突然感到难为情。 bald adj (tire: no tread) (轮胎)磨平的,花纹被磨平的Bald tires are dangerous, so it's important to check the tread periodically.轮胎磨平后会很危险,所以定期检查胎面花纹非常重要。 bald adj (land: no plants) (山、土地等)没有草木的;荒芜的;寸草不生的The landscape was completely bald after the wildfire.野火燎原之后,这里变得寸草不生。 bald adj figurative (without detail, excess)不拖泥带水的;直截了当的The bald denials of the witnesses strengthened the plaintiff's case.目击者直截了当的否认坚定了原告的立场。 bald adj figurative (statement: blunt)坦率的;直白的Hester's comments were bald and offended a few people.海斯特坦率的评论冒犯了好些人。 be balding vi (lose your hair)变秃,脱发Homer is balding, but he doesn't seem to mind.霍默正在变秃,不过他似乎并不在乎。 复合形式: bald eagle n (North American bird of prey)秃鹰The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States. bald head n (head with no hair)光头;秃头;秃子He quickly put on a hat to keep the hailstones from bouncing on his bald head. bald patch, bald spot n (area of scalp: no hair)秃斑 bald tire (US), bald tyre (UK) n (vehicle's wheel cover: very worn)光面轮胎;已磨光的车胎You have one bald tire but the other three still have some rubber left on them. bald-headed adj (having no hair)秃头的 baldfaced, bald-faced adj mainly US, figurative (lie: brazen, flagrant)不知羞耻的,厚颜无耻的,恬不知耻的 baldfaced, bald-faced adj mainly US, figurative (liar: brazen)厚颜无耻的;不知羞耻的 go bald vi + adj (lose your hair)开始秃顶The idea of going grey doesn't bother me, but I'd hate to go bald.




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