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词汇 at hand
释义 at hand See also: at the hands of主要翻译 at hand expr (nearby, conveniently close)在手边,在附近;即将到来I keep a torch at hand because of the frequent electricity cuts.因为经常停电,所以我随身佩戴手电筒。 at hand expr figurative (imminent)临近,即将到来; (书面,成语)近在咫尺; (书面)在即With Christmas at hand, we are very busy in the shop.随着圣诞节的临近,我们店里变得异常繁忙。 复合形式:at hand | at the hands of business at hand n (urgent matter for discussion)当务之急;手头上的工作We have digressed enough, let's get back to the business at hand. close at hand, close to hand adj (convenient, nearby)附近的In flu season, keep a box of tissues close at hand.流感季,可在身边放一包餐巾纸。 close at hand adj figurative (imminent)即将发生的"Nuclear war is close at hand!" was emblazoned on the black and yellow leaflets.黑黄两色的传单上醒目地写着:“核战争即将发生!” near at hand adj figurative (close, approaching)在不久的将来;即将到来The grapes are ripening; harvest time is near at hand. near at hand adj (very near)在手边;近在咫尺He always keeps a pipe and tobacco near at hand.




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