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词汇 apple
释义 appleUK:*/ˈæpəl/US:/ˈæpəl/ ,(ap′əl)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 apple n (fruit)苹果While many people prefer red apples, Joe likes green apples.很多人喜欢红苹果,但乔更喜欢绿苹果。 其他翻译 apple adj (containing or made from apples)苹果做的,含苹果成分的I really love apple pie. apple n (fruit tree)苹果树Among the fruit trees and bushes planted here are apple and blackcurrant.这里栽种的果树和灌木中有苹果树和黑加仑树。 复合形式: Adam's apple n (prominent part of man's throat)喉结A man's Adam's apple sticks out from his throat. apple blossom n (flower of apple tree)苹果花 apple cider n US (non-alcoholic juice drink)苹果苏打水;苹果汁Every October we look forward to the fresh apple cider the orchard produces. apple core n (centre of an apple)苹果核Just don't eat the apple core; there are seeds in there. apple crisp (US), apple crumble (UK) n (baked apple dessert)苹果酥I prefer apple crisp to apple pie because I really don't care for pastry crusts. apple crumble n UK (sweet baked pie)烤苹果奶酥We were served delicious apple crumble and custard.I like it when my mum makes apple crumble from the apples that we grow in the garden. apple dumpling n (pastry dessert)(以苹果为馅的)苹果布丁We are having spaghetti for dinner and apple dumpling for dessert. apple juice n (soft drink made from apples)苹果汁My daughter's favorite drink is apple juice. apple of [sb]'s eye n (beloved person)某人的掌上明珠Jenny loved all her children, but her eldest child was the apple of her eye.珍妮深爱着自己所有的孩子,不过长子是她的掌上明珠。 apple picking n (harvesting of apples from orchard)摘苹果The county population doubles during apple picking season when the pickers come to town. apple pie n (pastry dessert)苹果派They served apple pie with ice cream for dessert.他们将苹果派和冰淇淋作为点心。 apple-pie adj US, figurative (traditional American values)传统美国价值观的;美国传统的 apple sauce n (fruit purée)苹果酱;苹果沙司Roast pork is traditionally served with apple sauce. apple tart n (sweet pastry)苹果饼;苹果馅饼It takes less time to make an apple tart than to make an apple pie. apple tree n (tree bearing apples)苹果树The story about George Washington cutting down the apple tree is a myth. applesauce (US), apple sauce (UK) n (sweetened stewed apples)苹果酱Roast pork is traditionally served with applesauce.烤猪肉的传统吃法是要加苹果酱。 the Big Apple n (nickname of New York City)纽约市 bobbing for apples, apple bobbing n (Halloween game) (游戏)咬苹果 candy apple (US), toffee apple (UK) n (apple covered in syrup)焦糖苹果She loves getting candy apples at Halloween. cider n US (non-alcoholic apple juice)苹果汁Hot cider is a popular drink in the autumn. colocynth, bitter apple n (plant: gourd family)药西瓜 colocynth, bitter apple n (fruit of colocynth plant)药西瓜果实 crab apple, also UK: crabapple, crab-apple n (small, sharp-tasting wild apple)山楂子备注: 小颗的、味道重的野苹果My grandmother used to make delicious jelly from crab apples which grew on a tree in her garden. custard apple, cherimoya n (fruit: white flesh) (一种水果)南美洲番荔枝 green apple n (variety of apple with green skin)青苹果;绿苹果A green apple is crisp and has a tart flavor. Jerusalem artichoke, sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple, topiambour n (root vegetable) (学名)菊芋;洋姜,鬼子姜Once you plant some Jerusalem artichokes in your garden, it's very hard to get rid of them! oak gall, oak apple n (plant disease)栎瘿;栎五倍子 rotten apple, bad apple n (decomposing apple)烂苹果 rotten apple, bad apple n figurative, informal (person: dishonest, corrupt)害群之马 sorb, sorb apple n (type of fruit)山梨 sugar apple, sugar-apple n (fruit)糖苹果




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