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词汇 anti
释义 antiUK:*/ˈænti/US:/ˈæntaɪ, ˈænti/ ,(an′tī, an′tē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Australian:Jamaican: 主要翻译 anti adj (against)反对的We're for the war, but they're anti.我们同意战争,但他们反对。 anti, anti- prefix (against; opposed) (前缀)对抗For example: antibacterial 其他翻译 anti n informal (person: opposition)反对者Both those who favored the measure and the antis held rallies in front of the capitol. 复合形式: anti-aging (US), anti-ageing (UK) adj (reduces signs of age)抗衰老的,抗老化的The best anti-aging treatment is a good night's sleep. anti-American adj (hostile to USA)反美的;反美的人Anti-American sentiments are widespread in the country. anti-Americanism n (hostility to USA)反美主义People have often accused the folk singer of anti-Americanism. anti-apartheid, also US: antiapartheid adj (against racial segregation)反南非种族隔离制度的Nelson Mandela was a leading figure in the anti-apartheid movement. anti-Arab adj (hostile to Arabs)反阿拉伯的Some consider restrictions against women wearing burkas in public to be an anti-Arab measure.一些人认为反对女性在公共场合穿着面纱长袍是反阿拉伯的行为。 anti-avoidance adj (type of tax duty)反避税的 anti-British adj (hostile to the British)反英的People who are Anglophobes are anti-British by definition. anti-Catholic adj (hostile to Catholics)反天主教的The child abuse scandals have led to many anti-Catholic protests. anti-Christian adj (hostile to Christianity)反基督教的;反基督徒的 anti-dumping adj (protective: tariff, duty, law)反倾销的Anti-dumping duties are essentially fines to discourage predatory pricing in international trade. anti-European adj (hostile to European Union)反对西欧国家联合的(人);反对英国加入欧盟的(人)The politician is well-known for his anti-European opinions. anti-French adj (hostile to the French)反法的;反法国的人The cyclist denied making anti-French comments about other riders in the race. anti-German adj (hostile to Germans)反德的Anti-German feeling was so high during World War II that many people actually changed their German surnames. anti-immigration adj (opposed to immigration)反移民的That politician is anti-immigration, yet his housekeeper is an illegal alien. anti-imperialism n (opposition to imperialist policies)反帝国主义的Anti-imperialism is often associated with the political left. anti-inflammatory n (medicine: drug)抗炎药 anti-inflammatory adj (reducing inflammation)抗炎的 anti-inflationary, anti-inflation adj (finance: to restrict inflation)反通货膨胀的 anti-intellectual adj (hostile to intellectuality)反知识的,反智的 anti-mask adj (refusing to wear hygienic face covering)反对戴口罩的;拒绝戴口罩的 anti-masker n informal ([sb]: refuses to wear hygienic face mask)反对戴口罩的人;拒绝戴口罩的人 anti-rust adj (spray, paint) (喷剂、漆)防锈的 anti-Semite n (person: hostile to Jews)反犹主义者;反犹分子George was labelled an anti-Semite because of his jokes about Jews.乔治被认为是反犹分子,因为他拿犹太人开玩笑。 anti-Semitic adj (hostile toward Jews)反犹的;排犹的In the Middle Ages, anti-Semitic sentiments kept Jews out of guilds and trade professions. anti-Semitism, antisemitism n (hostility toward Jews)反犹主义;仇犹情绪Some people have accused the writer of anti-Semitism. anti-vax adj informal (opposed to vaccinations)反对接种疫苗的;拒绝打疫苗的 anti-vaxxer n informal ([sb] opposed to vaccinations)反对接种疫苗的人;拒绝打疫苗的人 antiabortion, anti-abortion adj (against pregnancy termination)反对堕胎的 antiaircraft, anti-aircraft adj (used in combatting air attacks)用以应对空袭的;防空的 antiallergenic, anti-allergenic adj (not causing allergic reaction)抗过敏的 antiballistic (US), anti-ballistic (UK) adj (counters missiles)反弹道的 anticancer, anti-cancer adj (that combats cancer)抗癌的 anticlericalism, anti-clericalism n (opposition to the clergy)反教权主义 anticommunist, anti-communist adj (politics: against communism)反对共产主义的;反共的 anticommunist, anti-communist n (someone opposed to communism)反对共产主义者;反共分子 anticompetitive, anti-competitive adj (trade: restricts competition)反竞争的 anticorruption, anti-corruption n (prevention of fraud)反贪污, 反腐败 anticorruption, anti-corruption n as adj (measures: preventing fraud)反贪的, 反腐的 antidemocratic, anti-democratic adj (opposed to democracy)反民主的 antiestablishment, also UK: anti-establishment adj (opposed to existing power)反体制的,反正统的 antiglare, anti-glare adj (protecting against light)防眩光的,防眩的,抗眩光的 antigovernment, anti-government adj (opposed to government)反政府的 antihero, also UK: anti-hero n (unconventional protagonist)非英雄角色;反英雄Meursault is the antihero of the novel "The Stranger" by Camus. antilock, anti-lock adj (brakes: will not lock)防抱死的 antiperspirant, anti-perspirant n as adj (that prevents sweating)止汗的I use an antiperspirant spray rather than a roll-on.我没用滚抹除臭剂而是用了止汗喷雾。 antiracism, anti-racism n (opposition to discrimination)反种族歧视,反种族主义 antiracism, anti-racism n as adj (against race discrimination)反种族歧视的,反种族主义的 antiracist, anti-racist adj (against racial discrimination)反种族主义的 antisexist, anti-sexist n (person: against sexism)反对性别歧视者,反性别歧视者 antisexist, anti-sexist adj (against sexism)反对性别歧视的,反性别歧视的 antiskid, anti-skid adj (automotive: preventing sliding) (汽车)防滑的 antispeciesism, anti-speciesism n (belief in equality of species)反物种歧视 antispeciesist, anti-speciesist n (believer in equality of species)反物种歧视者 antispeciesist, anti-speciesist adj (believing in equality of species)反物种歧视的 antitheft, anti-theft adj (protecting against thieves)防盗的 antitheft device, anti-theft device n (gadget: deters theft)防盗装置;防盗器My new car is equipped with an anti-theft device. antitrust, anti-trust adj mainly US (business: preserving competition)反垄断的;反托拉斯的 antitumor, anti-tumor (US), antitumour, anti-tumour (UK) adj (fighting tumors)抗肿瘤的 antiwar, anti-war adj (against armed conflict)反对战争的;反战的 counterclockwise, counter-clockwise (US), anticlockwise, anti-clockwise (UK) adj (direction: opposite to clock hands)逆时针的;反时针的Turn the handle in a counterclockwise direction to switch off the machine. counterclockwise, counter-clockwise (US), anticlockwise, anti-clockwise (UK) adv (movement: opposite to clock hands)逆时针地To open the jar, you have to turn the lid counter-clockwise.




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