

词汇 fooling around
释义 fooling around
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goofing around───消磨时间;随便玩玩

lolling around───无所事事

looking around───游览;到处察看;到处寻找

rooting around───翻找;乱翻

fiddling around───玩弄;吊儿郎当;虚度光阴;不务正业

floating around───飘落;广为流传

mooching around───闲逛

calling around───到处打电话

coming around───来;苏醒,恢复知觉


Come here, children; stop fooling around with empty tins.───孩子们过来, 别瞎摆弄那些空罐头.

That's quite enough fooling around, somebody might get hurt.───行了,别干蠢事了, 会有人受伤的.

They were fooling around on an Army firing range.───他们在军队的射击训练场里闲晃。

They were fooling around on an Army firing range.───他们在一个部队射击场闲荡。

I've been fooling around and I'm a dog.───就怪我这个不成材的人,净干蠢事.

Mother worries about Stuart and me fooling around these lakes as it is.───斯图尔特跟我老是象这样在湖上瞎玩,妈妈真担心.

Where have you been fooling around?───你最近在哪里鬼混?

It was not all a matter of playing and fooling around.───这不仅仅是玩耍和瞎胡闹的事情.

He spends so much time fooling around that he never accomplishes anything.───他虚度光阴太多,所以一事无成.

This isn't time to be fooling around.───这可不是吊儿郎当的时候.

On the contrary, a few students, It'seems, are still fooling around.───例?相反地?少数学生似乎还在鬼混.

Bob cut himself by fooling around with a sharp knife.───鲍勃粗心大意,用快刀把自己割伤了.

On the contrary, a few students, It'seems, are yet fooling around.───例︰相反地?少数学生似乎还在鬼混.

She's been fooling around with a married man.───她一直和一个有妇之夫鬼混。

He is out fooling around with his friends again.───他又出去和他那帮哥儿们鬼混去了.

They aren't out fooling around.───他们不会在外边闲混.

Fooling around with hard - earned savings is asking for trouble.───有了点血汗钱就游手好闲,那是自寻烦恼.


Her husband was fooling around.

We spent the afternoon fooling around on the beach.

Stop fooling around and sit down!

Have you been fooling around with something you shouldn't?

She's been fooling around with a married man.

He's been fooling around with other women.

She'd been fooling around with someone at work.

They were fooling around on an Army firing range.

Some idiot's been fooling around with the electricity supply!

  • fooling around
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  • fooling about




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