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词汇 again
释义 againUK:*/əˈgɛn/US:/əˈgɛn/ ,(ə gen′, ə gān′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 again adv (another time)再次;又一次That was fun.Let's do it again.Oh dear.I've done it again.真有趣!我们再来一次。//天哪!我又这么做了。 again adv used in compound verbs (returning, back)回到原处;返回She often runs away, but always comes home again.她常离家出走,不过又总是会回去。 again adv (in the same amount)按同样分量I'd like that much again, please.请按同样分量再给我来一份。 again adv informal (remind me)再说一次;再告知一次;提醒一下What's your boyfriend's name, again?你男友的姓名是什么,再说一次好么? 其他翻译 again adv literary (in return)作为回报;作为结果Love, and you shall be loved again. 动词短语 read [sth] again vtr phrasal sep (re-read)重新再读;再读一次 start up again vi phrasal + adv (recommence)重新开始After ten minutes, the motor started up again. 复合形式: again and again adv (repeatedly)再三地;一再地When you practice you must do the same thing again and again. all over again, over again adv (once more, from the beginning)再一次;又一次Oh no! I forgot the cake was in the oven and now it's burnt; I'll have to do it over again. ask again vi + adv (ask once more)再问Do you really think that if you ask again I'll say yes? be at it again v expr slang (repeat usual bad behavior)又做同样的错事;又犯老毛病The next-door neighbours are at it again; playing their music so loud that our walls are shaking! born-again Christian n (person: evangelical)再生基督徒;重生基督徒My sister is a born-again Christian at the Alliance Church in our town. born-again Christian n (person: converted)由其他信仰转为基督徒的人Sarah is a born-again Christian since she joined the Pentecostal church. breathe again vi + adv figurative (feel relieved)宽心,松口气Now that I'm sure he's in jail for a long time, I can breathe again. come again? interj slang (what did you say?)能再说一遍吗?Come again? I didn't hear what you said. ever again adv (at any point in the future)再次I'm sure he won't dare do such a thing ever again. ever and anon, ever and again expr literary (now and then)偶尔;时而 every now and again adv (occasionally)不时;偶尔I love a take-away curry every now and again. half as many again, half again as many expr (50 percent more)超过百分之五十;多出一半 half as many again as, half again as many as expr (50 percent more than)比...多一半;超过...百分之五十 Here we go again. expr informal (expressing exasperation)怎么又来了;没完没了When Mike started telling football stories, his wife said, "Here we go again." MAGA expr US, acronym (Make America Great Again)让美国再次伟大 Make America Great Again n US (Republican campaign slogan) (共和党竞选口号)让美国再次伟大 Never again! interj (vow against [sth] being repeated)永不! not again interj (expressing exasperation)不再Not again! I told you tomato sauce is hard to remove from white shirts! now and again adv (occasionally)时而;偶尔;有时Now and again I forget who I'm talking to and call him by his first name. once again adv (one more time, as an encore)又一次;再一次Everyone clapped and the band came back to play once again.所有人都鼓起掌,然后乐队返台又表演了一次。 once again adv (yet again)再;再次,再一次;再度He has failed the exam once again. Once again, my son forgot to make his bed.再一次,他没能通过考试。我儿子再度忘记整理床铺。 once and again expr US (repeatedly)一而再;再三 over and over again adv (repeatedly)再三;反复不断地;一次又一次My kid keeps singing "Yellow Submarine" over and over again, and it is starting to drive me crazy! The police asked me the same question over and over again. pack [sth] up again v expr (return [sth] to container)将…重新打好包 play [sth] again vtr + adv (live music: perform again) (现场音乐)再次演奏;加演My wife really likes that tune, so I'm going to ask the band to play it again before we leave. play [sth] again vtr + adv (recorded music: put on again) (唱片等)重播Even though the CD is really old, the kids want to play it again. roll again vi (throw dice once more)再掷一次;重掷一次In Acey-Deucy Backgammon, when a player rolls doubles, he can make his move, then roll again. see you again interj informal (goodbye until we meet again) (非正式用语)下次再见!I have to go now - see you again soon! start [sth] up again v expr (machine: reactivate)重新启动;重启;重新发动;重新激活 then again conj colloquial (on the other hand, however)然而;反之I think I'll go to the party tonight. Then again, I might not. there again, then again expr (on second thoughts, however)其次;反之 think again vi + adv (reconsider [sth])重新考虑 tie again vi + adv (sport: score another draw) (运动)再次打成平局 time and again, time and time again adv (repeatedly)一再地;屡次地;一次又一次地 try again v expr (make another attempt at [sth])再试一次;再度尝试If you don't get it right the first time, then you should try again. until we meet again, Until we meet again! interj (goodbye for now)再会;下次再见 until we meet again expr (for now, until our next meeting)直到我们再次相遇Please take care of my sister until we meet again. yet again adv (once more, another time)又一次;再一次I cannot believe that you arrived late yet again! He came, yet again, with more futile arguments. You can say that again! interj slang (yes: emphatically)我同意;你说对了“This new gadget's just brilliant.” “You can say that again!”




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