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词汇 folic acid
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folic acid发音

n.叶酸,维生素B; 福怀特; 维生素BC



folic acids───[生化]叶酸,维生素B

folinic acid───亚叶酸

cholic acid───[有化]胆酸

formic acid───[有化]甲酸;[有化]蚁酸

toluic acid───甲苯酸

boric acid───硼酸

iodic acid───[无化]碘酸

malic acid───n.[有化]苹果酸;羟基丁二酸

oleic acid───十八烯酸,[有化]油酸


Folic acid is a water soluble vitamin and these are very rarely toxic.───电子维生素是非常重要的多种功能在体内.

They concluded that folic acid lowers the concentrations homocysteine in the blood.───他们的结论是:叶酸可降低血液中同型半胱氨酸的浓度.

Folic Acid helps maintain a healthy heart and helps to prevent neural tube defects in pregnancy.───叶酸有助于保持心脏健康,有助于防止孕期神经管缺陷.

Now It'seems folic acid may also prevent heart defects.───现在证明它还能降低先心病的发生.

The dark green vegetable spinach contains folic acid that prevents problems in developing fetuses.───菠菜是一种深绿色的蔬菜,它含有的叶酸可以防止胚胎在成长中可能出现的问题.

When should a woman start taking folic acid?───准备怀孕的女性要从什么时候开始补充叶酸?

It is 91 that the folic acid lacks the sensitiveness. 6 % , peculiar is 95 %.───叶酸缺乏敏感性为91.6% 、 特异性为95%.

Dark green, leafy produce, like broccoli, is a good dietary source of folic acid.───深绿色叶子菜如花菜是不错的摄取叶酸的来源.

Women who are not eating a balanced diet that includes folic acid are also at risk.───未均衡摄入营养(包括未摄入叶酸)的妇女同样存在很大风险.

Dietary supplements that contain folic acid can also be helpful to a women who is pregnant.───营养补充剂含有叶酸,对怀孕的妇女也是有帮助的.

Folate is a B vitamin and folic acid is the supplemental form of folate.───B族维生素叶酸盐用于补剂时,即为叶酸.

Folic acid supplementation is used to improve erythropoiesis in chronic hemolytic anemia.───慢性溶血性贫血患者使用叶酸治疗可促进红细胞生成.

Iron and folic acid supplements are frequently given to pregnant women.───铁剂和叶酸片常被配给孕妇服用。

Objective To observe the adjuvant therapeutic effect of folic acid on acute diarrhea in infants.───目的使用叶酸对急性婴幼儿腹泻的佐治的疗效观察.

Broccoli contains folic acid.───西兰花里含叶酸。

Eat foods that include folic acid like orange juice, leafy green vegetables and fortified breakfast cereals.───应当吃叶酸含量比较丰富的食物,比如桔汁, 多叶蔬菜,早餐粥.

Objectie To assess the safety and efficacy of folic acid supplementation for preventing colorectal adenomas.───目的:评估补充叶酸对于预防结直肠腺瘤的安全性和有效性.

Bitter melons are low in calorie, high in potassium, vitamin C and folic acid.───苦瓜的营养特色是热量低, 含有丰富的钾 、 维他命C与叶酸.

There has also been some interesting research on the link between folic acid and depression.───还有一些令人感兴趣的研究课题是关于叶酸与抑郁的关系.

In Quebec, flour and pasta have been fortified with folic acid since 1998.───魁北克从1998年开始加强往面粉和通心粉中添加叶酸.

Iron and folic acid supplements are frequently given to pregnant women.───铁和叶酸补充剂常给孕妇服用。

Folic acid helps prevent neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida.───叶酸能帮助防止诸如脊柱裂等神经管畸形出生缺陷的发生.

Deficiencies of iron, folic acid, vitamin C, copper, zinc, and vitamin Amay fed infants and chelloldren.───婴儿及儿童饲育不当也会造成铁 、 酸 、 维他命C 、 铜 、 锌和维他命A等的不足.

What to eat B 12 of can additional folic acid, vitamin, iron?───吃什么能补充叶酸 、 维生素B12 、 铁?

Eat broccoli. Broccoli has folic acid, which aids stress reduction.───吃西兰花. 西兰花含有维生素B, 可以用来降低压力.

Some epidemiological and animal studies hae suggested that folic acid supplementation may prevent colorectal tumours.───一些流行病学和动物研究曾显示叶酸可预防结肠直肠肿瘤.

In order to divide properly cells need adequate folic acid.───如果要分裂一定量的细胞,需要有足够的叶酸.

The results suggest that folic acid or folinic acid can protect the less differentiated cells in the intestinal crypts.───结果表明,叶酸或亚叶酸可以保护肠隐窝中分化程度较低的细胞。





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