foley artists───拟音师;音效师
folk artist───民间艺术
body artist───人体艺术;身体艺术(bodyart的变形)
solo artist───独奏艺术家;独唱艺人
female artist───女艺术家
con artist───骗子;以花言巧语骗人的人;过上了舒适懒散生活的人
folk arts───民间艺术;民间美术
mime artist───哑剧演员;默剧
mimed artist───哑剧演员;默剧
That’s where the foley artist steps in, re-creating and recording those other noises, from footsteps to crackling fires, as discrete layers that can be edited into the scene.───这正是拟音艺术家的用武之地,他们重建并录下其他响声,从脚步声到开枪的噼啪声,都以离散分层的形式编辑进场景之中。
Foley artist Marko Costanzo, whose more than 400 film credits include the Departed and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, has produced audio for countless duels in his 28 years on the job.───拟音艺术家马科·科斯坦索(Marko Costanzo)曾参与400余部影片的后期制作,其中就包括《无间行者》与《卧虎藏龙》,在其长达28年的职业生涯里,为无数打斗场景制作过声音。