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词汇 flu shot
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foul shot───罚球;罚球所得的一分

foul shots───罚球;罚球所得的一分

rifle shot───步枪射击

slung shot───n.(武器)铁头鞭,链槌,飞石

flue stop───风管音栓

flush out───冲掉,排出;驱赶出来

free shot───无人防守射门;射空门


Others, as a flu shot a year.───其他疫苗接种, 例如流感疫苗,每年需注射一次.

Should I bother getting a seasonal flu shot?───我们怎样获得猪流感疫苗?

Therefore, you won't flu from a flu shot.───所以, 你不会因为注射疫苗而感染流感.

Go Exercise Before Your Flu Shot?───注射流感疫苗前需要运动 吗 ?

How do a swine flu shot?───儿童对猪流感有高风险 吗 ?

So we should get a flu shot?───那么我们应该注射流感疫苗 吗 ?

Later that day, all of the participants got flu shot.───当天晚些时候, 所有的参与者都注射了流感疫苗.

She visited the local medical clinic for a flu shot.───她到附近的诊所去打治流感的针.

Do you think I should get a flu shot while I am there?───你认为我是否应该在他那里接受感冒预防针的注射?

The nurse gave him a flu shot.───那位护士给他注射了一剂流感疫苗.

Many in the medical world recommend it for the elderly, but the spread of the flu is done by contact with people. Therefore, everyone should consider getting the flu shot.───医学界众多专家建议老人采用这种措施,但流感是通过与人接触传播的,因此每个人都应该考虑注射流感疫苗。

Therefore, you won't catch the flu from a flu shot.───因此, 你是不会因注射流感疫苗而感染流感病毒的.

Everyone's immune system reacts differently to a flu shot.───每个人的免疫系统对流感疫苗的反应都不一样.

Gordon: The World Health Organization. Everyone knows that. So we should get a flu shot?───戈登: 世界卫生组织. 人人都知道. 那么我们应该注射流感疫苗 吗 ?

I had a flu shot last week.───我上周便打了流感预防针。

The nurse gave me a flu shot.───护士给我打了治疗流感的针.


Like the flu shot, the pneumococcal vaccine, which protects against pneumonia, meningitis and bacteremia (a blood infection), is recommended for older adults, and those with established heart disease.

The flu shot is an inactivated vaccine that contains killed virus and is administered intramuscularly, usually in the arm.

She got a flu shot about two weeks ago and is armed with hand sanitizer in the classroom.

Q.. My pediatrician gives our son a flu shot every fall.

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