Butter with and without oil
Terreano put a pat of butter on his plate.───特里诺把一小块奶油放在他盘子里。
Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter.───向日葵所制人造黄油的脂肪含量与黄油脂肪含量相同。
As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.───作为食品配给制的一种遗留影响,他们总把黄油和人造黄油混在一起吃。
The mobile phone business was actually his bread and butter.───移动电话业务实际上是他的主业。
Use poly8.5unsaturated spread instead of butter.───用多不饱和抹酱取代黄油。
Butter, margarine, and oily fish are all good sources of vitamin D.───黄油、人造黄油和多脂鱼都含有丰富的维生素D。
Top the steaming hot potatoes with a knob of butter.───在冒热气的马铃薯上放一小块黄油。
In a large microwave-proof dish, melt butter for 20 seconds.───让黄油在微波适用的大盘子里熔化20秒钟。
First, melt two ounces of butter.
You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe.
Butter to butter is no relish.
Besides milk and butter, we need some vegetables.
Not all butter that the cow yields.
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