

词汇 flood with
释义 flood with
flood with发音

被…淹; 挤满,充满



fool with───戏弄

closed with───vt.靠近;接受;答应;以…结束

along with───沿(顺)着;连同……一起;与……一道;除了……

close with───vt.靠近;接受;答应;以…结束

flood out───因洪水而被迫离开

flood tide───涨潮;高峰

flood wall───防洪石堤


I will flood with DESCO jobs after three months hibernate.───经过了3个月的冬眠,我即将被学生会的工作给淹没.

Being frightened makes your brain flood with healthy chemical substances that excite your mood and release feelings of great excitement.───受惊吓时会让你的大脑充满一些健康的化学物质,能刺激你情绪,让你十分兴奋。

Flood with a small amount of powder to be scrubbed.───用少量去汛粉擦洗即可.

Of spill or leak flood with water to polymerize.───产品外溅或泄露的措施:用水冲使其聚合.

Of spill or leak : flood with water to polymerize. Soak up with an inert absorbent.───产品外溅或泄露的措施: 用水冲使其聚合. 用惰性吸收剂浸润.

bodies flood with the stress hormone cortisol. There's more blood flow to muscles. They get edgy, so that women think they're not listening.───体内存在应激激素皮质醇,他们需要把更多的血液供给到肌肉,因此男人更容易发怒,但这在女人看来他们是不愿意倾听的表现。

Even if the myth was centered on a real event, it is a reach to associate this with the Jishi Gorge flood or the flood with the Erlitou culture, she said.───她还表示,即便神话是基于一个真实的事件,也不见得就能与积石峡洪水或二里头文化中的洪水联系起来。


Of spill or leak : flood with water to polymerize. Soak up with an inert absorbent.

Back River silting zone width of planning for the 100 meters, and in Kanawha the design flood with high, to ensure that the body no longer occurred loopholes and sloughing.

Of spill or leak flood with water to polymerize.

The New Water Project will purposely allow the polder to flood with water and all the buildings will be perfectly suited to float on top of the rising and falling water.

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