

词汇 flag down
释义 flag down
flag down发音




flags down───打信号使停下

slag down───熔渣

slags down───熔渣

drag down───向下拖

lay down───放下;制定;铺设;主张

play down───贬低;降低;减少

slap down───vi.粗暴地禁止;镇压

flagged down───打信号使停下

to flag down───降旗


Then , outside, he got the cab that we were trying to flag down.───出来后, 他和我们招了同一辆出租车.

Let's flag down a cab -- it's starting to rain.───叫辆出租车吧,天要下雨了.

Did you see the policeman flag down that old car?───你看见警察打信号叫那辆老破车停下 吗 ?

He managed to flag down a passing motorist.───他挥手招呼一位过路的司机把车停下来.

So Joseph had to flag down a car. They got a bit further - then that down, too.───乔瑟夫拦住了一辆汽车, 汽车刚行进了没多远, 也抛锚了.

Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.───她浑身湿透,准备招手拦下一辆车。

Go and flag down a cab, otherwise you will be late for the flick.───去坐出租车吧, 在不你看电影就会迟到了.

We have to flag down a passing car in order to ask for help.───为了求援我们不得不挥手让一辆过路车停下来.

In London, it is illegal to flag down a taxi if you have the plague.───在伦敦, 如果你染有瘟疫,拦出租车是违法的.

Why do we take the flag down at night, when we just have to put it up again in the morning?───既然我们早上还得把旗升上去,那晚上又为什么要把它降下来呢?。

Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.───她浑身湿透, 决心一定拦住下一辆车.

N : ok, shall flag down the waitress?───好了, 咱们可以招手叫服务员过来 吗 ?

Shippea Hill is a request stop, so passengers must flag down the driver if they want to board.───西皮亚山火车站是招呼站,因此如果旅客想在该站上车,须打旗号向司机示意。


He managed to flag down a passing motorist.

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