time deposit───[金融]定期存款
direct deposit───一种工资直接进入帐户的付薪方法
fixed cost───[会计]固定成本,不变成本
fixed point───[物]定点;[数][物]固定点
time deposits───[金融]定期存款
direct deposits───一种工资直接进入帐户的付薪方法
demand deposit───[金融]活期存款
mineral deposits───矿床学
sizeable deposit───可观的矿床
Fixed rate bonds pay a pre - determined couponFRNs pay coupons premium above the bank's fixed deposit rate.───固定利率债券支付预决息票,浮动利率债券根据银行存款利率贴水支付息票.
What do you prefer, a current deposit or fixed deposit?───您是要存活期还是定期?
What are the interest rates for fixed deposit accounts?───定期户口和利息有多少?
My fixed deposit certificate fell due yesterday.───我的定期存折昨天到期了。
Here is my fixed deposit receipt.───这是我的定期存款单.
B : Fixed deposit or current deposit?───B: 定期存款还是活期存款?
I'd like to put ten thousand dollars in a three-year fixed deposit.───我存一万美元的三年定期。
OK . I decide to open a fixed deposit account with you.───我决定了,就存定期的啦.
You can have fixed deposit account.───您可以存定期.
My fixed deposit certificate was due yesterday. I want to take out all the money.───我的定期存单昨天到期了。我想把钱全部取出。
You can have fixed deposit account. It earns you more interest.───你可以存定期. 这样可以多得利息.
You can have a fixed deposit account. It earns you more interest.───您可以开个定期储蓄账户, 那您就可以得到更多利息.
A 500,000 yuan fixed deposit is a minimum requirement for the bank's advanced members.───拥有五十万元固定存款是成为该银行高级会员的低限.
Can I extend my fixed deposit when it's due?───到期时我可否延续定期存款?
The rate of annual interest of fixed deposit is 7 per cent.───定期的年利率为7%.
B : What kind of deposit, fixed deposit or current deposit?───B: 您想开什么类型的存款账户, 定期账户还是活期账户?
I think the Interest rate of the fixed deposit is very close to that of funds.───我认为定期储蓄的平均收益率将会和基金的差不多.
- fixed costs
- fixed stare
- fixedly means
- fixed assets
- fixedly synonym
- fixed rate
- fixed resistor
- fixed charge
- fixed deposit
- fixedly in a sentence
- fixed capital