fit note───调整注释
sick notes───病假条
freight notes───[交]运费单
credit notes───欠款单据;保值单据;信用证
eighth notes───八分音符
fit outs───装备;配备;供应
traditional Navy Plotting, there are simple figures and concise character notes which haven t been fit for the campaign mode and field environment.───传统的海军标图中简单的图形和简练的文字注记,已经不能适应瞬息万变的作战样式和战场环境。
Write out a revised outline. Watch all the footage several times, making notes of clips and segments that can fit in with the outline or would make good transitional moments.───看所有拍好的影像并做笔记。看看制片人为拍摄所拟定的大纲,重新校订修改。把所有拍摄看上几遍,记下适合提纲或者能成为好的过渡期的片段和部分。再次修改提纲,要包括所有这些新的内容。
Lotus Notes has survived the changes in the industry because it is a flexible product users can customize to fit their changing needs.───Lotus Notes能够在行业的变迁中生存下来,因为它是一个灵活的产品,用户可以定制它来适应变化的需求。
- fitful sleep
- fitting instructions
- fit man
- fitz x sophie
- fitchew is an archaic name for what creature
- fit size
- fit well
- fitbit coach
- fitt chart
- fitch group
- fitbit surge
- fitter and healthier
- fitch rewards
- fit design
- fitch data
- fitness times
- fitches define
- fitness fanatic
- fit in with
- fitted stereo
- fit me