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词汇 fishing trip
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fishing rod───n.(有绕线轮的)钓鱼竿

fishing permit───钓鱼许可证

fishing ports───[水运]渔港

furring strip───船旁衬条

yachting trip───游艇之旅

boating trip───乘船旅行

dishing up───起锅,分盛;把食物装盘,盛在盘中端上

dosing strip───n.疑似棘球蚴病狗治疗地

fishing boat───渔船


Vladimir Putin's action man image is complemented by an athletic body, famously revealed on a fishing trip when he stripped off his shirt to show a fine pair of pecs.───他就是“硬汉”弗拉基米尔·普京,自从他在一艘渔船上脱衣秀胸肌后,他那矫健的身形便声名远扬,让他的“硬汉”形象也更加丰满。

On his fishing trip, he caught three trout and a cold.───他去钓鱼, 钓回了三条鲑鱼和一场感冒.

Friday, Sir. He just left this morning on his annual fishing trip. I'm afraid he can't be reached until he returns.───星期五,先生,他今天早上刚走出去做每年一次钓鱼旅行了,恐怕要等到他回来才能联络到他。

For some guys, the annual fishing trip is the highlight of their calendar.───有些人把每年的钓鱼之旅视为是行事历上的重头戏.

Let us take a fishing trip and go snacks in expenses and fish.───我们去钓鱼,所有的费用和钓得的鱼均平分.

He just left this morning on his annual fishing trip. I'm afraid he can't be reached until he returns.───他今天早上刚走出去做每年一次钓鱼旅行了,恐怕要等到他回来才能联络到他。

This is just a half day fishing trip at Bedong Siakap pond.───这只是一趟半天的钓游,在美农的石甲鱼塘.

For example , " On his fishing trip, Bob caught three fish and a cold. "───鲍勃去钓鱼, 不光 得了三条鱼,还得了感冒.

Are you saying that the ships are out there at sea on a fishing trip?───你是说海上的那些军舰只是在钓鱼 吗 ?


Every year Peter goes on a fishing trip with all his old friends.

But the fishing trip that hot night was something different and it was to frighten and distress the boys.

Another big cod fell to Cardiff quantity surveyor Steve Williams on his first-ever fishing trip.

Let us take a fishing trip and go snacks in expenses and fish.

On Thursday was the big fishing trip on Flathead Lake.

While out on a fishing trip near Plains, Ga., former President Jimmy Carter was approached by what was described as a menacing swamp rabbit.

A business man on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree.

Diane urges the guys to take Frasier along on their fishing trip, but they take him on a snipe hunt instead.

Putin last year made it into glossy magazines across the world by donning combat trousers and baring his muscular torso for photographers while on a fishing trip in the Yenisei river.

  • fishing boat
  • fishing later
  • fishing games
  • fishing videos
  • fishing boats
  • fishing pole
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