dietary fat───膳食脂肪
dietary fi;es───饮食纤维素
dietary vegans───素食主义者
dietary fi;e───饮食纤维素
dietary habit───饮食习惯
dietary intake───饮食摄入量;摄入食物
dietary fats helpful in presenting Alzheimer's disease and other neurological disorders?───饮食中的脂肪会导致阿尔茨海默氏病和其他精神性紊乱吗?
Reduction and modification of dietary fats have differing effects on cardiovascular risk factors (such as serum cholesterol), but their effects on important health outcomes are less clear.───饮食脂肪之降低与调整对心血管危险因子有不同的效果(像是血清胆固醇),但它们在重要健康成果上的效果较不清楚。
The relationship between dietary fats and human Health is a important problem which is deeply concerned by public.───膳食脂肪和人体健康的关系是人们十分关心的一个问题,也是目前学术研究的一个重要课题。
Dietary fats are important for overall health, helping with the absorption of vitamins and the protection of vital organs.───膳食脂肪对整体健康是很重要的,能够促进维生素吸收及重要器官的保护作用。
Dietary fats found in foods are essential to unsure absorption of fat-soluble nutrients.───食品中的膳食脂肪是必不可少的脂溶性养分素的接收不肯定。
Are some dietary fats helpful in presenting Alzheimer's disease and other neurological disorders?───饮食中的脂肪会导致阿尔茨海默氏病和其他精神性紊乱吗?
Is utilized by the body to produce energy in preference to being stored as body fat like other dietary fats───和其它食用油比较,椰子油被身体利用来制造能量,而不是被做为脂肪储存
Understanding Dietary Fats and Oils - A Scientific Guide to their Health Effects───发表的论文《理解饮食油脂—对它们健康作用的科学指导》
Effects of dietary fats on cardiovascular diseases───膳食脂肪对心血管疾病的影响
Bile acids are necessary for the absorption of dietary fats and cholesterol from the intestine.
- dietary need crossword
- dietary fats
- dietary supplements