

词汇 fishing line
释义 fishing line
fishing line发音

n.钓丝; 纶



fishing lines───钓丝,钓鱼线

finishing line───(赛跑的)终点线

firing line───作战最前线,射击线

washing line───晾衣绳

finishing lines───终点线,终航线

washing lines───晾衣绳

firing lines───作战最前线,射击线

fish line───n.钓丝

fishing net───渔网


I felt a quick pull on my fishing line.───我感到鱼线给突然拉了以下.

But we still never cast a single fishing line into the water.───而我们从来没有伸过一次鱼竿。

A single strand of untwisted synthetic fiber , such as nylon , used especially for fishing line.───(合成纤维的)单丝, 单纤维. (即还没有搓和的单根合成纤维)

It is a fishing line.───它是一根钓鱼用的线.

Attach it to a shoelace or a string, and you've got yourself a fishing line.───把它系在鞋带或细线上,钓鱼线就大功告成了。

One day he sat by his fishing line, looking down into the clear water.───一天,他坐在钓鱼线旁边, 看着清澈的水.

Daddy helps me get my fishing line into the water.───爸爸帮助我把钓鱼线放入了水中。

Fishing line and then move a little, do not take tension.───接着钓丝又动了一下, 拉力不猛.

Rescue workers removed the fishing line, and the pelican is expected to fully recover.───营救人员解开了钓鱼线.这只塘鹅不久就能痊愈.

Fishing line with right hand to touch the old man and found that hand is bleeding.───老头用右手去摸钓丝,发现那只手正在流血.

Coconuts provide " meat ", drink, oil, soap and fiber for fishing line.───椰子提供 “ 肉类 ”, 饮料 、 油脂 、 肥皂和做钓(鱼)丝的纤维.

With hand line fishing, a fishing line containing weights and a lure may also be used.───在手线钓中, 还会用到带有一定重量和一个鱼诱的鱼线.

He made a cast with a fishing line.───他抛下了鱼线.

The fishing line is made of gut.───钓鱼线是羊肠线做的.

Seated, remove the rod, handle the fishing line, under the good fish catch.───坐定后, 取出鱼竿, 理好鱼线, 下好鱼钓.

I felt the fishing line jerk.───我感觉到钓丝猛然一动.

a nylon fishing line───尼龙钓线

Japanese scientists attracted the squid toward cameras attached to a baited fishing line.───日本科学家对照相机附在鱿鱼吸引了鱼饵钓鱼路线.

The cork on a fishing line bobbed up and down on the water.───钓丝上的浮子在水面上下跳动.

Take the fishing line right by the rocks.───取走岩石右边的渔绳.

Thread the fishing line through the straw.───将钓鱼线穿过吸管.

My fishing line get entangled with weeds.───我的钓鱼线和水草缠在一起了.

My fishing line got entangled in some weeds.───我的钓鱼线同杂草纠缠在一起.

He cast his fishing line into the lake every evening.───他每天傍晚在湖边钓鱼.

He reeled in his fishing line.───他收绕钓丝.

He used the thumb and index finger right hand gently holds fishing line.───他用右手的大拇指和食指轻轻捏着钓丝.

She reeled up her fishing line and went back with an empty bucket.───她把鱼线收回,提着一个空桶回来了.


The cork on a fishing line bobbed up and down on the water.

  • fishing boat
  • fishing later
  • fishing games
  • fishing videos
  • fishing boats
  • fishing pole
  • fishing nets
  • fishing line
  • fishing ground




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