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词汇 first off
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fight off───vt.击退;排斥;竭力避免

fire off───升火,发射;熄火

fired off───升火,发射;熄火

fires off───升火,发射;熄火

worst off───最坏的情况

firing off───升火,发射;熄火

first born───adj.头生的;最长的;n.长子;长女

first down───第一次进攻

first form───第一范式


First off, let's see how much it'll cost.───首先咱们看看这要花多少钱。

First off, I want you to cut the grass.───首先, 我想让你把草割了.

First off, you can't be seen looking like you are scoping out.───首先, 你不能显得你正在仔细地观察那里.

First off, you won't be picking up a $ 200 VGA handheld any time soon.───首先, 一段时间内,很难以200澳元的价格买到一台配置VGA屏幕的掌机.

First off, hallucinated units still have the same hit points original unit, but take double damage.───首先,跟星际1一样, 幻象体的生命值跟本体一样, 但是幻象体会受到双倍伤害.

First off, huge apologies for last month's confusing report.───首先,要对上个月那篇交代不清的报道表示深深的歉意.

Dean, her mother, and brother were placed in lifeboat 10, and they were among the first off the liner out of the 706 passengers and crew who escaped.───迪安、她的妈妈以及兄弟被送上了10号救生艇里,在最终生还的706名乘客和船员中,他们是第一批离开游轮的。

First off , the injury question is something of a wash.───伤病问题就像化妆中的一些必需品,是非常重要的.

I want to first off apologize any confusion caused by our Customer Service Department's response.───首先我们将表示歉意如果我们的客服部门的回应不甚明晰.

First off, the penalty is not the point; the principle is.───首先, 重点倒不是我被惩罚, 关键是原则的问题.

First off, let's see how much it'll cost.───首先, 让我们看看要花多少钱.

First off, we'll define some words and draw some lines in the sand.───首先, 我们将定义一些词语,并且在沙子中画几条线出来.

First off, get down to basics.───首先,要从基础做起。

First off, he gave a rundown on the movie's story.───首先, 他简要介绍了一下故事梗概.

First off, let's talk about the model system.───首先, 让我们说说型号系统.

First off, please tell us a bit about yourself ( Name , location, interests, etc ).───首先, 请自我介绍一下吧 ( 名字, 住址, 兴趣等待 ).

First off, let's see where we agree and disagree.───首先, 我们来看看我们的共同点和不同点在什么地方.

First off, it morphs back into deficit a seasonally - adjusted basis – for the seventh month a row.───一经季节因素调整, 顺差就又变回到了逆差,而且是连续第7个月出现逆差.


First off, I must state, as always, I like the Star sports section.

First off I didn't agree with the comments in your email.

First off, there are our own prejudices, part folklore, part superstitious fear.

First off, let me say that when it comes to sushi, Tucson is no culinary slouch.

Well, first off, I want to know what you've done with the money I gave you.

First off I'd like you all to fill in an evaluation sheet.

First off, there were a good number of empty seats.

First off, let's see how much it'll cost.

First off, he decided to attack dueling, which was hardly a threat any longer.

  • first aid
  • first school education
  • first people
  • firste changebank
  • first last
  • first years
  • first rate
  • first swag
  • first stage
  • first rate staffing
  • first aid beauty
  • firstly secondly lastly
  • firstly synonym
  • first song
  • first light
  • first of all
  • first cost product
  • first class movers
  • first you
  • first served
  • first live




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