fire reds───火红
fire area───防火面积;避难区域
fire crew───灭火作业组
wine red───n.葡萄酒红
fire areas───防火面积;避难区域
fire break───[矿业]防火墙;防火间隔
fire crews───灭火作业组
Deep golden yellow, fire red, red brown, clear and flawless.───深金黄色、火红色、红褐色,清澈无暇。
The first is called "Flame", which the body is fire red, seen from afar Just like a raging fire burning, it not only looks like a flame, and even catch on to do things also.───第一条叫“火焰”,它的全身都是火红色的,远看像一团火焰熊熊燃烧着,它不光样子像火焰,就连做事也是风风火火。
She looked at the red fire and listened to the wind wuthering.───她望着火红的炉火、听着呼啸的风声。
I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue, and you say "sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you, but I'm afraid. . .───我开始对你的爱是火红色,现在却变成蓝色,而你说“对不起”时就像天使,让我认为你就是天堂,但我恐怕…
Rough-shaped trunk, dense crown, fire red, like the leaves . . . on as a quiet, unique side valley.───粗状的树干,茂密的树冠,火一样红的叶子……就那样安静的、独一无二的站在山谷里。
Poly filled with you tomorrow; today, though inconspicuous, it is onecan fire, red you tomorrow . . . . . .───聚满了你的明天;今天虽不起眼,可它却是一簇簇篝火,染红了你的明天……
Walked around over a mountain to discover in suprise that, clusters of fire red maples, like fires, burned quietly.───拐过一座山头,猛然发现,一丛丛火红火红的枫,如一些火焰,在山腰静静地燃烧。
At night, you can watch the fire-red glowing lava tumble down the side of the mountain.───在夜间可以看到火红的炙热的熔岩顺着山坡缓缓而下。
honey are to Reduce Pathogenic Fire red with cold water and hot water are used in Zhixie.───蜂蜜用冷水冲是降火的,用热水冲是止泻的。
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